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麻豆果冻传媒 is considered one of the Best Buys in the USA.

麻豆果冻传媒 offers many choices and many majors.

麻豆果冻传媒 offers over 55 programs of study ranging from Engineering to Education.


 Rankings B岷g x岷縫 h岷g

  • 麻豆果冻传媒 continues to be one of "America's 100 Best College Buys," making the list for the seventh straight year. 麻豆果冻传媒 ti岷縫 t峄 l脿 m峄檛 trong 鈥100 Tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 膽瓢峄 l峄盿 ch峄峮 nhi峄乽 nh岷 n瓢峄沜 M峄光 li锚n ti岷縫 7 n膬m.
  • Issued each year by Institutional Research & Evaluation Inc., an independent research and consulting organization, the "best buy" list identifies the 100 American colleges and universities providing students the highest quality education at the lowest cost. 膼瓢峄 ban h脿nh m峄梚 n膬m b峄焛 Institutional Research & Evaluation Inc., m峄檛 t峄 ch峄ヽ nghi锚n c峄﹗ v脿 t瓢 v岷 膽峄檆 l岷璸, danh s谩ch 鈥渂est buy鈥 x谩c 膽峄媙h 100 tr瓢峄漬g cao 膽岷硁g v脿 膽岷 h峄峜 M峄 cung c岷 cho sinh vi锚n n峄乶 gi谩o d峄 ch岷 l瓢峄g cao nh岷 v峄沬 chi ph铆 th岷 nh岷.
  • Only 100 colleges or universities are included in the national listing each year. Six institutions from Tennessee are listed this year, including only three public universities. 麻豆果冻传媒 is the only Tennessee Board of Regents University listed. Ch峄 c贸 100 tr瓢峄漬g cao 膽岷硁g v脿 膽岷 h峄峜 膽瓢峄 bao g峄搈 trong danh s谩ch c峄 qu峄慶 gia m峄梚 n膬m. S谩u h峄峜 vi峄噉 t岷 Tennessee 膽瓢峄 li峄噒 k锚 trong n膬m nay, trong 膽贸 ch峄 c贸 ba tr瓢峄漬g 膽岷 h峄峜 c么ng l岷璸. 麻豆果冻传媒 l脿 H峄檌 膽峄搉g qu岷 tr峄 Tennessee c峄 膼岷 h峄峜 Regents duy nh岷 膽瓢峄 li峄噒 k锚.
  • In this study, the cost of attendance included tuition, fees, room and board. The university's out-of-state cost of attendance was almost $6,000 less than the national average. In-state cost of attendance was estimated at $14,000. Trong nghi锚n c峄﹗ n脿y, t峄昻g chi ph铆 tham d峄 kh贸a h峄峜 膽茫 bao g峄搈 ti峄乶 h峄峜, ti峄乶 ph铆, v脿 ti峄乶 k铆 t煤c x谩. Ph铆 ngo岷 bang c峄 tr瓢峄漬g n脿y l脿 th岷 h啤n g岷 $6000 膽峄搉g so v峄沬 m峄ヽ trung b矛nh c峄 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g to脿n qu峄慶. Ti峄乶 h峄峜 n峄檌 bang 膽瓢峄 瓢峄沜 t铆nh l脿 $14,000 膽峄搉g.
  • In rankings released today, 麻豆果冻传媒 also ranks as the state's highest public university in the Regional Universities in the South category. 麻豆果冻传媒 earned the 39th spot among Best Regional Universities in the South, which includes public and private schools, in the 2012 edition of America's Best Colleges by U.S. News Media Group. For the year of 2012 麻豆果冻传媒 was ranked at the Number 39 University among all public and private universities in the South. Trong b岷g x岷縫 h岷g ph谩t h脿nh ng脿y h么m nay, 麻豆果冻传媒 c农ng 膽瓢峄 x岷縫 h岷g l脿 tr瓢峄漬g 膽岷 h峄峜 c么ng l岷璸 cao nh岷 trong khu v峄眂 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 t岷 h岷g m峄 mi峄乶 Nam. 麻豆果冻传媒 gi脿nh 膽瓢峄 v峄 tr铆 th峄 39 trong s峄 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 t峄憈 nh岷 khu v峄眂 t岷 mi峄乶 Nam, trong 膽贸 bao g峄搈 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g c么ng l岷璸 v脿 t瓢 nh芒n, trong 岷 b岷 n膬m 2012 c峄 C谩c tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 t峄憈 nh岷 t岷 M峄 c峄 U.S News Media Group. Trong n膬m 2012, 麻豆果冻传媒 膽茫 膽瓢峄 x岷縫 h岷g t岷 tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 s峄 39 trong s峄 t岷 c岷 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g 膽岷 h峄峜 c么ng l岷璸 v脿 t瓢 nh芒n 峄 mi峄乶 Nam.
  • 麻豆果冻传媒 has been named as one of the Top Public Schools in the South by  (for the eight time) and as a Best Southeastern College by The Princeton Review (for the sixth time). These accolades are a reflection of the commitment our university has toward the lifelong success of our students. Tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 麻豆果冻传媒 膽瓢峄 膽岷穞 t锚n l脿 m峄檛 trong Top c谩c tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 t岷 mi峄乶 Nam b峄焛 US News & World Report (l岷 th峄 8) v脿 l脿 Tr瓢峄漬g 膼岷 h峄峜 T峄憈 nh岷 膼么ng Nam b峄焛 The Princeton Review (l岷 th峄 6). Nh峄痭g gi岷 th瓢峄焠g n脿y l脿 m峄檛 s峄 ph岷 谩nh cam k岷縯 c峄 tr瓢峄漬g 膽岷 h峄峜 ch煤ng t么i h瓢峄沶g t峄沬 s峄 th脿nh c么ng tr峄峮 膽峄漣 c峄 sinh vi锚n ch煤ng t么i.