Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ ASPIRES


ASPIRES is a federally funded grant program at Tech. ASPIRES addresses sexual assault on Tech’s campus by providing free forensic exams (commonly called ‘rape kits’) by specially trained registered nurses and comprehensive advocacy services from trained victim advocates. 
A violence-free campus community where victims & survivors of interpersonal trauma feel safe and supported in their healing journey so that they may be empowered to live their healthiest lives. 
Tech ASPIRES recruits and trains registered nurses and professional advocates to provide care focusing on: 
1) offering attentive reassurance to victims and community.  
2) providing care in an encouraging and positive manner.  
3) promoting a healing environment; and  
4) addressing the basic human needs of safety, security, and increased self-esteem
We believe people affected by interpersonal trauma deserve compassionate, culturally responsive care that adheres to best practices and continuously strives for excellence. In line with this guiding belief, we hold the following values:    

  • Trauma-Informed Care
  • Victim and Survivor Centered
  • Confidentiality         
  • Inclusivity and Cultural Humility
  • Collaboration
  • Commitment To Excellence

For more information on the ASPIRES program values, click on the buttons below:                                     

  • Trauma-Informed

    All of our work is guided by the fundamental principles of trauma-informed care: safety; trustworthiness and transparency; peer support; collaboration and mutuality; empowerment, voice, and choice; and attention to cultural, gender, and historical considerations. ASPIRES team members and partnering departments participate in ongoing professional development emphasizing trauma-informed care, and policies and procedures are developed and amended to facilitate a trauma-informed approach to all aspects of care delivery.

  • Victim and Survivor Centered

    We trust that those with the lived experience of interpersonal trauma possess invaluable, inherent wisdom of the healing process and are fully capable of making their own informed decisions regarding the best course of action for their recovery. As such, victims and survivors who receive care from ASPIRES guide the entire process. Upon initiating care, the victim/survivor is offered an array of services, including medical care, evidence collection (with the option of reporting to law enforcement), advocacy and counseling - the services the victim/survivor receive, if any, are completely at their own discretion. ASPIRES team members commit to supporting victims' and survivors' decisions and, when necessary, advocating on their behalf to ensure students receive the services they choose in a timely, hassle-free manner.

  • Confidentiality

    Just as we are committed to empowering the victim/survivor to be in charge of the care they receive from ASPIRES, we are dedicated to ensuring victims'/survivors' privacy to the fullest extent possible by law. ASPIRES team members who provide healthcare and advocacy services are all considered confidential resources and therefore are not required to report incidences of sexual assault to either law enforcement or Title IX. In any event where disclosure of victims'/survivors' information is necessary to protect the greater Tech community (eg. an assault is related to an imminent threat to campus safety), an ASPIRES team member will discuss the process with the victim/survivor and only disclose the information necessary to ensure a safe campus.

  • Inclusivity and Cultural Humility

    Increasing access and eliminating barriers to care following incidences of unwanted sexual contact is a top priority of ASPIRES. Recognizing that expense may be a significant barrier to accessing services for students who experience sexual assault, all services are provided at no cost to the victim/survivor. Further, services are available to ALL students, faculty, and staff and are delivered by ASPIRES team members committed to respectful, culturally responsive care.

  • Collaboration

    There would be no ASPIRES without collaboration. Specifically, ASPIRES is comprised of staff, faculty, and administrators from key campus departments, including: Health Services, Tech Law Enforcement, and the Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness, as well as community partners similarly dedicated to violence response and prevention. We believe innovation and greatness are most readily achieved when individuals with a variety of personal and professional backgrounds come together to share their perspectives and expertise.

  • Commitment to Excellence

    ASPIRES team members are committed to personal and professional development that continuously seeks to enhance the quantity and quality of care offered to victims and survivors of sexual violence at Tech. Team members regularly engage in team-based professional development activities to hone their skills, and collaborate with other national and international experts to ensure services adhere to the most up-to-date, evidence-based practices. As educators located within a university system, we also seek to mentor the next generation by becoming a model for systemic, trauma-informed, campus-based sexual assault response and prevention through both service delivery and clinical training.




This project was produced by Tech ASPIRES under 2020-V3-GX-0022, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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ASPIRES Contact Information:
8:00am-4:30pm, Monday - Friday: 931-372-6566; aspires@tntech.edu                                          Nights/weekends/holidays through the Eagle Eye Crisis Hotline: 855-206-8997

ASPIRES Office is located in Bell Hall Room 254, 10 W 7th Street, Cookeville, TN 38501. Office Hours are 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday