

S.T.A.T. (Success Through Affordable Textbooks) 2022 OER Grant

  • General Information

    The primary purpose of TBR's Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Project is to increase equity in access to quality, no/low-cost educational materials. 

    Tech was awarded this $30,000 grant in April 2021, which will end 6/30/2022.  The grant money will help train faculty and provide a faculty stipend ($2700) for transitioning courses from traditional textbooks to using OERs. 

  • Grant Team

    Primary team:

    • Mike Gotcher: Dean, College of Interdisciplinary Studies
    • Sharon Holderman: Library Coordinator of Public Services; Associate Professor
    • Amy Miller: Assistant Director, Center for Global Experiences

    Additional team members:

    • Jason Beach: Interim Director, CITL; Associate Professor
    • Jim Fry: Graduate Assistant, Professional Studies
    • Faculty whose proposals were selected (see the Selected Proposals bar below)
  • Details & Timeline
    Time Frame Activity
    June 1 -
    June 30, 2021
    Faculty proposals open
    July 2021 Review and select proposals; notify selected faculty
    July - December 2021 Selected faculty attend grant workshops and work with grant team members to redesign course
    December 2021 Selected faculty receive first half of stipend ($1350)
    Spring Semester 2022 Selected faculty receive ongoing support from grant team members as needed; survey students in OER courses
    March 7 -
    March 11, 2022
    May 2022 Survey/interview selected faculty; distribute stipend remainder ($1350) after survey/interview
    June 2022 Compile assessment data; share and promote results; OEN Summer Summit events
  • Faculty Applications / Proposals

    Faculty who wanted to transition a course from traditional textbooks to OERs submitted an online proposal to earn the grant-sponsored stipend of $2700 by the June 30, 2021, deadline.  In order to earn the stipend, faculty agreed to the following:

    • Attend a grant-sponsored training workshop in Fall 2021
    • Implement OERs into a Spring 2022 course so students' required cost for course materials is $0
    • Complete the survey/interview after final grades are submitted in May 2022
  • Selected Proposals

    The Spring 2022 classes and faculty selected for the grant to switch to OERs include:

    • BMGT 3510, Alice Camuti
    • ECON 2010, Sean Alley
    • HEC 3011, Hannah Upole
    • MATH 1530, Wendy Smith
    • MET 1100, Avinash Paruchuri
    • NURS 2300, Andrew Donadio
    • PSY 1030, Doug Hensley
    • RELS 2010, Rachel Wingo
  • Spring 2022 Savings
    Course Professor Sections Enrollment Textbook
    BMGT 3510 Camuti 2 112 $240 $26,880
    ECON 2010 Alley 2 169 $89 $15,041
    HEC 3011 Upole 1 16 $113 $1,808
    MATH 1530 Smith 2 168 $200 $33,600
    MET 1100 Paruchuri 1 30 $100 $3,000
    NURS 2300 Donadio 4 111 $246 $27,306
    PSY 1030 Hensley 2 340 $134 $45,560
    RELS 2010 Wingo 4 91 $100 $9,100
            8      8 18 1037   $162,295

    *from the faculty's grant application

  • Assessment & Data