Your Four-Year Career Plan
Freshman Year ›
- Log in to your Handshake account and fill out your profile at /career/handshake.
- Let us help you get started preparing your first college resume. Try our walk-in hours from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
- Explore career interests with TypeFocus and Majors and Concentrations.
- Attend one of our annual career fairs and numerous workshops as part of your career exploration.
- Join at least one service or leadership organization.
Sophomore Year ›
- Update your resume and upload it into our Handshake online resume and job database for referral to employers.
- Update your Handshake account and begin applying for cooperative education and/or internship opportunities and attend all career fairs.
- Obtain your GOLD Career Readiness Certification (Freshman-Sophomore) to increase workplace knowledge.
- Improve your interviewing skills by using the online software system.
- Join a career-related or professional organization.
Junior Year ›
- Participate in a cooperative education or internship program and gain experience in your major.
- Network — attend career fairs, both on and off campus and pursue a leadership role in a campus organization.
- Don't forget to start working toward your PURPLE Career Readiness Certification and upload your updated resume inside your Handshake account.
- Considering graduate school? Begin researching programs of interest, admission requirements and testing deadlines. Attend Graduate and Professional School fair.
Senior Year ›
- Finalize your resume in Handshake and practice your interviewing skills with
- Begin applying for full-time jobs 8-10 months before graduation.
- Participate in Career Development on-campus interview, as well as attend all career fairs and workshops.
- If you haven't already, obtain your PURPLE Career Readiness Certification (Junior-Senior) to learn valuable transition skills.
- Applying to graduate school? Get assistance with personal statements and resumes. Submit applications by required deadlines.