Student Success Centers - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To support students with navigating their college experience at Tech, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to for guidance and to explore resources and opportunities on campus.

Use the themed sections below to navigate this page and information:

How Do I Get Advised?


Advisement & Registration 101 

  • Pre-College Credit Information

    Which requirements will my Advanced Placement (AP) or Dual Enrollment credits fulfill?

    Our Admissions Office has a complete list detailing what credit is available and scores needed to earn credits. Visit our Credit by Exam website for more information.

    Please ensure that you have requested any of these scores and official transcripts to be sent to the following address for evaluation:

    Office of Admissions
    Campus Box 5006
    Cookeville, TN 38505-0001


  • I don't know what I want to major in.

    Is it bad to be undecided as far as my major is concerned?

    No. College is a time of discovery. Students who choose a major will sometimes change their minds. It is recommended that you explore majors coupled with self-assessing your strengths and weaknesses. 麻豆果冻传媒 recommends that you declare your major by the end of your first year.

    There are many resources to help you identify a major based on your interests, you can explore Tech's majors () or utilize tools within the Center for Career Development ().

    Our Launchpad Student Success Center team will be able to help you identify resources and navigate declaring a major. 

  • Contacting & meeting my Academic Advisor

    How do I contact or setup a meeting with my academic advisor?

    Depending on your academic program, college, and year in school, you may be assigned either a professional advisor, a faculty advisor, or both.

    To contact your academic advisor, please use our "How do I get advised" page for guidance on locating and reaching out to your advisor.

    If you still are unable to reach your advisor or determine who that person is, please contact for help.

    Once you have setup your advisement appointment with your academic advisor, make sure you review the "Before Advisement Checklist" to ensure you are able to maximize the time you have with them when you meet.

  • Info on Minors, Second Majors, Study Abroad, and more

    If I am interested in a minor, second major, study abroad, or other academic opportunity, when should I start planning?

    Although you may not need to make a decision right now, it is a good idea to share these interests with your academic advisor. They can help you draft a schedule for taking advantage of these opportunities.

    Don't forget... You can meet with your academic advisor as much as you need to. They are here to help support your academic and personal success at Tech. Use TechConnect to schedule a meeting to explore these opportunities with your advisor when you're ready to learn more. You are also able to use TechConnect to schedule an appointment with a representative from the Study Abroad Program.

    For more information on minors, those available, and how to pursue a minor, please visit the undergraduate catalog by clicking this link - /minors

  • Planning which courses to take

    What courses do I need to take and how do I know I am remaining on track to graduate on-time?

    After you've been advised regarding courses to take for the upcoming semester, you will need to use Degree Works to perform a degree audit to see which courses remain in your program of study and determine if any pre-requisites (a course or other requirement that a student must have taken prior to enrolling in a specific course) have been met.

    You can review review the Catalog information for your major by searching the Majors site (), click on your major, and then locate the Catalog link under "Degree Details" section. You can also visit the  or  for your major or program of interest to see what courses and what their projected sequence is for each semester.

    Once you have a list of courses and options to take for the next semester from your advisement appointment, you will need to check Eagle Online to see which courses and sections are offered.

    Courses for the upcoming term are usually loaded (scheduled) in Eagle Online at least a few weeks ahead of the registration period. You will be able to use Schedule Planner to map out your planned course schedule (along with one to two back up schedules) before registration begins.

    Note: The following abbreviations are used for course planning: M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, and F = Friday. For example, a course that meets multiple days is usually shown as MWF (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) with the time the course meets.

  • I want to take a Foreign Language class

    If I took a foreign language in high school, is there an option for me to get college credit for that?

    Yes! If you are interested in testing out of a foreign language class for a minor or major, contact the foreign language department for more information on how to get those credits for free! For contact information, visit

  • Registering for Courses

    How do I register for courses?

    Students must be admitted to the University for the term they wish to start before being able to register for classes ().

    Currently enrolled students will be able to register for classes once they have met with their academic advisor for advisement. Course registration is available during each semester's registration period (see the University Calendar for dates). Information on how to register for courses is available at

    Newly admitted students will complete the new student enrollment process, which may include participating in orientation. Orientation will assist students with advisement and registration for their first semester on campus.

  • Paying tuition & fees

    What resources are available to help cover tuition and fee expenses?

    Students have a few options to assist in covering the expenses of a college degree. Those commonly are: 1) federal aid, 2) state aid, 3) university scholarships, 4) private loans, and 5) out-of-pocket funding.

    It is always recommended that students complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) regardless if they expect to be eligible for any federal or state aid. There are always new funding programs and sometimes unexpected life events that may allow for additional aid to become available. More information about the FAFSA is available on the Office of Financial Aid's website - .

    To learn more about financial aid options, university or external scholarships, or tuition discount programs for veterans, dependents of veterans, or state employees, visit our Office of Financial Aid's website at .

  • After Registration

    What do I have to do now since I have registered for classes?

    Once you have registered for courses, you will need to "Pay/Confirm" your schedule for the upcoming semester. Even if you do not owe a balance for tuition and fees for the upcoming semester, you must still complete the "Pay/Confirm" process via Eagle Online before the deadline date each semester. Doing so will ensure your registered courses, meal plan, and housing are not deleted (e.g. Purged) and confirm your enrollment for the term. Visit the Bursar's Office website for step-by-step instructions on completing this process -

    Should I wait and buy textbooks after classes start?

    No! Once you have confirmed your enrollment, you will want to visit the University Store's website () to review the different options for purchasing and renting textbooks for your courses. Waiting until after classes start could further delaying having your textbooks in time for the first assignment, quiz, or exam due to demand. Our University Store does a student-friendly textbook return policy so check with them regarding options to return pre-ordered textbooks. Note: There are some price matching options available, but please check with a bookseller before ordering.

    The University Store (located on the Ground Floor of the Roaden University Center) is students' one-stop-shop for textbooks, classroom materials, Tech merchandise and apparel, and grab-and-go snacks.

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Academic Help and Resources 

  • How much should I study?

    Every student is different. You may find that you learn best when you spend at least twice the amount of time studying as they are in class.

    For example: Awesome Eagle is registered for 14 credit hours. He manages his time so that he can spend 28 hours per week studying, doing homework and preparing for exams. 

    At first you may think, "that's a lot of time studying"... and, it is! However, you will have to adjust your study habits based on the course, content, and information. Some courses may seem easier while others tend to require more of your time.

    You also will notice that every semester is different. There may be times where more or less time per week is required. It鈥檚 necessary that you explore different study habits to find what works best for you.

    We also recommend reviewing many of the LinkedIn Learning Study Skill courses you have access to as a Tech student. To access LinkedIn Learning with your campus account, login to TechExpress () and click on LinkedIn. Once your account is setup, just search for "studying" and you will have a variety of short video workshops to help improve your study skills.

  • I need help with a class

    Where can I find a tutor for one of my classes?

    麻豆果冻传媒 has centralized tutoring coordinated within the Volpe Library's Testing and Learning Center. This tutoring is free to students and tutors are trained and our tutoring program is CRLA (College Reading & Learning Association) certified to ensure students receive a professional level of tutoring.

    To book or request a tutor for any of your classes, you can do this through TechConnect ().

    Once logged into TechConnect:

    • Click the "Make an appointment

    • Select 鈥淭utoring鈥, then 鈥淭utoring for Class鈥, then 鈥淎 tutoring appointment for class鈥.

    • Next, follow the onscreen prompts to book and confirm your tutoring appointment.

    For more information about campus tutoring, visit .


    What other academic resources and help is there?

    Along with tutoring in the library, there are other opportunities for you to receive additional help in your classes.

    Studying with groups - The library has whiteboards and tables available on the main floor as well as study rooms to reserve. To reserve a room, visit! For more information about Angelo & Jennette Volpe Library, visit /library/index.php.

    Departmental tutoring - Check with the professors and even your academic advisor to ask if there is tutoring within the department of the class that you need extra help in.

    Professor office hours - Your professors are the professionals when it comes to their classes. They are the best resource for you to get your questions answered. Office hours are a great place to start! If you are not able to visit during their office hours, you can send them an email requesting to meet with them at a different date and time. Check each courses' syllabus for information on office hours.

  • I received a grade I didn't expect

    There are several things you should do:

    • Meet with the instructor during office hours or request to meet with them outside of their office hours. During the meeting: 
      • Review the assignment/quiz
      • Try to clear up content confusion
      • Request advice on how to improve
    • Attend free tutoring or Class+, if available
    • Evaluate what you could have done differently as you prepared to complete the assignment
    • Make an improvement plan
      • Determine how you can sharpen your study skills to better equip you for the course and course content.
      • Identify if there are other students in the class that may want to form a study group.

  • I was on an IEP in high school

    I was on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in high school, do those exist at Tech?

    IEPs do not exist at any college but the Accessible Education Center can provide information on the documentation needed to self-identify. They can also provide information on what accommodations can be made so that you can be successful at Tech.

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Making Campus Connections & Finding Involvement Opportunities 

  • Campus Clubs & Organizations

    What clubs and campus organizations are available at Tech?

    Studies show that students that are involved and connected on campus are more likely to be successful both in class and with their career!

    Some ways to get involved at Tech include:

    • Student Government Association (SGA)
    • Student Organizations
    • Fraternity & Sorority Life
    • Service Learning
    • Academic Clubs
    • Honor Societies

    A list of our 200+ student clubs and organizations can be found online through Eagle Engage at

    If you do not see a group or club you are interested in then consider starting your own organization and meeting others with similar interests. More information on this process is available at

  • When do clubs meet?

    Each club/organization is different. Some meet weekly and others meet once a month. The University Calendar in TechExpress may have some clubs鈥 meeting times, but the best place to find those are in the weekly Tech Times emails or reaching out to the president or a representative from that organization for meeting information.

  • I am looking for a job...

    Where can I find jobs available on campus or in Cookeville?

    There are a few options regarding on-campus jobs and where to find them. 

    If you have a University Academic Service (UAS) scholarship, this is separate from a typical "job" since the university scholarship(s) you may have received requires some work service commitment back to the campus.

    Some students may qualify for Federal Work Study (FWS) as part of your financial aid packet and federal aid opportunities. If you received and accepted Federal Work Study as part of your financial aid package, the Office of Financial Aid will reach out to you about applying for FWS job options on campus.

    Some offices and departments hire students to assist them outside of the UAS and FWS programs, these jobs are often posted in Handshake, 麻豆果冻传媒's career development services and job portal. Local off-campus part-time jobs are also found within this system. For information on how to setup and access your Handshake account as a Tech student, visit 

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Your Health & Overall Wellness 

  • Help adjusting to college

    Who can I contact if I am struggling with adjusting to college life and being away from home?

    It is not uncommon for students, especially new students, to encounter challenging experiences or obstacles during college that they did not anticipate. One of the key things to remember is that it is okay to ask for help. Tech has staff, fellow students, and programs available to support your success. Below is a short list of resources available to guide you through your college experience:

    Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness (Roaden University Center, Room 307) - The Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness provides free and confidential services by licensed counselors to enrolled students ranging from academic, psychological, adjustment related matters, and your personal well-being.

    Residential Life (M.S. Cooper Hall, Room 217) - For students living on campus, you have access to Residential Assistants (RAs) in your hall/building, Hall Directors, Faculty Heads, and the rest of the Residential Life team.

    Academic Advisor - Your academic advisor is a great resource to help navigate you through your college experience. Not only are they knowledgeable with your academic program or program of interest, they can also help connect you to resources on and off campus. Don't hesitate to get to know your advisor, contact them with any questions, and meet with them as much as you needed.

  • Is being homesick normal?

    Homesickness is the feeling of distress by being away from home for a period of time. Signs of being homesick vary from thinking a lot about home, missing familiar people (family and high school friends) and experiences, having a negative view about your current situation, and even feeling lonely. Other symptoms may social isolation and withdrawal, anxiety and mood problems, and engaging in risky behaviors. For most students, this is very normal and occurs their first year on campus and usually within the first six weeks of their first semester.

    Some quick things to remember...

    Be realistic about your expectations of college. Expecting things to be perfect or to feel great all the time will set you up for disappointment.

    Some homesickness is to be expected and is nothing to be ashamed of.

    This is normal and many others may experience the same things you are, but just do not show it.

    It is okay to talk about your feelings and experience with friends, family, your RA, a counselor in the Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness, an academic advisor, or your peer mentor.

    Adapted from Adjusting to College by UC Santa Cruz Counseling & Psychological Services - 

  • Freshman 15 Myth

    Your freshman year is full of changes including living somewhere different, taking different classes, and being around new people. You are also now responsible for taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Incorporating healthy eating, physical activity, and sufficient rest can help you maintain your well-being.

    As a full-time student, you receive access with your Eagle Card to the campus Fitness and Recreation Center (aka "The Burn"). Within The Burn, their Health Promotions Program offers a variety of events, workshops, and trainings that allow students to find the exercise routine to stay healthy and maintain stress levels. For more information or hours, visit .

  • I don't feel well

    Where can I go if I start to feel sick?

    麻豆果冻传媒 Health Services (located on the East side of Bell Hall) offers acute, urgent care, preventative care, immunizations and allergy shots. Full-time students can receive many of these services for free or at very low prices! For more information, or to make an appointment, visit

    If it is after hours, you can visit Health Services' website which has recommended local health care facilities. 

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Other Campus Information 

  • Get started with TechExpress

    How do I access my campus email, student account (Eagle Online), iLearn, and other electronic tools on campus? 

    TechExpress () is our campus portal. It gives you one-click access to most Tech services, like email, Eagle Online, iLearn, TechConnect, LinkedIn Learning, ScholarWeb, and so much more.

    As an newly admitted student you will use TechExpress to setup your campus domain password and OTP (one-time password) to help ensure your campus accounts are safe and secure. For information and help on this process and to learn more about TechExpress, visit Information Technology Services' (ITS) how to website at . 

    Once you get logged in your TechExpress, you'll now be able to setup and customize your portal with the information and tools to help you stay organized and connected to campus resources, systems, and information.

  • I cannot find my way around campus

    Is there a campus map with all the buildings?

    To view a map of all the buildings and parking spaces on campus you can visit the website (). It will bring you to a page that displays an interactive map, a campus parking map, and also has a link to print out a 3D Map of the entire campus.

    If you aren鈥檛 able to pull that up, you can always stop by the Campus Compass Information Desk on the first floor of the Roaden University Center (RUC) to ask for help, or ask a student that鈥檚 passing by. Most students will be able to assist you in finding the right building.

  • Where is my professor located?

    How can I find my professor鈥檚 office and contact information?

    People Finder鈥 can be located in your TechExpress () portal. You can also use the website's search ( to look up your professor or other campus staff contact information. Simply type the name of the staff member to find their contact information as well as the building and room number that their office is located in!

  • When and where can I eat?

    For the most current operating times of each dining location on campus, visit .

    To learn more about dining locations, meal plans, and eating on campus, visit