

Cost of Attendance 学费

ApplyCostOverview ? Life at Tech


  • International tuition $661 per credit hour; $7932 for 12 hours (in addition to in-state costs) plus $132/hour over 12 hours.
    • 国际学费$661每学分小时。$7932 每12小时(周内学费以外)+12小时以上,每小时$132
  • General access fees  $741* includes technology access fee, student activity fee, campus access fee in lieu of parking permit fee, graduation fee, change of schedule fee, sustainable campus fee and the Post Office box.
    • 一般费用$741 *包括技术接入费,学生活动费,校园停车证费,毕业费,附表费的变化,可持续发展校园费和邮政信箱代替接入费。

The cost of one semester at 麻豆果冻传媒 will be:  一学期的费用将是: 

$5,415(12 个学分的学费)+ $7,932(国际学费)+ $3,084(宿舍房间)+ $3,054(膳食计划)= $19,485.00



Residence Hall Rates

(all rates are based on a double occupancy rate) 宿舍价格(所有价格均为双人率)

  • Regular Residence Hall普通居住厅 $2,880 per semester 每学期
  • Honors Residence Hall荣誉宿舍大楼 $2,880 per semester每学期
  • Global Village Residence Hall地球村生活馆 $2,880 per semester每学期
  • Business Residence Hall 商业宿舍大楼 $2,880 per semester 每学期
  • Engineering Residence Hall工程宿舍大楼 $2,880 per semester每学期
  • New Residence Hall (Living and Learning Villages) 新宿舍大楼(生活和学习村)$4,070 per semester 每学期

Meal Plans  膳食计划

  • "GOLD PLUS" Anytime 7 day dining + $225 dining dollars +8
    guest meals**+ 1 daily meal exchange option 无限进入市场(食堂)$2477 per semester每学期
  • “"GOLD" “极端之鹰” (Anytime 7 day dining + $225 dining dollars +6 guest meals**) (19餐/周+$250的餐)$2,403 per semester每学期
  • “PURPLE PLUS” “无垠的15” (Anytime 5 day dining + $225 dining dollars +6
    guest meals** +1 daily meal exchange option (MF) (15餐/周+$225的餐饮) $2,403 per semester 每学期
  • “PURPLE” 共十” (Anytime 5 day dining + $225 dining dollars +6 guest meals** (M-F)) (10餐/周+$300的餐饮)$2322 per semester每学期

其他费用: 所有国际学生都必须支付以下费用:

  • 国际费$ 100(每学期)
  • $300订金


  • 一些课程,列如实验室,工程,护理,商业和音乐课程,有特殊的课程费用。
  • 发展课程与本科水平的课程价格不同。Medical insurance is required by all international students who enroll in any Tennessee Board of Regents school. * Please note:
Required Medical Insurance Coverage: International Basic and Major Medical Coverage for persons under 29 医疗保险覆盖范围:国际基本与主要医疗保险计划,29岁以下
  Annual&苍产蝉辫;全年 Fall&苍产蝉辫;秋季 Spring/Summer&苍产蝉辫;春/夏季
Student学生 $1950 $818 807
Spouse   配偶 $21,517 $9,020 8902
Child   儿童 $11,058 $4636 $4575
IMPORTANT: You may only choose the ANNUAL option in the FALL Semester enrollment period重要说明:您只能在秋季学期报名期间选择每年选 


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