Requesting Accommodations Each Semester
Students need to request accommodations for classes each semester. This is how professors are notified each semester. When professors are notified, disability diagnosis information is left confidential and never disclosed.
Follow the instructions below to request accommodations:
- Log in: Click the log in button above. Your username is the first part of your email (without the and your password is the same password as your email. If you need to reset your password, you will need to contact the because our system syncs with the university's.
- E-Forms: When you log in to the system, you may have some e-forms with information that needs to be read. Click any of the forms to view the information. When you're done, scroll down to the bottom and sign your name.
- Online Semester Review: One of the forms will be an Online Semester Review for returning students. By completing the Online Semester Review form you are notifying the Accessible Education Center that the previous semester’s accommodations were adequate and that you expect no changes for the coming semester. If there are no changes to your diagnosis or accommodations, this form will allow for you to immediately request accommodation for your classes.
- Request to Change or Modify Accommodations: Any time a student wishes to change or modify accommodations or if your diagnosis has changed an office meeting with the professional staff in the Accessible Education Center is necessary. If that is the case, please submit the "Request to Change or Modify Accommodations" form on the right side of your account. Once you have submitted this, please contact our office to schedule a meeting.
- Requesting Accommodations: On your homepage or dashboard, you will see "Step 1" with your classes listed. Click the check box by each class that you would like to request accommodations in. Click "Step 2-Continue to Customize Accommodations". At that point, you will see all of your classes with the accommodations you have to choose from. Select each accommodation you would like for each class and then click "Submit Your Accommodation Requests".
Office Information:
Roaden University Center 112
Phone: (931) 372-6119
Fax: (931) 372-6378
Mailing Address:
Accessible Education Center
Campus Box 5091
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 4:30pm