International Admissions - Test Score Table

Test Score Table

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VTEST English is a computer adaptive test correlated with CEFR


As of October 1st, 2020, all IELTS scores will be verified by the IELTS site, if the scores cannot be verified, they cannot be used for admissions. Test older than 3 years will no longer be accepted.
IELTS test 5.5 or higher
Students of the Embassy of Kuwait  6.0 is the minimum score 
IELTS Indicator (home edition) 5.5 or higher


score of 301 or above  (B2, C1, C2)

College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)  ????????

Rank 3 or 4 in English section with TOEFL or IELTS


Rank 1 or 2  in English section, no other test needed

– English Language Level Test

Level 6 or higher or 
CEFR Level B2, C1, and C2

score of 425-700

CEFR Level B2, C1, and C2

Use this DISCOUNT CODE to claim a 25% discount: TENNKRS25

580 or higher 
80 / 100
3.5 or higher, student will be required to take additional ESL or language support 
(麻豆果冻传媒 is test optional) Composite of 17 or higher  
≥15 ACT sub-scores
completion of a college-preparatory high school curriculum
  (麻豆果冻传媒 is test optional) Composite of 930 or higher 
≥460 SAT sub-scores
Students interested in scholarships should submit a score of 600 or more in each sub-score

CEFR -Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Levels B1, B2, C1, C2
Cambridge Scale Score of 162 or Above
SLEP from high school  53
IB Diploma: Language A - Language and Literature (SL or HL) with a minimum score of 4, 5, 6, or 7
85   (30 if taken before July 2019)
AP - Advanced Placement- English L& C    minimum score of 3 
Language includes AS-Level, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge IGCSE or GCSE in ESL  Equivalent to a C or better

(before 2016)

CPE - C (Cert of Proficiency in English)CAE - C (Cert in Advanced English)FCE - C (First Cert of English)
Scottish Advanced Higher or Higher English C or better
Irish Leaving Certificate  pre 2017= C         or      post 2017 =O4/H4
375 or higher   (50% off by entering the code 202450)
India National Board Standard XII 70% or greater
WASSCE or NECO in Africa  C6 in English 
Hong Kong HKDSE Grade 4 + 
AST -Aptitude Scholastic Test English Score of 180 or higher 
CET in China  Level 6
 in Japan 1075 +
SEPT (Sakae English Proficiency Test) in Japan  490 for Undergraduate Students Only
 in Japan  2 A grade (College or Junior College Level)

Country-specific qualifications


Matura / Reifeprüfung Grade  2 or better

Brunei GCE/O-level 1120 Syllabus   grade of C or better
Bulgaria Diploma za sredno Obrazovani   Grade of 5
Cameroon GCE  O-Level English C or better
China, Peoples Republic of Gaokao
(GaoKao English subject scores of 105-124/150 or 90-99/120 will be considered for Conditional Admissions)
Denmark Bevis for Studentereksamen   Grade 7 and 10 
Finland Ylioppilastutkinto   Grade 5
France Baccalauréat L’option International English  Grade 12
France  Baccalauréat General  grade 14
Germany Abitur- English  Grade 12
Iceland Stúdentspróf, Compulsory English   Grade 8
Luxembourg Diplome de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires  45 (Bien)
Malaysia English Language GCE-O (Syllabus 1119  grade of C or better
Malta Matriculation Certificate, English  C or better
Mauritius Cambridge Overseas Schools (COS), English C or better
Namibia HIGCSE  grade of C or better
the Netherlands/ Holland VWO, English  grade of 7 or better
Norway Vitnem?l   Grade of 5
Poland Matura, Extended Level English language     70%
Sri Lanka O level in English for Credit or Distinction
Sweden Fullst?ndigt fr?n Gymnasieskolan, English  grade of C or VG or better
Switzerland Maturità   grade of 5

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