

麻豆果冻传媒 OER Program Spring 2024

Please contact Dr. Amy Miller or Professor Sharon Holderman with questions about this program.

  • Timeline
    Time Frame Activity
    August 2023 Faculty submit proposals by August 31, 2023, to participate in the program
    End of September Review and selection of proposals; faculty applicants notified and recipients posted online
    Fall Semester 2023
    • Participating faculty attend training and work with Amy and Sharon to select OERs
    • Participating faculty receive first half of stipend ($750) once they have completed training and selected their OERs
    • Faculty redesign their course as needed to incorporate the OER for Spring
    Spring Semester 2024
    • Participating faculty receive ongoing support as needed
    • Savings posted online
    • Student survey administered in OER courses
    May 2024 Feedback from participating faculty obtained and stipend remainder ($750) distributed
    Summer 2024 Student survey data posted online
  • Selected Proposals

    The following Spring 2024 classes and faculty have been selected to participate in this OER program:

    CUED 6010: Curriculum Development and Evaluation Kelly Moore
    ECE 3540: Physical Electronics Jesse Roberts
    ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics Chelsea Dowell
    ECSP 2400: Children with Special Needs Rebekah Marcum
    EDU 7010: Theoretical Foundations of Research Janet Isbell
    ENGL 2330: World Literature Survey Jennifer Gray
    MATH 1910/1920/2110: Calculus I/II/III Troy Brachey
    MKT 3400: Principles of Marketing Yi Peng
    MKT 3400: Principles of Marketing Hyewon Park
    PHIL 1030: Introduction to Philosophy Clark Carlton
    POLS 1030-777: American Government Cyber Edition Lori Maxwell
  • Student Savings

    Data on course savings for the students will be posted here once the classes have started and enrollment numbers are finalized.

    Course Professor Sections Enrollment Textbook
    CUED 6010 Moore 1 9 $213 $1,917
    ECE 3540 Roberts 1 9 $160 $1,440
    ECON 2010 Dowell 4 240 $195 $46,800
    ECSP 2400 Marcum 2 35 $140 $4,900
    EDU 7010 Isbell 1 6 $300 $1,800
    ENGL 2330 Gray 2 78 $127 $9,906
    MATH 1910/1920/2110 Brachey 1 (1920) 39 $248 $9,672
    MKT 3400 Peng 1 50 $158 $7,900
    MKT 3400 Park 2 64 $158 $10,112
    PHIL 1030 Carlton 3 103 $90 $9,270
    POLS 1030-777 Maxwell 1 21 $105 $2,205
    TOTALS: 11 faculty 19 sections 654 students   $105,922

    *from the faculty's proposals

  • Student Feedback
    • results will be posted after survey results have been finalized