Student Success Centers - Before Advisement Checklist

Pre-Advisement Checklist

Being prepared for your academic advisement sessions is key to your success. This will allow you and your advisor to maximize each advisement appointment and also ensure that you are tracking your progress throughout your academic career at Tech. Advisors are available to help you navigate your curriculum, discover and discuss career and other life goals, and connect you with resources and opportunities outside of the classroom.

Please Note: New students enrolling at Tech will complete their academic advising during new student orientation. For more information about orientation programs for new students, visit the Office of New Student & Family Programs website.

Student Pre-Advisement Checklist

  • Setup an appointment with your academic advisor through TechConnect during the advisement period on the University's calendar - .
    • Most academic advisors will contact current students via their Tech email ahead of the advisement period to ask them to schedule an appointment.
    • If you do not know who your advisor is, visit our "How do I get advised?" page for help.
  • Access the University's Undergraduate Catalog (Graduate students should access the Graduate Catalog) for your major. Based on when you entered into your current academic program, use the dropdown in the top right to select the appropriate Academic Year's Catalog.
  • Compare your academic program's catalog information with your Degree Works audit report.
    • To access Degree Works, login to Eagle Online from within TechExpress () and click on the "Eagle" QuickLink. Once in Eagle Online, click the Student tab. Locate and click on the Student Records link. Click the Degree Works link and then the button. View a short video on how to use Degree Works.
    • Note: For students expecting to receive federal aid, please review information regarding the federal requirement related to Course Program of Study (CPoS) -
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Am I on track? What am I missing?
    • Will missing courses be offered during the upcoming semester?
    • For transfer students... Have I been awarded all of the transfer credit I anticipate to receive?
    • Do I need to ask my advisor if a course substitution is necessary?
    • Are there any current courses I may need to repeat based on my current grades?
    • Do I expect I will need to drop a course for this semester? If so, how could it affect my Financial Aid?
  • Search for courses needed for the upcoming term via Class Schedule link. Bring this list and also an alternate list with you to your advisement session to discuss with your advisor.
    • When building possible course schedule options within Schedule Planner, look at the course delivery (also called "course modality") options for each section you plan to register. Information on identifying the course delivery types and where to find this information in Schedule Planner and Eagle Online's "Look up Classes" option is available here -
    • Additionally, it is important to understand what each course section means. Some courses are restricted to some students, academic programs, or may even include additional course fees. Take a moment and look over our Course Sections guide here -
  • Be prepared to talk with your advisor regarding any questions or concerns you have as a student. Let them know if you have concerns or need help with a course, getting connected with campus resources, or planning for your career. They will be able to help guide you to the support you need.

Course Registration 101