Graduate Studies Executive Committee (GSEC)
Committee Procedures 鈥 Meeting Minutes 鈥 Committee Members 鈥 Forms and Guidelines
The Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, in collaboration with the Graduate Studies Executive Committee (GSEC), exercises overall review and supervision of graduate programs and provides leadership in developing new programs and in improving standards for existing programs.
GSEC shall review and approve all policies related to the College of Graduate Studies and adhere to 麻豆果冻传媒 Policy 224 - Approval of Academic Programs, Units, and Modifications, and 麻豆果冻传媒 Policy 221 - Substantive Change, as may be amended from time to time, with respect to the approval of academic programs, units, or modifications. In addition, refer to 麻豆果冻传媒 Policy 272 - Graduate Studies Executive Committee Policy, dated November 1, 2016, revised July 6, 2021 and revised January 1, 2022.
In cases where a college wishes to change existing graduate policies, procedures, and exceptions, the Dean of that college must send a written request to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for submission to and approval by GSEC.
Questions? Contact us!
2024-2025 Schedule
All GSEC meetings begin promptly at 3 p.m. and take place in the Provost's Conference Room in Derryberry Hall.
THEC Submission Deadlines:
- All actions approved by GSEC, AC, & Board (Provost) between January 1 to April 30; DUE May 15
- All actions approved by GSEC, AC, & Board (Provost) between May 1 to July 31; DUE August 15
- All actions approved by GSEC, AC, & Board (Provost) between August 1 to December 31; DUE January 15
See more information about the Academic Counsel 禄
See upcoming Tech Board meeting dates 禄
GSEC Procedures
The President shall appoint the members of the GSEC, which shall consist of the following:
- FACULTY - A minimum of ten (10) faculty members representing the colleges in which graduate programs are offered.
- ADMINISTRATIVE - A minimum of nine (9) administrators representing the colleges in which graduate programs are offered.
- STUDENT - A minimum of four (4) student members, also representing the colleges; and
- ADVISORY - Nonvoting advisory members as determined by the President.
- EX-OFFICIO - The Dean of the College of Graduate Studies or his/her designee will serve as an Ex-Officio member of GSEC.
- TERMS OF OFFICE - Members (with the exception of students) shall serve terms of one (1) to three (3) years. Appointments are to be effective at the beginning of the Fall Semester and are subject to renewal at the discretion of the President.
- VACANCIES - If a member is unable to continue service on the Committee, another member representing the same basic constituency shall be appointed by the President of the University to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
- ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS - If a member is unavoidably absent from a meeting, he/she may designate a representative to attend in his/her" place, provided the substitute (or representative) is someone from the same basic constituency of the academic community as the regular member and that the Chairperson of the Committee be notified ahead of time as to whom this proxy would be and under what circumstances he/she would be attending the meeting. This substitute (or representative) shall exercise the rights and privileges of the member for whom he/she is substituting; that is, the right to vote, the right to make motions, and the right to second motions. This procedure was reviewed, revised, and amended on 1/1/2022.
- Chairperson - The Chairperson shall be elected annually from the Committee membership. He/she
- Preside at all meetings or designate another member to preside.
- Schedule regular meetings of the committee.
- Prepare a tentative agenda for each meeting for distribution to members of the Committee at least three working days prior to regular meetings and one day prior to special meetings.
- Approve the minutes of the meetings for distribution to the members of the Committee.
- Appoint special subcommittees as required.
- Call special meetings when necessary.
- Supervise the preparation and distribution of an annual Report of the Committee's activities
- Executive Officer - The President will appoint a staff member to serve as executive officer and resource person and to provide staff support services.
- Chairperson - The Chairperson shall be elected annually from the Committee membership. He/she
Conduct of Meetings
- Regular meetings shall be scheduled at least three times per semester during the regular academic year. The date and time for such meetings shall be included in the Administrative Calendar.
- The Chairperson may call a special meeting when he/she deems such action necessary.
- Items for inclusion in the tentative agenda of a regular meeting must be submitted to the Chairperson at least five working days prior to the meeting. Items for inclusion in the tentative agenda for a special meeting must be submitted to the Chairperson at least two working days prior to the meeting. Any member of the University community may submit tentative agenda items to the Chairperson.
- A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. In determining the minimum number of members necessary for a quorum at any meeting, neither faculty members on official leave nor student members not currently enrolled will be counted.
- The agenda shall be adopted at the beginning of each meeting by a majority vote of those present.
- In any matter requiring a vote, the vote of each member present (except advisory members) shall be recorded equally.
No standing subcommittees are authorized. Special subcommittees shall be appointed by the Chairperson as he/she shall deem necessary to carry on specific items of work of the Committee.
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern committee meetings in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these procedures. Suspension of these rules may be effected by a majority of the voting members present.
Amendment of Procedures
These procedures can be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to each member at least three (3) working days prior to the meeting. Amendments to Procedures are subject to final approval by the Administrative Council.
Committee Action and Review
Actions of this Committee are subject to review by the Academic Council and approval by the President.
Effective Date of Implementation
These procedures are continually reviewed by the committee and when necessary and with committee approval, are revised and amended to meet the needs of the organization.
Meeting Minutes
Graduate Studies Executive Committee Minutes contain confidential information. Redacted minutes are available below. Please contact the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies if archived minutes from past years are needed.
2024-2025 Minutes
January 28, 2025 March 4, 2025
April 1, 2025 July 1, 2025
Committee Members
Forms and Guidelines
What types of requests should be submitted to GSEC?
Catalog Wording Editorial Only
Send request for language editorial corrections through Coursedog Catalog.This type of request will be presented at GSEC as an informational item only and for a record of the change.
Graduate Student Degree Program 1 Year Extension Request
Complete the Request for Exception to University Policy form that includes support and approval from the student鈥檚 advisory committee, college chairperson, and college dean. The student also needs to submit a brief explanation as to why the program extension is needed. This request will be reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Studies, prior to submission to the GSEC.
Course Addition/Changes/Deletion
Send a proposal through Coursedog that includes support and approval from the college curriculum committee, college chairperson, and college dean. All changes will be updated with the records office and in the Graduate Catalog upon approval.
Course Addition/Changes/Deletion 4000/5000 Level Courses
Send a proposal through Coursedog that includes support and approval from the college curriculum committee, college chairperson, and college dean. All changes will be updated with the records office and in the Graduate Catalog upon approval. These course addition/changes/deletions will also need to go onto Curriculum Committee for approval at the undergraduate level.
Exception to Graduate Catalog Policy
Any exception to our Graduate Catalog. Complete the University Exception Form and attach memo of support from the student鈥檚 advisory committee, college chairperson and college dean as needed. The student will also need to submit a brief explanation as to why they need an exception to the Graduate Catalog Policy.
Final Appeal for Reinstatement Request
The Reinstatement Request form and all supporting documentation will be sent to GSEC for a final vote if the reinstatement request has been declined by the Dean College of Graduate Studies.
New Academic Programs and Modifications to Existing Programs
Information about establishing new academic programs and modifications to existing programs may be found on the Provost's Website.
Documents Requiring Approval
All documents requiring Academic Council and 麻豆果冻传媒 Board approval require an Internal Cover Form. Download the Internal Cover Form fillable PDF 禄
Approval Process Quick Reference Guide
For a quick reference guide to the document approval process and forms required for approval, see our Documentation Approval Reference Sheet 禄
- GSEC Forms
Internal Cover Form fillable PDF 禄
THEC Forms
- 禄 New Academic Units THEC A1.2
This form includes requests such as:
- College or School: An instructional unit within a university that usually includes several academic departments and is usually administered by a dean or director. As defined here, the term 鈥渃ollege鈥 does not pertain to separate institutions known as colleges, such as community college or technical college.
- Division: An instructional unit that usually includes two or more departments within a college or university which may be administered by an assistant or associate dean or director.
- Department: An instructional unit encompassing a discrete branch of study or organized around common and similar academic areas and is usually administered by a department chair.
- 禄 New Academic Programs THEC A1.0
This form includes requests for all new academic programs. Download the New Academic Programs THEC A1.0 Form 禄
- 禄 Program Modifications THEC A1.1
This form covers the following types of requests:
- Substantive Changes to program
- Substantive number of degree hours,
- Degree admission changes,
- Changes to retention,
- Changes to graduation requirements.
- 禄 Academic Actions Notification THEC A1.5
This form includes requests such as:
- Establishment of a certificate program less than 24 semester credit hours regardless of degree level.
- Name change for existing academic program.
- Name change for existing concentration within an academic program.
- Establishment of a new concentration within an existing academic program.
- Change (increase or decrease) in the number of hours of an existing academic program.
- Consolidation of two or more existing academic programs into a single academic program without an essential change in the original approved curriculum and without a net gain in the number of programs.
- Extension of an existing academic program to an approved off-campus center.
- Provost Office Forms - Complete all forms required. Contact Misty Brown for guidance.
Contact Information
Physical Address:
1 William L. Jones Dr.
Derryberry Hall, Rm 306
Cookeville, TN 38505
Mailing Address:
Campus Box 5012
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
Phone / Email:
(931) 372-3233
(931) 372-3497 (Fax)
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4:30 PM CST