Bursar Office - Tutorials & Frequently Asked Questions

Bursar Office

Tutorials & Frequently Asked Questions


Tech Express

Schedule Confirmation

Payments & Deferred Payment Plan


Tax Forms

Meal Plan & Parking Permit Selection

Eagle Pay Miscellaneous


downloadable resources

Payments & Refunds Eagle Pay Miscellaneous

Eagle Online

Tax Forms




  • Why am I being charged out-of-state tuition but I am a Tennessee resident?

    In order to receive in-state tuition and benefits, students must verify their residency. Many students verify their residency by filling out the FAFSA. Some opt to turn in an EVEA document instead. EVEA refers to the Tennessee Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act.  Find out how to verify here.

  • What is a Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS)?

    All students who register online through  will be presented with a Financial Responsibility Statement (FRS). This statement will serve as documentation of the financial process and expectations at Tennessee Tech University related to enrolled students. While the FRS does not introduce any new policies, procedures, and responsibilities, it does summarize existing policies, procedures, and responsibilities related to student enrollment. Specifically, the FRS covers:

    • Fee Payment
    • Financial Aid Disbursement and Requirements
    • Communication Methods
    • Collection of Defaulted Debt
    • Tax Information

    The FRS will be presented to every student once each semester and require their acknowledgment by accepting the FRS before proceeding with registration. The FRS presented to students can be seen here.

  • Why am I receiving an email from the Bursar's Office?

    Any time a student receives an email from the Bursar's Office there is usually action that is needed to be taken by the student. Please do not ignore these emails and read them in their entirety. If you still have questions after reading the email, please contact the Bursar's Office at bursar@tntech.edu or (931) 372-3311

  • How do I select a meal plan after confirming?

    Unfortunately, you cannot select a meal plan online once you have paid/confirmed your schedule. However you can add a meal plan by contacting a cashier at Derryberry Hall Window 2 or 3 or by calling (931) 372-3311.

  • How do I get my money if my account has a credit balance?

    The quickest option is to sign up for Direct Deposit through . If students do not sign up for direct deposit a check will be written. These checks will be available each Thursday after being process on the student account beginning approximately 14 days into the semester. Checks can be picked up in the Business Office during office hours M-F 8:00AM - 4:30PM for one week after the check has been printed.  Checks older that one week will be mailed to the student's address on file.

    Direct deposits (daily) and paper checks (weekly) will continue to be processed routinely after Registration day by the Business Office.  An email message will be sent to the student each time a direct deposit or check is processed.

  • Why do I have to confirm enrollment?


    Confirming enrollment is necessary for everyone. It should be noted that making your FULL payment of fees is considered confirmation. However, if your fees are being paid via financial aid, scholarships, assistantships, etc., you MUST confirm that you will be attending classes even if you have a credit balance. Failure to confirm will result in losing your schedule and having to re-register for the same classes.

    Students must confirm their enrollment to ensure they intend to attend the applicable semester. If you register for classes and decide not to attend and do not confirm, your classes will be automatically deleted. However, if you confirm enrollment, you have to officially withdraw from your classes or you will receive a grade of "F".

    Once again, enrollment confirmation is necessary even if your fees are fully covered by a scholarship, graduate assistantship, or other financial aid. Full payment of fees will automatically confirm your enrollment.

    Everyone must confirm by the applicable deadline in order to retain his/her schedule.

    Enrollment may be confirmed via the Web.

    NOTE: Students who pay fees and confirm enrollment by the deadline but decide not to attend must withdraw by notifying the Office of the Registrar, (931) 372-3317.

  • How do I pay my bill when the cashier windows are closed? 

    Cashier Hours are as follows: 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m M-F CST.

    Payments made during times other than these can be made using ECHECK, VISA, MASTERCARD, OR DISCOVER through .  Please note that credit card payments on a student account are subject to a 2.85% credit card convenience fee.

  • Who do I talk with if I have questions about my account?


    Accounts Receivable Office Hours are as follows: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m M-F CST.

    Inquiries about account balances may be made at the accounts receivable windows located on the bottom floor of Derryberry Hall during the posted office hours. You can also check your account balance through  or .  Inquiries can be made by phone by calling (931) 372-3311.

  • What if I want to pay an amount that is different than what my current balance is (using a credit card)?

     Only the full amount due can be paid through . If you need to pay an amount different than what is currently due using a credit card, just type the amount you would like to pay in the "amount" box on the Amount Payment Screen. If you have trouble, please call 372-3311 and ask to speak to a cashier.

  • Who is my advisor, what is my voice mailbox number, post office box number, etc.?

     After logging into : Click on "Registration, Grades, Student Services, Bill Payment" option

    • Select Registration and Schedule
    • Select Registration Status
    • Select the term for which you are registered

    You will then be able to view your advisor's name on this page along with your campus box number, your voice mail box number, your major, and other pertinent registration status information.

  • How do I get my parking permit?

    Parking Permits can be purchased online through Parking and Transportation or at the Roaden University Center Room 122The new parking plan rates, zones, etc. can be found here.

  • Is there anything else I should know?

     If you are a freshman living in the dorm and do not select a meal plan, or you fail to select one of the required plans, you will be assigned the Purple 5 Plus Plan.

    If you do not have a dorm assignment within our system you will only be allowed to select from the list of Taxable meal plans. Your taxable/non-taxable status is verified nightly and your taxable charge will be updated as needed.

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