Finding a Major
Consider utilizing TypeFocus 7 to assist you in selecting a major and possible occupations. The TypeFocus will help you identify a major that fits well with your skills, interests and values. Although TypeFocus offers you reports on each of the assessments, it is always advisable to make an appointment (through Handshake) to have your results interpreted by a Tech Career Counselor.
TypeFocus can help students navigate the difficulties of choosing the right major.
It assesses personality and vocational interests to help you sort through the myriad
of options that are available. You'll learn about yourself and use that knowledge
in all facets of your life, from work to friends to relationships. Knowledge of your
type will help you become more effective in becoming a leader and building skills
related to successful employment.
TypeFocus 7
You will need to create a new account when using TypeFocus 7. Use "TennTech" (without the quotes) as the access code when creating a new account.
Majors and Concentrations
Whether you are searching multiple majors or searching for information about a specific career field, Majors and Concentrations will help you connect majors to careers. Learn about the typical career areas and the types of employers that hire people from each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate. Continue your research on majors and careers through websites provided.