Student Success Centers - Spring Semester Guide

Preparing for Registration

As you prepare and plan for which courses you'll register to take, you are now able to see the course delivery format expected for the course within Schedule Planner's and .

In the tables below are examples of how your courses may look when you go to register. If you have already used Schedule Planner to model possible scenarios for your spring semester, please ensure you review each class's locations, times, and details.

Note: Course information, delivery, instructor, and other details could be subject to changes. Students are encouraged to check their registered schedule within Eagle Online before the start of their semester and also continue to check their campus email for any updates regarding courses or information from their academic advisor during breaks between semesters.


Course Delivery Formats

Always openly discuss with your academic advisors regarding any concerns you have about course delivery options, preferred course delivery method, and challenges you may have with accessing online course content. This will allow your advisor the opportunity to assess the best path for the upcoming semester and courses needed within your program of study.


On Ground (a.k.a. "traditional classroom")

on-campus instruction
Examples of this Course Delivery Format

Within Eagle Online

Example of what a conventional course looks like in Eagle Online.

Within Schedule Planner

Example of what a conventional course looks like in Schedule Planner.


Tech-Flex (Hybrid; highly flexible)

Any combination of on-campus, online, and/or live streaming class meetings. The delivery method will include a combination of the following course meeting types:  1) Scheduled class meetings on-campus; 2) Scheduled online class meetings that are held by LIVE STREAMING using ZOOM, TEAMS, etc.; & 3) Traditional Online course delivery without scheduled meeting times.
Example of this Course Delivery Format

 Within Eagle Online

Example of what a hybrid/Tech Flex course looks like in Eagle Online.

 Within Schedule Planner

Example of what a hybrid/Tech Flex course looks like in Schedule Planner.


Online has two options: 1) WEB; and 2) LIVE STREAM with scheduled meeting time

all course content is online
Example of this Course Delivery Format (WEB)

Within Eagle Online

Example of what an online/web course looks like in Eagle Online.

Within Schedule Planner

Example of what an online/web course looks like in Schedule Planner.

Example of this Course Delivery Format (LIVE STREAM with Scheduled Meeting Time)

 Within Eagle Online

Example of what a scheduled live stream course looks like in Eagle Online.

 Within Eagle Online

Example of what a scheduled live stream course looks like in Schedule Planner.