

Textbook Affordability Faculty Options

Here are faculty options to reduce the cost of textbooks for students:

Cost-Reducing Actions Pros Cons Next Steps
Library purchases electronic license of existing textbook 
  • Offers free access to Tech users
  • No course updating
  • Available 24-7
  • Likely improved accessibility with screen readers and magnification
  • Wait for purchase
  • Low success rate; publishers may not participate
  • May not be library-provided forever 
  • Limited funds
Email Stephanie Adams with the title and ISBN to check availability
Switch to a textbook the library can purchase electronically 
  • Offers free access to Tech users
  • Available 24-7
  • Likely improved accessibility with screen readers and magnification
  • Course updating
  • Must check availability in advance
  • Wait for purchase
  • May not be library-provided forever 
Email Stephanie Adams with the title and ISBN to check availability
Switch to library-provided electronic items
  • Offers free access to Tech users
  • Immediately available 24-7
  • Likely improved accessibility with screen readers and magnification
  • Course updating
  • May not be library-provided forever 
Visit Library-Provided Textbooks for help with this option
Switch to an OER (Open Educational Resource) 
  • Offers free access to everyone
  • Immediately available 24-7
  • Likely improved accessibility with screen readers and magnification
  • Course updating 
Visit OERs for help with this option.
Put print copy on textbook reserve in library 
  • Offers free access to Tech library patrons
  • Solution for students waiting on financial aid or bookstore inventory
  • Puts extra copies to use 
  • eBooks are not always available in print
  • Checkout lasts two hours and is first-come, first served
  • Students accrue fines for late returns
  • Available locally
  • Available during library鈥檚 hours 
Visit Course Reserves to put a print textbook on reserve.

Contact Sharon Holderman with questions.