Biology - Graduate Students

Meet our Graduate Students

The Department of Biology at Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ has a diverse graduate program comprised of both M.S. (Biology) and Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences) students. Our students are represented by the Biology Graduate Student Society (BGSS), an active organization within the department that facilitates and encourages both academic and social opportunities for graduate students. 

While working with advisors and mentors, our graduate students have opportunities to participate in hands-on activities to learn what they need to conduct research and gain knowledge before entering into the workfield and starting careers in their desired field.

Learn more about all of our students below:

Ph.D. Students

Peter Blum

Peter Blum

Advisor: Dr. Justin Murdock.
My dissertation focuses on how stream insects, that develop in sediments contaminated with toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), can transfer PCBs as winged adults to terrestrial consumers, including gray bats (Myotis grisescens), at Arnold Air Force Base in Tullahoma, TN. I am investigating emergent adult insect biomass and PCB export from streams and reservoirs, assessing PCB risk to wildlife, and how stoichiometry influences the transfer of PCBs.

  • B.S. Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Appalachian State University
  • M.S. Biology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Carla Hunt

Miranda Gaupp

Advisor: Dr. Carla Hurt
For my dissertation, I am creating genomic resources for the streamside salamander (Ambystoma barbouri). Specifically, I am assembling and annotating a reference genome and the species' transcriptome. Additionally, I am performing comparative gene expression analysis in order to investigate population-level differences in response to temperature.

  • B.S. Millsaps College
  • M.S. Georgia Southern University


Brooke Grubb

Brooke A. Grubb

Advisor: Dr. Hayden Mattingly, Dr. Kit Wheeler
My research takes an interdisciplinary approach using both landscape ecology and genomics work to understand species dispersal, persistence, and ecological needs. My dissertation work involves creating a species status assessment for the Hardin Crayfish (Faxonius wright) and will provide information on their taxonomic validity, habitat needs, life history, and current and future conditions that will be used to make an ESA listing decision. In addition, I am exploring environmental conditions that facilitate their dispersal in a landscape genomics framework.

  • B.S. Biology: Wildlife Conservation, Southeast Missouri State University
  • M.S. Biology, Austin Peay State University


Cory Higway

Cory Highway

Advisor: Dr. Brad Cohen
I am studying the ecology of wintering mallards in western Tennessee. Specifically, I am interested in the resource selection of wintering mallards and the rate of depletion of flooded unharvested corn fields in western Tennessee. 

  • B.S. Natural Resources Management, Grand Valley State University


Thomas Miles holding two fish

Thomas Miles

Advisor: Dr. Mark Rogers
My dissertation focuses on black bass genetics in the state of Tennessee. Specifically, I will be assessing introgression between invasive Alabama Bass and native Smallmouth Bass in Tennessee’s rivers and reservoirs. I hope to project the potential future spread and impact of Alabama Bass in Tennessee and across the Southeastern United States to inform fisheries management objectives and decision making across the state and region.

  • B.S. Mississippi State University
  • M.S. Iowa State University


Kitty Philips

Catherine 'Kitty' Philips

Advisor: Dr. Shawn Krosnick
My research and dissertation center around ethnobotany among Cherokee Women. It includes historical, taxonomic, and researched plants information. I am attempting to keep it centered around plants and methods pre-European settlement. 

  • B.S. Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½


Zoe Porter

Zoë Porter

Advisor: Dr. Justin Murdock
My dissertation will focus on assessing the recovery of ecosystem services in restored agricultural wetlands in West Tennessee and Kentucky. Specifically, I will be looking at nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) retention and greenhouse gas (GHG) production tradeoffs to better understand the conditions that optimize flux rates. 

  • B.S. in Biology at Oklahoma State University
  • M.S. in Biology at University of West Florida


Sahar Salimi

Sahar Salimi

Advisor: Dr. Mostafa Rahnama
I am working on Fusarium sp. genome evolution and structure. I use bioinformatics and machine learning techniques to identify and characterize transposon elements. Additionally, I am exploring the effect of transposon on gene expression and genome structure.

  • M.S. Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
  • B.S. University of Kurdistan


Christopher Waters

Christopher Waters

Advisor: Dr. Shawn Krosnick
My dissertation research is part of the recovery efforts for the federally endangered mustard species Physaria globosa (Short’s bladderpod). I am investigating the reproduction dynamics, reproduction ecology, and life history of P. globosa populations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana. A primary objective of my research is the metabarcoding of pollinator eDNA deposited on flowers to efficiently index and monitor pollinator communities across the range of P. globosa.

  • B.S. Biology, Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½
  • M.S. Integrative Biology, Kennesaw State University


Sara Watkins

Sara Watkins

Advisor: Dr. Brad Cohen
Broadly, I study the ecology of eastern wild turkeys. Specifically, I am interested in kin selection, social network analyses, and nest parasitism. My project collaborates with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife, The Hunting Public, Turkeys for Tomorrow, NWTF-KY, and will detail wild turkey reproductive ecology, including gobbling chronology, to aid in conservation planning for turkeys in the Green River basin. 

  • B.S. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science, University of Florida
  • M.S. Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

Office: Pennebaker 410


M.S. Students

Dalton Bonds

Dalton Bonds

Advisor: Dr. Mark Rogers
My thesis research is evaluating Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) seasonal movements and predation of stocked trout on the lower Caney Fork River. I will be using acoustic telemetry to track movements and gastric lavage to quantify stomach contents of Striped Bass. I am hopeful that this research will be able to aid state agency personnel with future trout stocking management decisions.

  • B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Management, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Avery Davis standing in water and smiling

Avery Davis

Advisor: Dr. Kit Wheeler
For my research, I will conduct abundance estimates for Spotfin Chub (Erimonax monachus) in the Emory River Watershed through snorkel surveys. I will also assess the feasibility of using PIT tags for future studies of adult Spotfin Chub movement and demographic dynamics. Spotfin Chub is a federally threatened minnow native to the Tennessee River system. This study will help with the initiation of a long-term monitoring program in the Emory River Watershed and provide critical information about the efficacy of using PIT tags to study Spotfin Chub populations.

  • B.S. Environmental & Ecological Science, Elon University


Sarah Elliot

Sarah Elliott

Advisor: Dr. Hannah Kinmonth-Shultz
My thesis is on Physaria globosa, a federally endangered mustard species. My research is focused on environmental and physiological constraints in Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, where the species is found. One objective is to determine whether the FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) gene, which influences flowering time, is present in the species and if it has an impact on flowering time. 

  • B.S. Environmental Biology, Ferris State University


Joelle Ciriacy

Andrew Gable

Advisor: Dr. Mark Rogers
My thesis focuses on the dietary overlap between invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and native Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) in Kentucky and Barkley Reservoirs. More specifically,  characterizing the feeding selectivity of both species and relating those findings to the available food resources in Kentucky and Barkley Reservoirs on seasonal and spatial levels. I am hopeful that this information can give further insight into how Silver Carp are impacting native fish assemblages in the southeastern reservoirs.

  • A.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Hocking College
  • B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Management, West Virginia University 


Eli Harris

Eli Harris

Advisor: Dr. Shawn Krosnick
My thesis research focuses on examining the floristics of Window Cliffs State Natural Area, with a particular emphasis on the limestone glade habitats. My research will involve ArcGIS and habitat comparison analyses. I aim for my study to contribute to a better understanding of the flora diversity at Window Cliffs and provide the park service with information for the conservation and management of these unique habitats within Tennessee.

  • A.S., Science, Volunteer State Community College
  • B.S., Biology - Botany, Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½nological University


Seth Haston

Seth Haston

Advisor: Dr. Justin Murdock
I am studying the spatial and temporal distributions of hypoxic zones in the Calfkiller river and how that pertains to reintroduction of the Bluemask Darter (Etheostoma akatulo). With many groundwater inputs, my goal is to try to determine where, when, and why there are zones of low water quality within the Calfkiller River. I hope that my research may be used to inform management decisions within the watershed, aid in the restoration of the Bluemask darter, and help improve understanding of water quality on the health of the aquatic species being affected.

  • B.S., University of Tennessee



Brandon Hein

Advisor: Dr. Mostafa Rahnama
In my project with the Rahnama lab, I am focusing on investigating histone modifications and their impact on gene expression and cellular processes.

  • B.S. Wildlife Biology, University of Montana


Lydia Holmes holding a duck

Lydia Holmes

Advisor: Dr. Brad Cohen
My thesis research focuses on non-breeding and cross-seasonal fidelity in Mississippi Flyway mallards.  I am particularly interested in assessing when individuals sample the landscape and what landscape factors influence the return to specific wetlands from year to year. With wetland habitat degradation occurring across the globe, I hope my research can aid in the identification, acquisition, and preservation of key wetland habitats.

  • B.S. Animal Ecology and Biology, Iowa State University


Parker Hildreth

Kirsten Humphries

Advisor: Dr. Kit Wheeler
For my research, I will conduct a population assessment on a newly discovered, wild population of Barrens Topminnow (Fundulus julisia). The Barrens Topminnow, a small fish endemic to middle Tennessee, is a federally endangered species in rapid decline due to multiple factors, one being the presence of invasive Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). I will also assess the susceptibility of the new Barrens Topminnow population to Western Mosquitofish invasion. 

  • B.S., Biology, Jacksonville State University


Joelle Ciriacy

Rachael Irby

Advisor: Dr. Mark Rogers
My thesis research is evaluating the changes in population structure of Silver (Hypophthalmichthys moltrix) and Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys noblis) in the Tennessee and Cumberland River systems through time. I am especially interested in the effects of commercial fishing incentives on invasive bigheaded carp populations. My research will provide an understanding of the invasion status, needs for control (e.g., commercial fishing, movement barriers, etc.), and future threats from bigheaded carps.

  • B.S. Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, Mississippi State University


Windsor Kiefer

Windsor Kiefer

Advisor: Dr. Shawn Krosnick

I’m studying the life history of Physaria Globosa, a rare and endangered plant in the mustard family. To do this I’m running a small garden of it here at Tennessee Tech. Physaria Globosa is only found in a few locations between Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana that we currently know very little about due in large part to its rarity. 

  • B.S. Biology, University of Kentucky 


Tony Kumetis

Tony Kumetis

Advisor: Dr. Kit Wheeler
I am studying the fish community of the headwaters of Cub Creek of the Hatchie River prior to creek restoration efforts. While doing so, we plan on studying the differences in community structure shown through molecular (eDNA metabarcoding) and conventional surveying (i.e. backpack electrofishing). While eDNA metabarcoding has been shown to be a valid surveying method for large rivers and lakes, it has not been thoroughly tested in small anthropogenically impacted headwater streams.

  • B.S., Clarion University of Pennsylvania


Claire Mason

Claire Mason

Advisor: Dr. Brian Carver
For my research, I will be studying the behavior, movement, and possible spatial distribution patterns of the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus) in Middle Tennessee. Specifically, I am wanting to investigate how these patterns differ in rural vs. urban environments.

  • A.S. General Studies, Motlow State Community College
  • B.S. Biology, Austin Peay State University. 


Joelle Ciriacy

Katie Pabody

Advisor: Dr. Hannah Kinmonth-Schultz
I am researching the effects of early successional habitats on both insect predators and pest populations in gardens. We will focus on the amount of biomass damage caused by insect pests and the abundance of both insect predators and pollinators. We hope this research will support the efforts of local sustainable farms.

  • B.S. Animal Behavior, Ecology, & Conservation, Canisius College


Emma Pabon

Emma Pabon

Advisor: Dr. David Beck
Studying small colony variants (SCV) of Staphylococcus aureus. A goal is to develop a medium for improved detection of SCV S. aureus and research antibiotic resistance profiling of human isolates of Staphylococcus aureus.

  • B.S., Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½


Timothy Radtke

Timothy Radtke

Advisor: Dr. Brad Cohen
My research focuses on the ecology of upland game birds. Specifically, on disturbance effects of off-highway vehicles (OHV) on ruffed grouse and eastern wild turkey breeding behaviors and distributions. Human-caused disturbances can indirectly affect vital rates of wildlife populations as much or more than natural predators, especially during the breeding season. With declines in both populations of ruffed grouse and wild turkey in Tennessee, I will investigate how patterns in drumming and gobbling are affected by OHV access and human disturbance.

  • B.S. Wildlife, Purdue University


Abigail Riggs

Abigail Riggs

Advisor: Dr. Bradley Cohen
My current research examines the eastern wild turkey populations throughout Tennessee and Kentucky. More specifically, the factors impacting harvest rates of male wild turkey populations across these states. We intend to provide state agency personnel with an improved harvest model to aid in successful population management strategies.  

  • B.S. Zoology, The Ohio State University


Mark Rine

Mark Rine

Advisor: Dr. Kit Wheeler

My thesis research will examine variation in stream fish communities in response to temporal occurrences of flow intermittency. To study the effects of flow intermittency on stream fish, I will sample three sub-watersheds with disparate flow regimes and, using multivariate analyses, identify what predictor variables may explain the observed variation of the fish assemblages.

  • B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½nological University


Cory Higway

Katelynn Sallack

Advisor: Dr. Amanda Rosenberger
My current research project involves updating the freshwater mussel distribution within the Hatchie River. West Tennessee is an understudied region, and many of its rivers have been highly modified through channelization. The Hatchie River remains one of the least degraded rivers in the area, and through my research, I will provide information on the freshwater mussel assemblage as well as identify habitat characteristics important to those species.

  • B.S. Clarion University of Pennsylvania (now a campus of Penn West University)


Hannah Swain-Menzel

Hannah Swain-Menzel

Advisor: Dr. Amanda Rosenberger

My research project focuses on investigating factors affecting eDNA detectability to determine current habitat requirements and the extant distribution of two rare fishes: the Duskytail Darter (Etheostoma percnurum) in Copper Creek, Virginia and the Chucky Madtom (Noturus crypticus) in Little Chucky Creek, Tennessee. Our goal is to develop occupancy modelling centered around eDNA and remotely sourced ecological data. This will help us understand the parameters of eDNA as a tool for the detection of small, rare fishes and inform mangers of potential reintroduction sites for the Duskytail Darter and the presence of the potentially extirpated Chucky Madtom.

  • B.S. Fisheries, Range and Wildlife Management, Brigham Young University-Idaho


Hunter Teal

Hunter Teal

For my research, I will be conducting a status survey of eastern harvest mice (Reithrodontomys humulis), western harvest mice (R. megalotis), and southern bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) in the Mississippi Plain of Arkansas. To accomplish this, I will be collecting DNA from fecal pellets left at bait stations set throughout the sampling region. This data will allow us to have a better understanding of the target species individual distributions.

  • B.S. Biology, University of West Georgia


Julia Thulander

Julia Thulander

My thesis will be focused on Streamside salamanders (Ambystoma barbouri) and the effects of heat stress on early development. I will be incubating field collected eggs in the lab at varied temperatures to monitor growth rates, developmental defects, body mass and snout-to-vent length. I am hopeful that this information will aid in the conservation efforts for the species and potentially lead to successful assurance colonies.

  • B.S. Biology, Dickinson College


Dalton Tyrba

Dalton Tryba

Advisor: Dr. Justin Murdock

My thesis research focuses on how light and temperature affect growth and toxin production of cyanobacteria in large rivers. I am interested in understanding how conditions unique to large rivers, such as flowing water and vertical cell movement may trigger harmful algal blooms, promote community dominance, and stimulate toxin synthesis. This project will help parameterize a harmful algal bloom prediction model for the Ohio River.

  • B.S., Biology, FLorida Gulf Coast University


Zoe Wills

Zoe Wills

I am researching how bats influence the diversity of animal life within cave systems in the Cumberland Plateau region of Tennessee. By using molecular tools as an alternative to traditional sampling techniques, I aim to conduct biological surveys with reduced harm to the cave ecosystem. This project should help state agencies make informed management decisions. 

  • B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, Clemson University

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