Student Academic Integrity - AIO

AIO (Academic Integrity Officer)

The AIO serves as a neutral resource to the Tech community, including students and instructors. The AIO also facilitates the academic integrity violation process.

picture of Sharon Holderman

Sharon Holderman
Academic Integrity Officer; Professor - Volpe Library    931-372-3822
Standard work schedule: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm


Schedule a meeting with the AIO

    1. Go to TechConnect (available via ).
    2. From the TechConnect homepage, click the "Make an Appointment " button at the top right. 
      screenshot of appointment button
    3. Type of appointment: Other Services
    4. Service: Academic Integrity Officer (AIO) Meeting
    5. Choose your date. Remember, you must meet with the AIO within five business days after the charging document is sent to your email address.
    6. Click the "Find Available Time" button.
    7. Click on your desired time. If you cannot find a time before your five business day deadline passes, email
    8. Complete the rest of the form to schedule your AIO meeting.
    9. You will receive a confirmation email at your email address.


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