Dr. Matthew Zagumny
Dr. Matthew Zagumny
Counseling & Psychology
Email Address:
(931) 372-6255
Matthews Hall, Rm. 248 / Campus Box 5031
"My teaching includes courses in Statistics, Research Methods, Cross-Cultural Psychology, & Psychology of Religion.
My research examines cross-cultural topics with current research studies examining the assessment of intellectual curiosity and scientific epistemology. Intellectual curiosity is an intricate, sustained pursuit of knowledge. This involves asking questions about the world, especially ""why"" questions? Intellectually curious people are motivated to know more about a topic or phenomenon than surface level information. Understanding core, foundational concepts about a topic or phenomenon is at the heart of the motivation of intellectual curiosity. Scientific epistemology is the theory of knowledge that the world is known through scientific principles and methods such as the value of evidence-based knowledge, application of reason and critical thinking, and recognition of the value of expert knowledge and conclusions.
My psychology of religion research focuses on the construct of Religious Identity. Religious identity is the degree to which people see themselves being a part of a religious tradition and the importance of that religious tradition in their concept of themselves. My research focuses on the measurement of religious identity and it's relationship to multiple factors such as stress, healthy lifestyles, and intellectual curiosity."