

Institutional Assessment

Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE)

Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) Measures the nature and frequency of staff-student interactions, how staff organize their time in and out of the classroom, the importance staff place on various areas of learning and development, and perceptions of how often students engage in different activities. Implemented twice in the 5 year cycle during the spring semester (2017 and 2019). Sample includes FT faculty who taught either lower or upper division courses during the time frame. 

Survey Instrument   2019
Administration Summary 2017 2019
Frequencies 2017 2019
Respondent Profile 2017 2019
Snapshot 2017 2019
Development of Transferable Skills 2017 2019
Inclusiveness & Engagement with Diversity   2019
FSSE Disciplinary Report 2017 2019
FSSE-NSSE Combined Report 2017 2019


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