Accessible Education Center - How to Register with Disability Services

How to Register with Accessible Education Center

Registering with the Accessible Education Center is easy. Students can register with us at anytime. To submit your official accommodation request(s), follow the steps below. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!

Step 1: Submit an Online Application

If you would like to request accommodations for both the classroom and campus housing, please submit a separate application for both requests.


Step 2: Submit Supporting Documentation

In order to evaluate the request for accommodations, our office will need supporting documentation of the diagnosis. Please refer to the documentation guidelines below for more information. You can submit the documentation to the system immediately after the submission of your application. You will also receive a confirmation email after you submit the application with a link to upload the documentation at a later date. We can also accept documentation via fax, (931) 372-6378, or hand delivery.

Documentation Guidelines

Step 3: Scheduling a Meeting

Once we receive the application and documentation you will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule a meeting with one with the Assistant Director or the Coordinator in the office to determine reasonable accommodations that you may qualify for. Please keep in mind the registration process is not completed until after this meeting. That means professors are not notified of any accommodations until after this meeting.

What Happens Next?

Once you are registered and all documents are in order, an email is sent to the your professors about the approved accommodations. The notification is strictly confidential, and the professors do not receive information about the specific diagnosis. They only receive accommodation instructions for the classroom. AEC will never disclose a student's disability. Only the student determines to whom they disclose that information.

What if I want to change my accommodations after the meeting?

Once you are registered and have been approved for accommodations, you can request to change or modify your accommodations at anytime. To do this, you will log in to your account and click the button on the left side that says "Request to Change/Modify Accommodations". This is where you will explain what you would like to request to change. Once you submit this, please contact us to schedule a meeting. If you are approved for any additional accommodations, please keep in mind that accommodations are not retroactive and these accommodations will start from that point forward.

Office Information:

Roaden University Center 112
Phone: (931) 372-6119
Fax: (931) 372-6378

Mailing Address:

Accessible Education Center
Campus Box 5091
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 4:30pm


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