Spring 2023 Senior Design Project and Team Information by Department
Chemical Engineering
- 禄 Assessment of Industrial Scale Production of Recombinant Human Insulin Using Escherichia
Project Team Members: Krishpa Adhikari, Khalid Aldossary, Abby Dickens, Zenayda Garcia, Hannah Thomas
Faculty Advisor: Robby Sanders
Abstract Summary: Diabetes remains a significant challenge for modern society, and the growing number of diabetic patients requires a constant supply of insulin. Current estimates suggest that 7 million liters(7,630,000 kg) per year are produced annually amongst the three major suppliers Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi, but this amount is insufficient to address global insulin demand with a further emphasis on reduced patient costs. As such, there is a need to develop new and/or supplemental methods for producing and distributing insulin efficiently. This study focuses on the proposed use of a genetically engineered strand of Escherichia coli bacteria that produces a protein sequence containing a fusion protein form of human insulin. This fusion protein is then isolated, further processed, and purified in a form equivalent to that produced in the body for distribution. Our approach involves the use of engineering design fundamentals such as heat and material balances, heuristics, economic analyses, and process safety assessment and management associated with the production of 3600 kg of insulin annually, corresponding to 0.05% of the global demand.
- 禄 Assessment of the Insulin Production Process
Project Team Members: Gretchen Karl, Brandon Hines, Abram Agaiby, Zane Redd
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robby Sanders
Abstract Summary: With diabetes on the rise, the demand for insulin is higher than ever before. There are currently very few large insulin producers, leading to a great opportunity to enter the market. Out of the approximately 422 million people in the world living with diabetes, 8.4 million have type 1 diabetes, which requires insulin for them to live. Some calculations determined that the yearly insulin requirement for just these 8.4 million people is around 4923.9 kg/year. The process explored is based on the 鈥減roinsulin method鈥 and aims to produce 2215.8 kg/year, which is 45% of the total yearly insulin required by type 1 diabetics. The process involves the use of an innocuous E. coli strain that produces inclusion bodies with the desired proinsulin. The process utilizes a series of reactions and purification steps to transform the proinsulin and isolate the resulting insulin so that it can be utilized by the human body. This process concept provides a large opportunity and likelihood of success for the prospective plant within the growing industry. This current production process taps into less than 3% of the global market for insulin production. To address the ever-increasing rates of diabetes, it is also suggested that the company use the profits from this initial insulin production facility to fund additional facilities in the future, increasing profits and capturing a larger portion of the market. In this presentation, the team will also discuss both the economic analysis and the optimization of the proposed process.
- 禄 Development of 3D-Cement (Additive Mixture) Affordable Housing Units
Project Team Members: Sahera Abumariam, Haoxeng Lor, Thomas Oakley, Isabela Orodo帽ez, Zachary Reynolds, Katherine Slamen
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Biernacki
Abstract Summary: The development of 3-D printed cement homes has given an opportunity of providing affordable housing and may contribute to a solution to fight the rising cost of homes. The growth of the housing market has brought attention to 3-D printing homes, which led companies to create new ventures on developing 3-D printing technologies for construction. Yet, few companies address the low-income housing sector and are not able to keep up with the demand of the market. This project specifies the materials to be used in the cement mixture, the process flow, and the rate of extrusion as well as the costs and power consumption required to build a 3D printed home using cement-based materials. The process consists of a liquid pumping system, cement pneumatic conveyor, mixer, paste pump, and a printing nozzle. The analysis accounts for the overall heat and material balance as well as some tradeoffs and constraints that might be associated with them. Therefore, the project analyzes how 3-D printing can be implemented to address issues regarding design, community, and cost for an affordable three-bedroom and two-bathroom house.
- 禄 Green Hydrogen Reduction of Iron Oxide
Project Team Members: Mariam Abbas, Hossam Khayat, Dennis Lyle, Russell Perry, and Benjamin Terhune
Professional Mentor: Sierra Mirtes
Abstract Summary: The modern paradigm shift towards the abatement of greenhouse gas emissions in the last 50 years has accelerated the transition to renewable energy sources, prompting the energy sector to explore sustainable and technically feasible solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change. The energy industry is now facing the daunting challenge of reducing its carbon footprint, a problem that would require nothing short of a complete transformation in global energy practices. One such alternative is utilizing iron powder as a renewable fuel in industrial applications. Backed by an innovative iron oxide reduction process, the carbon-free fuel could contribute significantly to the goal of reaching carbon neutrality. Fine iron powder mixed with oxygen is highly combustible, and unlike a carbon-based fuel that oxidizes into CO2, iron fuel oxidizes into Fe2O3 or simply rust. Via renewably-sourced green hydrogen, the iron oxide could subsequently be reduced back into useable iron powder in a circular process that operates analogously to a rechargeable battery 鈥 storing energy in the form of iron oxide for later use as demand increases or decreases. The only two byproducts of the process are 1) the heat captured to generate electricity and 2) the rust itself, thus producing no carbon waste products. Although today鈥檚 energy requirements still need to be met, it is imperative to evaluate alternative energy sources that are simultaneously sustainable on both the environmental and economic front and will meet tomorrow鈥檚 energy demands. Reducing the iron oxide via hydrogen from renewable electrolysis processes enables the entire process to be zero-carbon and presents a transformative opportunity to address the critical challenge of sustainable energy storage on an industrial scale.
- 禄 Improving a Design of a Water Desalination Still
Project Team Members: Blake Bullen, Taylor Dimino, Tate Fraley, Kat Olson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. B. Ghorashi
Abstract Summary: A multi-stage solar desalination still is designed to produce fresh water for an average family in developing countries. It is made of affordable materials and intended to be reused for several years. This apparatus utilizes solar energy as the source of heat. At each stage, seawater is absorbed via capillary action - it is then vaporized, and the freshwater is condensed on a wax-coated aluminum sheet.
The product being developed by this team improves the previously reported model by MIT/UC. The improved design offers a different geometry which is 1 meter wide, 10 centimeters tall, and 6.1 centimeters in depth. Designing the desalinator with these dimensions will produce an increased amount of freshwater while maintaining the efficiency of capillary action. The proposed design offers the advantage of higher efficiency and greater freshwater production. Updating this MIT/UC desalinator design will produce 2.7 liters of potable water per hour. The MIT/UC model produces 0.0578 liters of fresh water per hour. This volumetric flow rate improvement, along with using reusable materials, will benefit the communities depending on this desalinator for potable drinking water.
- 禄 Production of Brass-coated Steel Tire Cord by Sequential Electroplating
Project Team Members: Lauren Bennett, Grace Caughron, Olaoluwa Faparusi, John Gordon, Chris Meyer, Kishan Patel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Biernacki
Professional Mentor: Mr. Luke Mirtes
Abstract Summary: The production of superior quality brass-plated steel tire wire is necessary in order to meet the demand for safe and sturdy tires due to the millions of automobiles and trucks on the roads annually. The proposed production facility will have a daily production capacity of 200 tons of brass-plated steel wire per day. The brass coating has been proven to make the tires more durable to roadway stressors. The brass layer allows for better adhesion to the rubber tire wall as well. Steel wire will be sent through a heating and cooling mechanism to achieve the desired grain structure. During this step, oxides form on the surface of the steel wire. The steel wire then gets sent through a hydrochloric acid pickling bath to remove oxides and other contaminants. The steel wire is then sent through a copper electroplating bath to obtain a layer of copper around the outside of the wire. The wire is rinsed before entering the next step of the process, which is a zinc electroplating bath. The wire is rinsed again before entering the last steps of the process where the zinc and copper layers get thermally diffused and heated to form a brass coating around the wire. Current industry processes sufficiently produce superior quality tires; however, the process uses a large amount of hydrochloric acid for pickling the steel and generates HCl fumes as a result. We are proposing a process that incorporates a hydrochloric acid regeneration step to significantly reduce the amount of HCl being purchased and transported to the facility annually, which will also reduce annual HCl costs.
- 禄 Production of Polyethylene Terephthalate Fibers
Project Team Members: Phoebe Dawson, Jake Gregory, Kees Tjaarda, Drew Williams, Kie Workman
Professional Mentor: Shauna Harbison
Abstract Summary: This project aims to develop a sustainable process design for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber production, using Aspen Tech modeling software and MATLAB. The process design involves three critical steps: esterification, polymerization, and spinning. A comprehensive Aspen Tech model and MATLAB simulation are developed to simulate these processes and optimize the operating parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and feed ratio, to minimize energy consumption and waste generation. The model is validated by comparing the simulation results with experimental data from literature sources. The optimized process design achieves a desired one million pounds of fiber production per week with fiber being characterized by a denier of 2 with reduced environmental impact and cost. The outcome of this project provides a sustainable approach to PET fiber production that can contribute to the circular economy.
- 禄 Reclamation of Process Water
Project Team Members: Diego Bautista, Harrison Engle, Jacob Dameron, Aiden Usher, Nolan White
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Laura Chavez
Abstract Summary: The reclamation of process water is crucial for industries to reduce their water footprint and minimize the impact of their operations on the environment. Reverse osmosis (RO) and forward osmosis (FO) are two membrane-based technologies that have been widely investigated for process water reclamation. The effect of operational parameters such as feedwater composition, flow rate, and pressure on the performance of both processes were investigated. Results showed that both RO and FO processes were effective in removing a wide range of contaminants from the process water. However, FO demonstrated a higher rejection rate of dissolved solids and organic matter than RO. Furthermore, FO exhibited a lower fouling rate than RO, leading to a longer operational lifetime of the FO membrane. Overall energy requirements and economic outlook for the process were examined, and the possibility for beneficially reusing some of the process water constituents was considered. In conclusion, FO showed superior performance in terms of water quality and membrane fouling, making it a more favorable option for process water reclamation. The findings of this research have important implications for industries seeking to implement sustainable water management practices.
Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 禄 Extension of Motivation Drive in Lawrenceburg, TN
Mentoring Agency: Tennessee Department of Transportation
Professional Mentors: Nick Kniazewycz, PE; Jesse Hoover, PE; Caylie Stockton, EI; Zhiwar Rashid, EI; Rebecca Williamson, EI; Jimmy Scales, PE; Jason Randolph, EI; and Sharon Schutz, PE
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Kalyanapu, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: Kennley Gabel, Sarah Tew, Jordan Burgess, Evan Lindsey, and Brian Kile
The City of Lawrenceburg has applied to Tennessee Department of Transportation requesting assistance with providing adequate access for Motivation Drive to State Route 242. The State Industrial Access road will serve multiple industries and provide additional access to the industrial park. The improvements will extend Motivation Drive for 0.83 miles to connect with State Route 242. The new roadway will require a structure over Mt. Arrat Road and Little Shoal Creek. A box culvert will also be considered for a low-lying area near State Route 242. The roadway design and hydraulics sub-teams are to determine the best method to cross-drain the areas. Specific tasks to be addressed in the different civil engineering sub-disciplines are as follows:
Transportation: Roadway horizontal and vertical alignment designs, roadway cross-sections, earthwork calculations, and a traffic control plan
Environmental: Environmental permitting, hydraulic analysis of the existing condition, hydraulic analysis of the proposed condition, and EPSC plan
Structures: Understanding bridge sufficiency ratings, loading and limit states, determining the proposed structure-type, superstructure design, and substructure design.
All civil engineering sub-disciplines: Project scheduling, and estimation of costs
- 禄 Highland Church Road Improvements in Washington County, TN
Mentoring Firm: Mattern & Craig
Professional Mentors: Jason Carder, PE, PTOE, RSP; and Nick VanEss, PE
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Click, Dr. Datta, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: James Ivey, Cameron Smith, Kelly Boren, Ivey Limbaugh, and Ben Gravely
Abstract Summary: Washington County desires to build a new school (K-8), located along Highland Church Road. Highland Church Road is a narrow two-lane roadway, insufficient to carry the anticipated traffic generated by the school, so improvements to the roadway are necessary. A 0.4-mile segment of Highland Church Road has to be widened to add turn lanes. As part of the project, an existing bridge has to be extended, environmental permits are to be obtained, and a waterline is to be relocated. The project calls for transportation design (roadway design, temporary traffic control, and a traffic study if desired), water resources design (hydraulic analysis of the stream for the bridge extension, design of storm sewer system, design of the waterline relocation), environmental (permitting), and structural design (design a new bridge-structure).
- 禄 Overall Creek Pump Station - Drywell Expansion
Mentoring Firm: Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. (SSR)
Professional Mentors: Greg Gash, PE; Brian Hollander, PE; Joe Griffey, PE; and Andrew Johnson, PE
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Avera, Dr. VandenBerge, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: Abi Harvey, Olivia Housewright, Autumn Newsom, Eva James, Jackson Meadows, and Larissa Barnes
Abstract Summary: This project calls for the design of an additional drywell structure attached to an existing force main pump station, with a single-story concrete masonry unit (CMU) control building at grade level. Specific tasks include the structural design of the control building, the drywell expansion, the deep foundations, and the pump-design. Construction drawings are to be developed for the above structural facilities.
- 禄 Polk County State Route 68 Bridge over Brush Creek
Mentoring Agency: Tennessee Department of Transportation
Professional Mentors: Rachel Gentry, PE; Reagan Malone, PE; Curt Duncan, PE; Joe DeLorenzo, PE; Shannon Henry, PE; Eric Slayton, PE; and Mike Phillips, PE; Joe Deering, PE
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Click, Dr. Kalyanapu, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: Braden Long, David Risner, Jesse Mattox, Mandi Bays, and Garth Duncan
Abstract Summary: This project involves the design of a new bridge to replace the existing bridge over Brush Creek, which as of 2011 has had a sufficiency rating of 47.2. The existing bridge consists of a single span, 28-foot long structure with steel I-beams and an out-to-out width of 34 feet. Construction of the proposed bridge will be phased to allow at least one lane to be open to traffic at all times during construction due to the impracticality of a detour in the area. SR-68 has a base year AADT of 4,360 vehicles per day and a design year AADT of 5,360 vehicles per day and has a posted speed of 50 mph. Environmental features in the project area include Brush Creek (STR-1), STR-2, and a wetland (WTL-1). Specific tasks to be addressed in the different civil engineering sub-disciplines are as follows:
Transportation: Roadway horizontal and vertical alignment designs, roadway cross-sections, earthwork calculations, and a traffic control plan
Environmental: Environmental permitting, hydraulic analysis, and EPSC plan
Structures: Bridge design, understanding bridge sufficiency ratings
All civil engineering sub-disciplines: Project scheduling, and estimation of costs
- 禄 PyraMax Ceramics LLC Shipping Facility, Georgia
Mentoring Firms: Ardurra, and American StructurePoint Inc
Professional Mentors: Jack Southard, PE, Ardurra; and Stephen Cotton, PE, SE, American StructurePoint Inc.
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Avera, Dr. Weathers, and Dr. Henderson
Project Team Members: Kurt Thomack, Bruce Cunningham, Abanoub Mekhael, and Caleb Kleindienst
Abstract Summary: The purpose of this project is to develop the shipping facility for an emerging leader in the proppant production industry. Pyramax Ceramics, LLC produces small spherical ceramic beads called proppant which is used in hydraulic fracturing operations for natural gas and oil extraction. The kaolin clay raw materials enter the facility from local quarries and proceed through multiple processes within the various buildings before being stored onsite in silos prior to final shipping. Currently, the final product is shipped to the clients by railcar through an onsite shipping building and a dedicated rail spur. Specific objectives of the project are to undertake structural and civil/site design for the rail shipping building, rail spur and surrounding site, determine the permits required for the site, development of a storm water prevention plan, an investigation into potential blue line streams, and drainage study for runoff detention.
- 禄 Replacement of Bridge over Big Richland Creek on Brown Mill Road
Mentoring Firm: Benesch
Professional Mentors: Jake Williams, PE; Dillon Tubb, PE; and Daniel Rikli, PE
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Avera, Dr. Huff, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: Rebecca Witherspoon, Landon Davis, Keela Kimbro, Justin Harrell, and Evan Wasilewski
Abstract Summary: This project calls for the design of a new bridge to replace the previous cast-in-place (CIP) concrete bridge that was damaged, beyond repair, in a flood in 2021. Brown Mill Road, the road on which the bridge is located, serves as a crucial access road for the residents of McEwen and Waverly Tennessee. The total length of the project is approximately 400 feet, which includes the roadway and the proposed bridge-structure crossing Richland Creek. The project will begin at the intersection of East Big Richland Road and will end just north of Hooper Road. The construction will include all striping, signing, and installation of safety features. Specific tasks in the different civil engineering sub-disciplines include:
Transportation: horizontal alignment design, vertical alignment design, cross sections, traffic control plan, and intersection design.
Structures: Determining AASHTO loading and limit states, selecting the proposed structure (Box Culvert, Concrete Box bridge, Concrete I-Beams, etc., structural design calculations, and structural plans.
Environmental: Determining the required permits, existing and proposed hydraulic analysis, and erosion prevention and sediment control (EPSC) design.
Project management and estimation of cost by civil engineering sub-discipline are also required.
- 禄 Turning Lane Addition and Bridge Replacement on State Route 99 (Hampshire Pike), Maury
County, Tennessee to Provide Access to a Proposed Industrial Site
Mentoring Firm: HMB Professional Engineers, Inc.
Professional Mentors: Harrison Bruce, PE; Alex Spencer, PE; and John Pennington, PE
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Steven Click, Dr. Avera, Dr. Huff, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: Jack Shelton, Lindsey Miller, Seth Mechling, Alison Terry, Delaine Stiltner, and Ethan Cobb
Abstract Summary: The purpose of this project is to develop roadway plans needed for the reconstruction of approximately 2,000 feet of State Route 99 in Maury County, Tennessee. This reconstruction is needed to provide access to a proposed industrial development. The project also includes a bridge replacement. The state route will need to be designed to safely, and efficiently, handle future traffic volumes and speeds. The project will require roadway design, drainage design, permitting, geotechnical design, bridge design, project management, and estimation of project costs.
- 禄 U.S. 64 (S.R. 40) Road Widening and Cloud Branch Bridge Replacement in Polk County,
Mentoring Firm: STV Inc.
Professional Mentors: Tony Montiel, PE; Pawan Mohamad-Ali, PE; Travis Phy, EI; Brad Thompson, AICP
Civil Engineering Faculty: Dr. Badoe, Dr. Huff, Dr. Kalyanapu, and Dr. Weathers
Project Team Members: Jackson Hughes, Heather Jones, Grant Alder, Dalton Bowers, Nick Rousos, and Thomas Sanders
Abstract Summary: The purpose of this project is to improve the safety and reliability of a transportation corridor which serves as a major east-west route for recreation related tourism and freight and goods movement via trucks. The corridor was identified by the Appalachian Regional Commission as part of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS) in the 1960鈥檚. This corridor is known as Corridor K. The ADHS consists of over 3,000 miles of highways linking the Appalachian Region to national interstates and providing access to regional and national markets, thus providing for economic development opportunities and improved access to the Region.
Specific objectives of the project include the design of approximately 4,600 feet of a roadway widening and multiuse path on U.S. 64, from Welcome Valley Road to 0.15 mile east of the bridge over Cloud Branch in Polk County; and design of a replacement bridge.
Computer Science
- 禄 3D Virtual Reality: World War One Soldier
Project Team Members: Noah Alasin, Matthew Finder, Ethan Hammond, Yago Romano Martinez, Justin Trapp, Matthew Turner
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: David Brady
Sponsor: TN State Parks
Abstract Summary: For visitors to Alvin C. York State Park who want an authentic and immersive history of WWI. The WWI Soldier Simulator is a virtual reality experience that will place visitors directly into the past. Unlike other exhibits that offer a mere glimpse at the first Great War, our solution will put the visitors directly into historical events as they unfold, allowing them to live the experience first-hand.
- 禄 Auto Labeler
Project Team Members: Matthew Beech, Isaac Bland, Trey Hedrick, Danny Holman, Briley Johnson, Gage Smith
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentor: Megan Kozub
Sponsor: NavSEA
Abstract Summary: For data science researchers who wish to have more labeled datasets to be used in supervised learning AI/ML models. The auto labeler is a web-interface tool that allows researchers to upload unlabeled datasets to be labeled by labelers in order to modify a data set to be suitable for supervised learning AI/ML approaches, while also removing biases. Unlike other existing labeling systems, our solution is not monetary-based.
- 禄 Automated Test Process
Project Team Members: Robert Allen, Tyler Burk, Marc Ebersberger, Charissa Smith, Connor Sweo, Ryan Tomlin
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: Will Stevenson
Sponsor: Adtran
Abstract Summary: For Adtran, Inc. who want a means to identify where waste or loss is gathered in network hardware exiting manufacturing through the current acceptance test procedure. The Automated Test Process, or ATP, is a push button CI/CD pipeline that provides an automated test process for scripts for engineering design hardware prototype units prior to the manufacturing stage acceptance test procedure. Unlike the current post-manufacturing acceptance test procedure, ATP reduces testing latency, increases hardware yield, creates additional debugging information for the resolution of failures, prepares for acceptance SW changes, and abstracts hardware variations.
- 禄 Contestant Registration System
Project Team Members: Destin Harris, Christopher Mitchell, Justin Miller, Earl Pike, Sean Tyrer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentor: Ethan Shaw
Sponsor: Smithville Fiddler鈥檚 Jamboree
Abstract Summary: For the Smithville Fiddlers Jamboree Chairman of Registration who needs an updated database. The database is a contestant registration system for various competitions at the annual Smithville Fiddlers Jamboree. This project allows the stakeholders to be able to modify the registration system. Unlike the current database, we created a database that is scalable, modernized, and adaptable for future changes.
- 禄 Data Atlas
Project Team Members: Michael Artt, Jake Hall, Daniel Harnden, Avery Kerley, Alexander Smith, Benjamin Ward
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: Colby Jones
Sponsor: SAIC
Abstract Summary: For data scientists and engineers who want more uniform, usable legacy data stores, the Data Atlas is a data structure translation tool that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to translate, map and convert data structures. Unlike current methods utilizing subject matter experts to manually map out a system/data ontology, our solution leverages machine learning to create a trained AI to automate ontology generation so that downstream processes are quicker, cheaper, and more scalable.
- 禄 Dual Potentiometer Simulator
Project Team Members: Mohammed Alturki, David Chen, Darsh Dinger, Sikiru Ekunsumi, Imran Mohammed, Dylan Stephens
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: Carl McDow
Sponsor: A.O. Smith
Abstract Summary: For HotWater employees who want to simulate and individually interact with 3 separate NTC thermistors using a single potentiometer. The simulator will read the voltage of the potentiometer after it鈥檚 fed through a microcontroller and become the input for an algorithm that will allow for 3 outputs to be represented. Unlike previous simulations, our solution will allow for 3 NTC thermistors to be coordinated with a single potentiometer instead of just 1 NTC.
- 禄 Grant Management System
Project Team Members: Sarah Adams, Nicholas Gamble, Tyler Greene, Hayden Keller, Garrett Smith, Benjamin Walp
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: Michael Aikens
Sponsor: TN Tech Office of Economic Development
Abstract Summary: Our system will be designed for 麻豆果冻传媒 research and financial employees who seek to better organize their records pertinent to research grants. The grant management system is a standalone service that will allow for the collection of documents relevant to research grant applications into a database. Unlike the current platform-less means of grant management, our solution will synthesize all grant processing documents and make them easily catalogued and accessible.
- 禄 Intelligent Parking Availability
Project Team Members: Sawyer Burns, Rachel Stratton, Zachary Sublett
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentors: Luis Valcourt-Colon, Rob Sexton
Sponsor: NavSea
Abstract Summary: For 麻豆果冻传媒 students who need an easier way to find parking. The intelligent parking system is a parking assistant that will determine the number of open parking spots in a given lot, and display that information to the user through an easy-to-access mobile app. Unlike the current parking situation at 麻豆果冻传媒, our Solution aims to make it easier for students to find parking by showing them what spots are available.
- 禄 Map Suite
Project Team Members: Joshua Butler, Mitchell Carney, John Richeson, Mike Soare, John Taylor
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: Ethan Shaw
Sponsor: Averitt
Abstract Summary: For Averitt operations and freight staff who need to map trucking/shipment routes and determine the most feasible and optimal planned route. The map suite website is a tool that will display planned vs. actual trucking routes alongside a freight trucking heat map which can determine the cluster of vehicles in a certain area. Unlike the previous methodology Averitt used, our solution will drastically increase efficiency in both mapping routes and determining non-optimal, actual routes taken.
- 禄 Risk Cohort Monitoring
Project Team Members: Kennith Darnall, Jake Graves, David Haleman, Zakariah Jaibat, Ahmed Kashif, Cameron Winston
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentor: Ganesh Krishnamurthy
Sponsor: Transcard
Abstract Summary: For Transcard鈥檚 fraud department who wants to be able to identify suspicious activity more effectively. The Power BI display is a more effective visualization of fraud and potential risks that will save Transcard and its customers time and money. Unlike the current system that has an 鈥渁ll or nothing鈥 approach meaning that all cards get blocked or no cards get blocked. Our solution provides a monitoring system that will identify high risk cards which will allow the Transcard fraud department to take necessary actions.
- 禄 SFTP Pipeline
Project Team Members: Yoshinori Agari, Alexander Baker, Steven Dorsey, Jordan Phillips, Gabriel Snider, Robert Wilson
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentors: Erik Simpson, Dustin Derryberry
Sponsor: Urban Science
Abstract Summary: For Urban Science employees who want a simpler way to manage and use their file uploading system. The SFTP Pipeline tool is a tool that will streamline the file upload process, manipulate the backend data provided by Urban Science, and display a front-end GUI with built-in feedback systems. Unlike the previous solution provided by Urban Science, our solution will simplify the file upload process and provide helpful feedback to users.
- 禄 Student Progress tRackINg Tool (SPRINT)
Project Team Members: Eileen Baugh, Christopher Dinkins, J.T. Foster, Preston Jones, Parker Russell, Cal Stewart
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentor: Doug Talbert
Sponsor: TN Tech Computer Science Department
Abstract Summary: SPRINT is for TTU鈥檚 computer science graduate students, advisors, and committee members who are looking to plan their program of study and track their progress through the program. SPRINT is a web-based interface that provides a novel solution to planning and tracking a graduate program of study by digitizing the graduate checklists and program requirements. Unlike DegreeWorks, SPRINT provides the ability to plan future classes, view faculty information, view program reports, and track milestones other than courses.
- 禄 Time Chat Bot
Project Team Members: Hank Clement, Rodney Mitchell, Joseph Page, Tanner Sisemore, Tyler Smith, Chern Chao Tai
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentor: Alan Haugen
Sponsor: Digital Dream Forge
Abstract Summary: Digital Dream Forge (Employees, Management Team, and Admin) seeks to improve the productivity of the company鈥檚 time-chatbot. The bot acquires data from employee鈥檚 timecards and compiles the data to a database so that front-end users can generate reports. Our solution improves the time-chatbot so that it can have easy access to the time clock information via a database system (MongoDB) and increase its intelligence to understand when an employee has forgotten to clock in or out. In addition to that, there is also a password protected interface that allows admins to change information on the system.
- 禄 Utility Optical Recognition
Project Team Members: Kasandra Chavez, Charvel Johnson, Ethan Owens, Austin Ring, William Turner
Faculty Advisor: Jamie Terral
Professional Mentor: Gina Accawi
Sponsor: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Abstract Summary: For business owners who want a way to reduce their power consumption, the Utility Optical Recognition is a web app that scrapes consumption and cost from utility bills. Unlike the paid applications, our solution will be an open-source, cross-platform application.
- 禄 Virtual Reality for Developing Countries
Project Team Members: Sophia Baker, Ethan Jenkins, Kai Mackall, Han Pham, Joshua Rampy, Michael Wright
Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Eberle
Professional Mentors: Grant Johnson, Sharayah Riedner
Sponsor: Compassion International
Abstract Summary: For people looking to give or currently giving to Compassion International who want to help improve the lives of people living in poverty. The VR experience is a way of engaging with charity that allows users to learn about the contributions they make. Unlike other charities that only use video, our solution is to provide an interactive experience that will get sponsors invested.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 禄 Citizen Air Quality Sensor
Project Team Members: Cameron Smith, Kaleb Irwin, Alejandro Moore, Marvo Odds, Joshua Egwuata
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeff Austen
Abstract Summary: The goal of this project is a replicable device that accepts and operates multiple air quality sensors independently with a selection of interchangeable sensor options for local data collection. Air quality is vital to maintaining life on Earth. Poor air quality can result in a slew of health problems such as heart disease and lung cancer. In the modern age, humanity pushes the levels of pollution in the world to unprecedented levels as compared to the pre-industrial era. This pollution affects the very air that all living things rely on to survive. This perspective on the negative repercussions of polluting the air and Earth is what led to this team鈥檚 proposition of a device that allows everyday citizens to see what pollutants blight their communities.
There are already services that exist to alleviate this problem, however, the services do not fulfill the solution to a high degree. The biggest of these services would be the Air Quality Index (AQI) provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The AQI takes in data from sensors placed systematically all across the country and in highly populated areas. This data is then aggregated together to fill in any regions that were not explicitly sampled from a sensor directly. The issue derives from that last sentence. Because it is not reasonable or cost-effective for these services to place sensors everywhere, the readings that are received from these sensors may not be accurate in any given place. For a community wanting a detailed view into the air quality of their chosen area, they would require more concrete sources of data. It is here where the team鈥檚 proposed device comes in to provide an easy-to-use, solar-powered, easily replicable, and low-cost modular system that uses multiple sensors to gather data on different pollutants.
- 禄 Class Kit Vending Machine
Project Team Members: Austin Sigg, Ryan Reed, Michel Turpeau, Dillon Williams, Nidhay Patel
Faculty Advisor: Jesse Roberts
Abstract Summary: Every year hundreds of students require various devices for their ECE (Electrical and Computer Engineering) classes. These specific devices are provided by the College of Engineering and are rented out to students through the ECE office. Typically, in the first month of a semester, students attempt to check out on average 50 devices in a day from the Office. This capstone project will focus on designing and implementing a vending machine that can distribute devices out to students while recording which students have checked out a device. The finished product will be a vending machine with the functionality to vend the needed specific devices to students. A student can enter their information into the machine, and the machine will record who has checked out their respective device(s). The machine will use a motor to rotate a device to the door for a student to remove that has LEDs (Light Emitting Diode) which will allow students to see and determine which device is the one they should remove. The student will then take the device and shut the door for the next student.
- 禄 Electro Magnetic Resistance System for Augmented Play of Mario Kart
Project Team Members: Sage Mooneyham, Blake Pickett, Benjamin Reed, Tyler Chittum, Ray Durlin,
Faculty Advisor: Jesse Roberts
Abstract Summary: During the Fall 2022 semester at 麻豆果冻传媒nological University, the Capstone Design Project Team 4 collaborated to further enhance the riding experience offered by the existing Mario Kart Bike design. Team 4鈥檚 design adds a variable of resistance for two modes of operation: the Mario Kart Game Simulation and a Ride Replay Simulation (RRS). The RRS is a pre-recorded trail ride simulation using data from an actual trail in Cookeville, TN.
Improvements to the previous iteration of the Mario Kart Bike offer new dimensions of realism by adding a more dynamic resistance system, while the RRS will enable users to record an actual bike ride and then replay it later indoors. Using data gathered from various sensors and an internal physics engine, the RRS processing subsystem will calculate whether to speed up or slow down video playback based on the speed the user is pedaling, and it will determine the appropriate resistance to apply.
The streamlined resistance system design will replace the cumbersome motor with a linear motor attached to an array of N52 neodymium magnets, located perpendicular to a conductive flywheel to generate eddy currents. Opposing magnetic fields will generate braking torque in the flywheel, which will be transferred to the real bike wheel. This braking torque will function as the resistance felt by the user. The magnetic resistance system will utilize 85 states, creating a smooth and realistic replay. The new resistance system will also work in the original Mario Kart Bike Mode, using Nintendo Switch rumble states to determine the appropriate resistance to apply.
- 禄 Greeting and Guidance Robot
Project Team Members: Samuel Mandody, Gabriel Kim, Emma Brown, Andre Nguyen, Jacob Wilkinson
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Charles Van Neste
Abstract Summary: Entering a building for the first time can be confusing. An insufficient amount of information is typically provided to help one traverse a new building. With the new Ashraf Islam Engineering Building that is currently being built for 麻豆果冻传媒nological University, the same issues will occur. The focus of the capstone project is to provide a solution to the problem. The solution is an autonomous greeting and guidance robot that will assist people in navigating the Ashraf Islam Engineering Building.
- 禄 IEEE Southeast con robotics competition
Project Team Members: Nathan Gardner, Madison Kelly, Fatima Al-Heji, Luke McGill, Mark Beech
Faculty Advisors: Jesse Roberts
Abstract Summary: The purpose of this project is to build a robot that will be sent to the SoutheastCon student competition in Orlando, Florida. This robot will represent 麻豆果冻传媒nological University to schools around the Southeastern United States. This document will include further details on the team鈥檚 design for the project.
The autonomous tasks the robot may attempt include the following: Feed manatees and alligators the correct food chips, relocate ducks to the duck pond, rebuild pedestals into statues, deposit any unused objects into the recycle bin, and play an animated fireworks video at the end of the round.
- 禄 Nissan Leaf Driving Simulation
Project Team Members: Michael Mollica, Gerardo Mateo, Chase Colotta, Brett Harden, Ethan Powers,
Faculty Advisors: Jesse Roberts, Dr. Nan Chen
Abstract Summary: The Nissan Leaf Driving Simulation is a long-term goal for the ECE and ME Departments at TN Tech. This project consists of data acquisition and initial hardware setup for the future simulation to be built off of. The hopes of the final product are to accurately replicate the look and feel of driving a Nissan Leaf without the actual motion of the vehicle.
- 禄 Parking Lot Monitoring System
Project Team Members: Kester Nucum, Aaron Wilhite, Gabriel Laboy, Genevieve Schreiber, Reggie Garza
Faculty Advisor: Jesse Roberts
Professional Mentor: NAVSEA
Abstract Summary: Commuter students at 麻豆果冻传媒nological University in Cookeville, TN, frequently face difficulties to find open parking spots in lots during peak hours of the school day, which causes tardiness to class to be a common occurrence. Commuters typically have a lack of foreknowledge of the availability of parking spots across lots prior to entering campus. Due to current products on the market either being very expensive or not fully feasible or effective for 麻豆果冻传媒鈥檚 parking lots, an in-house parking lot monitoring system designed by students in 麻豆果冻传媒鈥檚 College of Engineering was proposed to provide a more cost-effective solution. A parking lot monitoring system has been designed to utilize sensor technology to track and frequently update the number of available parking spots so that students can know the occupancy of a parking lot in real-time. The data from the sensor technology would be displayed on a mobile application that students can download to view real-time statistics and previous history of parking lot occupancy, as well as on a ground-level display board. This project involves interdisciplinary collaboration between teams from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science while under the direction of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) in Dahlgren, VA.
Manufacturing and Engineering Technology
- 禄 Aluminum Additive Manufacturing Research and Analysis
Project Team Members: Michael Wittmer, Mason Cravens, Benton Swann, and Daniel Rhoton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Professional Mentor: Dr. Ismail Fidan
Abstract Summary: There is a need for additive manufacturing research because of the rapid growth of the process within the manufacturing engineering industry. Aluminum, in specific, obtains very easily manipulative properties that allow it to be reconstructed and shaped using a 3D printer. With the ability to 3D print metal objects, variables such as cost and time are reduced, which will give way for much more future research to be conducted. The aluminum 3D printing project consists of three stages constructing simple, moderate, and complex parts. During each stage, multiple printing trials will be run with sintering and data analyzation following. Data tables will be kept comparing different printing factors such as layer thickness and nozzle size to determine optimal printing settings. Sintering parameters will also be researched to find the most advantageous method of achieving desired properties of final parts. The physical properties of each part will be studied and collected before moving on to each stage of the process. These properties include hardness, conductivity, and surface finish along with the dimensions of each part to determine shrinkage between processes. The 3D printing of parts will take place in Foundation Hall and the sintering process will take place in the Lewis Hall metallography lab.
- 禄 Crane Interiors Time Study Senior Project
Project Team Members: Ricky Beard, Selina Garcia, Wesley Gregory, John Higgins, Jaylen Johnson, Kendall Purdom
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Abstract Summary: This is a report on the time study on the cycle times of each part that is currently progressing on different upholsteries for Boston Whaler. Boston Whaler is a company out of Woodbury, TN that manufactures different upholstery parts for different boats that vary in brand, size, and color. Our goal is to finish multiple time studies on various parts for Boston Whaler and make Crane a leaner company.
- 禄 Foundry Coke Crusher V3 Project
Project Team Members: Clay Whitt, Matthew Swindle, Alex McCoy, Bradley Holt
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Abstract Summary: The purpose of crushing coke is to meet the size requirements for the specified cupola. When coke is heated, it generates enough heat to melt the iron. Given that coke crushed smaller than the specifications will create unnecessary hazardous airborne chemicals like carbon monoxide, there should be a standardized method of producing usable coke. According to the American Society for Testing Materials, the requirements for ash are less than or equal to 12%. The coke is fed into the cupola through the stack in layers of metal, flux, and coke. Once the process begins, the coke can be continuously provided, so the cycle time for producing the coke must be increased for desired output. Cast Iron is the output used to teach students in the MET department here at Tennessee Technological University.
- 禄 Hard Case Insert
Project Team Members: Victoria Somerby, Noah Bost, Tyler Clark, Matthew Hasty, Matthew Robinson, and Ryan Smith
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Sponsor: Tyler Burnette
Abstract Summary: The current market lacks an adjustable protective carry case. Our client desires to fulfill that need and has contracted us to build a working prototype. The task is to develop a cost-effective design that conforms to any item placed within the case. The prototype must be able to withstand numerous user-preformed-resets in addition to typical environmental stresses. We embarked on a rigorous design process as we shifted towards 3D printed elements rather than typical metal telescoping rods. The design will implement various types of foam for a range of protective characteristics.
- 禄 Peerless Senior Project: Transaxle
Project Team Members: Keenan Jensen, Dilynn Black, Preston Emrey, Jordan Worthington, and Logan Roberts
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Sponsor: Peerless Gear
Abstract Summary: Peerless Gear is a company that designs, manufactures, and sells drivetrains worldwide. Peerless wants to make castings of their transaxle for a mower to be tested and analyzed. Lost PLA is the process chosen as it would fit this project's time frame. It also would give us a better-quality casting compared to sand casting method used in the foundry.
- 禄 Skyline Manufacturing Wire EDM Status Light
Project Team Members: Joe Meiers, Aaron Music, Nick Dobbins, Billy Perryman, Parker Waugh
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Abstract Summary: Skyline Manufacturing (Nashville, TN) has 5 wire EDM machines that have buzzers that activate when the machine has a stoppage. The machines are all located within the same area of the facility and the nondescript buzzing sound has already caused confusion for the programmers using the machines. Our goal is to splice into the power source supplying the buzzer and install LED (Light Emitting Diode) status lights for each machine. Each LED will be routed to a receiver box located at the programmer's desk to allow the programmer to quickly assess and know which machine is stopped to improve overall efficiency.
- 禄 SPIDA Project
Project Team Members: Dylan Walker and Justin Harvey
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Baswell
Professional Mentor: Dr. Paruchuri
Abstract Summary: To experimentally determine the extent to which incorporating corrugations in spiral ducts will increase their strength, thus permitting operating and collapse pressures that are higher than non-corrugated ducts of the same gauge. It is expected that this research will yield a table of negative pressure capacity for several standard gauge spiral ducts, with and without corrugations, that will enable the estimation of maximum deflection of the ducts. This will also provide guidance regarding potential collapse pressures. The test procedures reported herein conformed to the requirements of the SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standard Metal and Flexible (2020), except as noted (minor deviations from the test standard were required).
Mechanical Engineering
- 禄 3D Printed Hovercraft
Project Team Members: Elijah Barrett, Zachary Collins, Clinton Kemmer, and Thaddeus Simerly
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sally Pardue and Dr. Ahmad Vaselbehagh
- 禄 Airplane Electrification Analysis
Project Team Members: Zachary Morgan, Carson Powers, Gregory Shiver, and Cameron Troutman
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Bruce Jo and Dr. Rory Roberts
- 禄 ASME Human Power Vehicle
Project Team Members: Jonathon Carpenter, William Combs, Matthew Evans, and Jonathan Perry
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Will Brookshear and Dr. Pingen Chen
- 禄 Baja CVT Simulation
Project Team Members: Tyler Carver, Christian Domingo Valdez, William Nix, and Xialin Yu
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Will Brookshear and Dr. Pingen Chen
- 禄 Desktop Dynamics
Project Team Members: Hunter Adams, William Ralston, and Benjamin Visneski
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sally Pardue and Dr. Ahmad Vaselbehagh
- 禄 Drone Flight Dynamics Simulation
Project Team Members: Nathaniel Lee, Elizabeth McCormick, Holly Parker, and Alex Tharpe
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Bruce Jo and Dr. Rory Roberts
- 禄 ECE Lab Device Vending
Project Team Members: Mason Baines, Nathan Bangean, Jessee Millsaps, and Carson Pitts
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Steve Canfield and Dr. Peng Zhang
- 禄 Greeting Robot
Project Team Members: Makayla Cody, Miguel Fuentes Garcia, Aubrey Smith, and Michael Stoltz
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Steve Canfield and Dr. Peng Zhang
- 禄 Heat Transfer Digital Twin
Project Team Members: Wade Gargan, Joseph Gordon, Grayson Willocks, and Wesley Yunker
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Bruce Jo and Dr. Rory Roberts
- 禄 IEEE Robotics Competition
Project Team Members: Ethan Lewis, Carlos Salvatierra, and Grayson Vermillion
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Steve Canfield and Dr. Peng Zhang
- 禄 Lochinvar 鈥 Fire Tubes
Project Team Members: Kyle Carr, Chase Corley, Griffin Layhew, and Toby Tomlin
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Bruce Jo and Dr. Rory Roberts
Sponsor: Lochinvar
- 禄 Mario Cart Bike
Project Team Members: John Austin, Nicholas Baker, Jacob Grice, and Fabian Windeler
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Steve Canfield and Dr. Peng Zhang
- 禄 Remote Sensing Packaging
Project Team Members: Connor Hoffman, Brace McCoy, Michael Roberts, and Kerollous Zarea
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sally Pardue and Dr. Ahmad Vaselbehagh
- 禄 Rotating Equipment Test Stand
Project Team Members: Christopher Book, Samuel Hadlock, David Richey, and Kyler Samples
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Steve Canfield and Dr. Peng Zhang
- 禄 Solar Oven
Project Team Members: Harrison Hoffman, Cody Minnick, Jeremiah Pitts, and Samuel Speights
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Bruce Jo and Dr. Rory Roberts
- 禄 Vehicle Simulator
Project Team Members: Matthew Bolden, Logan Brock, Jacob Mullins, and David Schafer
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Will Brookshear and Dr. Pingen Chen
- 禄 Wood Floor Vibration
Project Team Members: Dominic Fields, Luke Olson, Alexander Woosley, and Pierce Wooten
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sally Pardue and Dr. Ahmad Vaselbehagh
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