Accessible Education Center - Exam Accommodations

Exam Accommodations

How to Submit an Exam Request

  1. to your student account.
  2. Click the "Alternative Testing" button on the side navigation.
  3. Select the course from the drop down menu. Some courses will say "No Alternative Testing Agreement Specified". This is okay and you don't need to worry about it. Our office will get this information from your professor
  4. Select the type of assessment from the drop down menu (quiz, exam, etc.). If you do not see the type that you need, go ahead and click what is available and then in the comments box explain what type of assessment it should be. For example, if you are registering for an exam, but you only have the option for a quiz, go ahead and select quiz. In the comments box write, this is actually supposed to be an exam, but it wasn't on the drop down. We will go in and change this later.
  5. Select the time and date that you are registering for. When selecting a time, you will need to schedule a time between our office hours (8:00AM-12:00PM and 1:00-4:30PM). If your extended time will run into the 12-1 hour that we close, you may need to take it earlier or later. See the FAQ below if you have scheduling issues. You will need to discuss these with your professor before registering in the system.
  6. Select the accommodations you would like to request by clicking the check boxes.
  7. Write anything you want us to know in the comments box. For example, I am allowed to use a notecard and a calculator or my professor has approved me to take this earlier.

Exam Accommodations FAQ's

What if I want to take the exam at a different time than the scheduled class time?

Any student who has a scheduling conflict or wants to take an exam at a different time than the class will need to contact their professor to ask permission. This should be done before the test request is submitted to AEC. The exam should be scheduled as close to class time as possible.

What if I have a exam that will go through the hour AEC stops proctoring (12-1)?

You will need to calculate the time given for the exam and schedule around the 12-1 hour that we stop proctoring. The exam should be scheduled as close to class time as possible. If you are taking it at a different time than your class, you will need to discuss this with your professor before registering for it.

Office Information:

Location: Roaden University Center, 112
Phone: (931) 372-6119
Fax: (931) 372-6378

Mailing Address:

Accessible Education Center
Campus Box 5091
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

Office Hours:


What if I have an exam given after 4:30PM when AEC closes?

You should discuss this with your professor before scheduling a time with AEC. 

What if miss the exam?

If you miss an exam, you will need to contact your professor for permission to reschedule the exam. If you missed the exam because of your disability, you will need to contact our office first.


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