


Business Partners

Business Partner Name Job Title Email Department/Area
Carol Holley Manager CHolley@tntech.edu Academic Affairs
Patricia McKenzie Financial Analyst 1 PMcKenzie@tntech.edu Academic Affairs
Misty Kline Financial Administrator  mistykline@tntech.edu Angelo & Jennettee Volpe Library
Linda Thurman Financial Analyst 1 lthurman@tntech.edu Center for Energy Systems Research (CESR)
Lisa Rice Financial Associate LRice@tntech.edu College of Agriculture & Human Ecology
Vickie Mayberry Financial Associate 6 VMayberry@tntech.edu College of Arts & Sciences
Sherry Harris-Brown Financial Associate 3 sharrisbrown@tntech.edu College of Arts & Sciences (Biology)
Rene Watson Financial Associate swatson@tntech.edu College of Business
Caleb Cummings Financial Analyst ccummings@tntech.edu College of Education
Christina Hatley Financial Associate 5 chatley@tntech.edu College of Education (STEM Center)
Donna Smith Financial Manager dlsmith@tntech.edu College of Engineering
Melanie Hutcherson Administrative Assistant MRHutcherson@tntech.edu College of Engineering
Karen Harris Financial Associate kwharris@tntech.edu College of Engineering (CMR)
Eric Carlile Financial Associate ecarlile@tntech.edu College of Fine Arts
Michael Dyer Financial Analyst 1 mrdyer@tntech.edu College of Fine Arts (Craft Center)
Robin Miller Financial Coordinator rcmiller@tntech.edu College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Sarah Howard, Manager Manager smhoward@tntech.edu Cybersecurity Center (CEROC)
Lexie Webb Financial Manager alexiswebb@tntech.edu Enrollment and Communication
Nikki Vaughn Manager nvaughn@tntech.edu Facilities
 Shana Rich  Financial Associate 5 slrich@tntech.edu Facilities
Cassandra Gronendyke Director of Scholarships cgronendyke@tntech.edu Financial Aid Office
Amanda Powell Director  apowell@tntech.edu iCube
Kim Meredith Financial Associate 6 KKMeredith@tntech.edu Intercollegiate Athletics
Michaela Brown Business Manager michaelabrown@tntech.edu Intercollegiate Athletics
Janice Scarlett Manager, Internal Audit jscarlett@tntech.edu Internal Audit
Angie Vick Assistant to the CIO avick@tntech.edu ITS
Becky Smith Executive Assistant rsmith@tntech.edu Planning and Finance
Diane Smith Assistant to the President dianesmith@tntech.edu President's Office
Jill Debord Sr. Post Award Specialist ADebord@tntech.edu Research and Economic Development
Clay Kelsey Financial Analyst ckelsey@tntech.edu Research and Economic Development 
Sarah Starkey Assistant Director sstarkey@tntech.edu Residential Life
Kim York Executive Assistant KYork@tntech.edu Student Affairs
Brianna Young Assistant Director bpyoung@tntech.edu University Advancement
Suzanne Meyer Financial Analyst 1 smeyer@tntech.edu Water Center
McKenzie Raab Director Mraab@tntech.edu Whitson-Hester School of Nursing