Meeting with Your Student
If you suspect one of your students was involved in an academic integrity violation, Policy 216 directs you to meet with them to discuss the suspected violation. You should do this as soon as possible after you discover the potential violation. Remember, at this point, the student has not been officially charged with an academic integrity violation. The meeting should be only you and the student because it is an informal discussion to determine what happened and guide the next steps; it is not a hearing. You and your student should both be polite and respectful, even though this can be a difficult conversation. If you are not comfortable meeting with your student alone, please contact the AIO (Academic Integrity Officer) at
Below in italics is suggested text to use when emailing your student to set up the meeting. The date xx/xx/xxxx is the fifth business day after you send the email. Send the email from your email address to their address.
I have a concern related to academic integrity and your work on xxxx assignment/test. As per Policy 216: Student Academic Integrity, we need to meet to discuss this potential academic integrity violation. Please review the academic integrity website (/provost/academicintegrity) and the page for students with information about this meeting (/provost/academicintegrity/student-meeting). We need to meet on or before xx/xx/xxxx. Here are some suggested times based on my availability...
When you meet with the student, discuss the suspected academic integrity violation. Explain what the violation was and how you think they were involved. Ask questions to ensure you fully understand the situation.
Try not to be accusatory, and use this meeting as a learning opportunity and a way to educate your student about academic integrity.
Encourage your student to ask questions to be sure they understand everything you discussed.
Please also see Students: Meeting with Your Instructor to understand the meeting guidelines for your student.
As per Policy 180: Personal Recording Devices, you cannot record the meeting with your student without the express permission of everyone attending that meeting. If you would like to record the meeting, ask your student. If they say no, then you should take notes instead of recording. You will need your notes or recording to report a violation if it progresses that far.
Be sure to review the Instructor Procedures & Deadlines for information about what to do after you meet with your student. Absent good cause, if the student does not meet with you within five business days after you discovered the potential academic integrity violation, you may still report a violation.