

Department Chair, Staff & Faculty

Dr. Michael R. Hoane, Chair and Professor — mhoane@tntech.edu ›

Elizabeth Nolan, Administrative Associate — eanolan@tntech.edu ›

Faculty (alphabetical)

Dr. Chris Burgin, Professor — cburgin@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Derrick Edwards, Assistant Professor — dedwards@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Nicole Henniger, Associate Professor — nhenniger@tntech.edu ›

Doug Hensley, Senior Lecturer — jdhensley@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Katherine Hermann-Turner, Associate Professor — khturner@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Stephanie Kazanas, Associate Professor — skazanas@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Mark Loftis, Professor — mloftis@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Ye (Agnes) Luo, Assistant Professor — aluo@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Tony Michael, Associate Professor — tmichael@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Sandra Terneus, Professor — sterneus@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Daniel Upchurch, Assistant Professor — dupchurch@tntech.edu

Dr. Beth Anderson Walker, Lecturer — banderson@tntech.edu

Dr. Zachary Wilcox, Associate Professor — zwilcox@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Jonathan Wiley, Assistant Professor — jwiley@tntech.edu ›

Natasha Wilkerson, Lecturer — nwilkerson@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Katherine Wood, Assistant Professor — kmwood@tntech.edu ›

Dr. Matthew Zagumny, Professor — mzagumny@tntech.edu ›

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Barry Stein — bstein@tntech.edu ›

Center for Assessment and Improvement of Learning

Ada Haynes, Ph.D. — Director
931-372-3815 — ahaynes@tntech.edu ›

Natasha Wilkerson, Ed.S. — Testing Coordinator
931-372-3815 — nwilkerson@tntech.edu ›

Gideon Eduah, Ph.D. Candidate — Graduate Assistant

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