

Faculty Handbook

Annual Faculty Evaluation 

Beginning on January 15th of each year, faculty meet with their Department Chairs / School Directors to review their activities for the previous year, complete their annual evaluation, and prepare for the upcoming calendar year. Each Department Chair / School Director will evaluate the performance of every faculty member in that department.  After the Department Chair review, each faculty member's annual activity is then reviewed by the Dean and then sent to the Office of the Provost. 麻豆果冻传媒 is currently in the process of transitioning all faculty review processes to a new system within Watermark. The process for 2023 is below. 

2023 Annual Activity Report 

A template for annual faculty evaluation has been created within Watermark. To generate the document, faculty will minimally enter their activities for the 2023 calendar year.  Beginning January 15th, faculty will generate a 2023 Annual Activity Report within Watermark, attach additional evaluation materials such as IDEAs, CVs, or other supporting documentation, and submit, via hardcopy or electronically, their 2023 Annual Activity to their Department Chair / School Director. To learn how to generate a 2023 Annual Activity Report or input 2023 activities into Watermark, visit the Watermark website. 

Watermark Support 

2024 Annual Goals & Planning Document 

The 2024 AGP is located below. Faculty will use this document to outline and discuss their plans for 2024 with their respective Department Chair / School Director during the annual faculty evaluation cycle. Faculty will then enter their 2024 goals into Watermark for the next evaluation cycle. 

NOTE: A copy of 2024 AGP will need to be submitted with the 2023 Annual Faculty Evaluation. If faculty have already entered their 2024 Goals into Watermark, they can generate and submit a "Annual Goal Planning & Workload Report" from Watermark and attach it with their 2024 AGP in place of writing their goals on the AGP document. The workload percentages will still need to be filled out on the 2024 AGP. 

2024 AGP (Word Document)

2023 Annual Faculty Evaluation 

The Chair/Director will then use of the 2023 Annual Faculty Evaluation document which integrates the AGP information for faculty review and 2024 goal planning. The document used by Chairs and School Directors for annual evaluation of faculty for 2023 can be accessed below. 


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