

麻豆果冻传媒 OER Program Spring 2023

Please contact Dr. Amy Miller or Professor Sharon Holderman with questions about this program.

  • Timeline
    Time Frame Activity
    August 2022 Faculty submit proposals by August 31, 2022, to participate in the program
    End of September Review and selection of proposals; faculty applicants notified and recipients posted online
    Fall Semester 2022
    • Participating faculty attend training and work with Amy and Sharon to select OERs
    • Participating faculty receive first half of stipend ($750) once they have completed training and selected their OERs
    • Faculty redesign their course as needed to incorporate the OER for Spring
    Spring Semester 2023
    • Participating faculty receive ongoing support as needed
    • Savings posted online
    • Student survey administered in OER courses
    May 2023 Feedback from participating faculty obtained and stipend remainder ($750) distributed
    May 2023 Student survey data posted online
  • Selected Proposals

    The following Spring 2023 classes and faculty have been selected to participate in this OER program:

    ART 1035: Introduction to Art Bevin Butler
    CHEM 3020: Organic Chemistry II Dan Swartling
    CSC 3040: Professionalism, Communication, and Research in Computing April Crockett
    CUED 4700: Educational Data & Assessment Marilyn Bruckman
    DS 3841: Management Information Systems Jim Jenkins &
    Seth Williams
    GEOG 1012: Cultural Geography Peter Li
    GEOL 3210: Geology for Engineers Gourab Bhattacharya
    PSY 3300: Introduction to Social Psychology Nicole Henniger
  • Student Savings

    Data on course savings for the students will be posted here once the classes have started and enrollment numbers are finalized.

    Course Professor Sections Enrollment Textbook
    ART 1035 Butler 2 168 $147 $24,696
    CHEM 3020 Swartling 1 22 $301 $6,622
    CSC 3040 Crockett 2 67 $75 $5,025
    CUED 4700 Bruckman 3 24 $83 $1,992
    DS 3841 Jenkins 2 53 $150 $7,950
    DS 3841 Williams 2 49 $150 $7,350
    GEOG 1012 Li 1 105 $141 $14,805
    GEOL 3210 Bhattacharya 1 75 $225 $16,875
    PSY 3300 Henniger 1 42 $213 $8,946
    TOTALS: 9 faculty 15 sections 606 students   $94,261

    *from the faculty's proposals

  • Student Feedback