

Appalachian Center for Craft


The Appalachian Center for Craft hosts multiple exhibitions annually featuring functional and sculptural works of traditional and contemporary fine craft and mixed media by international, national and regional artists including artists from the Appalachian Center for Craft.

  • Open Call to Curators and Artists

    Open Call to Curators and Artists

    Request for proposals:

    The Appalachian Center for Craft (ACC) is pleased to receive submission proposals from artists/craftspeople and curators for exhibitions for 2025 and 2026. 


    ACC Galleries exhibit traditional and contemporary fine craft by emerging, mid- career, and established craft artists. We are seeking well-developed themes that highlight mastery in craftsmanship, featuring new work, pushing the boundaries of craft. Exhibitions can be individual or group shows. If applying as a curator or on behalf of a group, we ask that one person act as a liaison. This will entail collecting paperwork from all parties exhibiting, communicating with the group the requirements and deadlines of the ACC, etc. 


    At the ACC we are interested in cultivating and showcasing work that strengthens the role of craft in contemporary culture and to create a space for craft artists and curators to experiment freely, beyond their usual craft custom or practice. Artists and curators will be given the opportunity to present work which may not be easily presented in conventional craft venues. Experimentation may be in the areas of style, technique and/or concept. Thus the definition/expectations of contemporary craft may be further explored and investigated, and challenging conversations may ensue. 


    The selection committee will be looking for bodies of work/installations that are cohesive, well- considered, informative, challenge the artist, the curator, the viewing public, and which promote craft and contemporary craft practices. Exhibitions are two months in duration and a $200 honorarium per exhibition is offered to help support shipping/delivery of artwork. Artwork is insured while on the premises.



    Submissions must include the following: 


    Letter of Intent/Proposal: 

    •   Clear description of theme/concept and the type of work defined by medium, technique, or function (maximum of 500 words). 

    •   Please describe your current artistic practice, the proposed body of work, installation and overall intent or concept of the exhibition. 

    •   If applicable, describe how this body of work or installation differs from your current practice. 

    •   A list of artists and justification for their inclusion if the proposal is curatorial or a group exhibition.

    •   Proposed or working title of exhibition.

    •   Please also note the 3 different gallery space layouts (see attached files). Note any preference as to the gallery space you would choose for your proposal. 


    Support Material: 

    •   A list of works to be exhibited (include artist, title, medium, dimensions, date of work) or if not yet created, a list/description of what is planned for inclusion. 

    •   Support material which can include any materials relevant to the application, images (minimum 10, maximum of 20), promotional materials, reviews and catalogs.

    •   Image requirements are as follows: JPEG or PNG format, maximum of 1024 x 768 resolution. 

    •   A list of the support material provided including the title, medium, dimensions, and date. 

    •   A curriculum vitae of the principal organizer/curator or artist. 

    •   In preparation for the application we suggest that you have a CV that reflects previous exhibitions, educational background, honors & awards, permanent collections & commissions and residencies. 


    Proposal evaluation in based on:

    •   The artistic merit of the exhibition proposed

    •   The quality of the applicants (or group’s) work to date

    •   The ability of the artist/curator to bring the exhibition to fruition

    •   Applications will only be accepted by email or through                         www.WeTransfer.com

    •   Proposals will be accepted until midnight, Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023


    Email: accexhibits@tntech.edu 

    Phone: 931-372-6882




    Dogwood Gallery


    Lakeview Gallery


    Joe L. Evins Gallery


  • Exhibitions Schedule for 2024

    Jo-Ann Morgan, February 23 - March 31
    AIR Showcase,
    February 28 - March 28
    , March 20 - April 1
    Senior Thesis, Kat Sexton, April 4 - 15
    Senior Thesis, Alayna Motz, April 4 - 15
    Senior Thesis, Maddie Phillips, April 4 - 15
    Juried Student Exhibition, April 1 - May 1
    Senior Thesis, CJ Hunter, April 18 - 29
    Senior Thesis, Josh Conover, April 18 - 29
    Senior Thesis, Grant Stewart, April 18 - 29
    Workshop Instructor Exhibition, May 6 - September 3
    Linda Smith, May 4th - July 19
    Kathie Halfin and Elizabeth Tolson, May 4 - July 14
    Rima Day, July 16 - September 17
    Cherry Bomb! Exploring Nostalgia’s Explosive Impact on Craft, July 22 - October 7
    Senior Thesis, Elwyn, November 21 - December 8
    Senior Thesis, Henry Sekeres, November 21 - December 8
    Senior Thesis, Lila Windsor & Lily Strider, November 21 - December 8
    Faculty Exhibition, October 10 - December 8
    TNCraft Member Exhibition, December 12, 2024 - February 9, 2025
    Margaret Jacobs, December 14, 2024 - February 17, 2025


Exhibition poster

Exhibition Poster

exhibitoin poster

Artists featured in the Appalachian Center for Craft's exhibition program are selected through a jurying process during an annual call for proposals.  




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