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    You may want to seek medical care following a physical or sexual assault. It is strongly recommended to do so within 7 days of the sexual assault to preserve any evidence that may be left behind.   
    A medical professional can examine you, provide appropriate treatment, and, if applicable, talk with you about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. If you have sustained other physical injuries as a result of unwanted sexual contact you can speak to a registered nurse to determine the level of care needed by calling Tech ASPIRES. If additional care is needed, the Registered nurse will refer you to the emergency room or Tech Health Services. If there are life threatening injuries, call 911 immediately.
    If you have experienced sexual assault, when possible, avoid changing your clothing, showering, using the bathroom, brushing your teeth, drinking liquids, washing your hands or face, or combing your hair prior to seeking medical attention. If you have done any of these things, you can still have a forensic medical exam - DNA evidence may still be able to be retrieved. If you change clothes, evidence is best preserved in a paper bag. Preservation of evidence does not mean that you have to pursue criminal charges, but it preserves that option for you. 

An exam can be performed by specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) at Tech ASPIRES. Call (931) 372-6566 between 8am-4:30pm. After these hours and on weekends and holidays call the Eagle Eye Crisis Hotline at (855) 206-8997. 

    Many survivors of unwanted sexual contact find counseling helpful to process the trauma they've experienced.  
    Sexual violence is never the survivor鈥檚 fault, but often survivors will be impacted by an assault. Every person responds differently, but some survivors may struggle with self-harm, depression, suicidal ideation, post-traumatic stress disorder, and sleep disturbances, among many other things. Counseling may be a good resource to address you as an individual during the healing process.   
    If you wish to speak confidentially with someone, you can contact one of the following resources: TN Tech Counseling Services: RUC 307, Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm; (931)372-3331  
    Eagle Eye After Hours Crisis Hotline: 1-855-206-8997  
    A licensed counselor can guide you in exploring options and provide you with information, a listening ear, and emotional support. Whether you seek immediate assistance or choose to wait, counseling can help you deal with the psychological impact and begin the healing process. 
    Reporting sexual misconduct to law enforcement or the university is a deeply personal choice that only you can make.  
    The university strongly encourages you to report an incident of sexual misconduct.  Reporting the incident is the only way that the university and/or law enforcement can take action. Having a medical examination performed to ensure your health and document any physical injuries (within seven days in sexual assault cases) is a helpful step in preserving evidence, which can help in a criminal or university investigation; nevertheless, you may report an incident without any medical / forensic evidence.  
    You may report an incident of prohibited conduct to any of the following: Tennessee Tech University Office of Title IX (Derryberry Hall 256, Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm; (931)372-3112;; University Police (Foundation Hall; (931)372-3234); Cookeville Police Department (931-526-2125).  ASPIRES provides advocates that can accompany you and provide support during law enforcement interviews - YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
    You can report an incident to law enforcement before, during, or after an investigation or a resolution of the incident by the university. You have the right to decline to report the incident to law enforcement.   
    Even if you do not report the incident to law enforcement, you can still access medical care, counseling, and other support from the university. Tech ASPIRES office can help you access resources.  Advocates can also accompany you and provide compassionate support and advocacy throughout the Title IX process as well as during medical/emergency care and counseling appointments if you so wish. We honor and respect your choices. WE BELIEVE YOU and are here to provide support as you navigate your healing journey.


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ASPIRES Contact Information:
8:00am-4:30pm, Monday - Friday: 931-372-6566;                                          Nights/weekends/holidays through the Eagle Eye Crisis Hotline: 855-206-8997

ASPIRES Office is located in Bell Hall Room 254, 10 W 7th Street, Cookeville, TN 38501. Office Hours are 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday