

University Advancement Staff

Vice President for University Advancement Office

Dr. Kevin H. Braswell

Dr. Kevin Braswell
Vice President for University Advancement

email: kbraswell@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6092

Brandon Boyd

Brandon Boyd
Executive Assistant to the Vice President

email: bboyd@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6092

Crawford Alumni Center

Susan Luna-Hazlewood

Susan Luna-Hazlewood
Director, Crawford Alumni Center

email: susanluna@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6285

 Kelly Chambers

Kelly Chambers
Assistant Director

email: kchambers@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6860

 Tech Seal

Raela Gore
Events Specialist

email: rmgore@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6150

 Tech Seal

Erin Knight
Administrative Services Coordinator III

email: eknight@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-3205

 Tech Seal

Annual Giving Specialist

email: giving@tntech.edu

  University Development

 John Smith

John Smith
Associate Vice President for University Development

email: jwsmith@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6338

Ashton Hitchcock

Tonya Smith
Assistant to AVP for University Development

email: tonyasmith@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-3055

Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson
Assistant Director of Development
Planned Giving

email: jfanderson@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-3997

 Michelle Arbogast

Michelle Arbogast
Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

email: marbogast@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6091

Slade Dale

Slade Dale
Assistant Director of Development
College of Agriculture and Human Ecology, College of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing

email: jsdale@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6827

Amber Wilson

Amber Green
Director of Development
College of Education, College of Arts and Sciences and College of Fine Arts

email: argreen@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-3929

Sara Pierce Ramey

Sara Pierce Ramey
Director of Development
College of Business

email: sramey@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6187

 Tiff Rector

Tiff Rector
Executive Director of Planned Giving

email: tiffrector@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-3159

Elizabeth Sofia

Elizabeth Sofia
Director of Development
College of Engineering

email: esofia@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6080

Bobby Taylor

Bobby Taylor

Associate Athletic Director of Development

email: rhtaylor@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6228

Advancement Services  

A portrait of Elizabeth Williams

Elizabeth Williams
Executive Director

email: ewilliams@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6101

 Lora Cowan

Lora Cowan
Assistant Director
Records and Research

email: laramsey@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6219

 Tech Seal

Angie Stanley
Administrative Associate 5
Records and Research

email: ajstanley@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6186

Suzan Swartzentrover

Suzan Swartzentrover
Administrative Associate 5
Records and Research

email: sswartzen@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6453

Tech Seal

Brianna Young
Assistant Director
Financial Services

email: bpyoung@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-3054

Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith
Gift and Pledge Services

email: jmsmith@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6106

Misty Kline

Samantha Peterson
Administrative Associate 5
Gift and Pledge Services

email: speterson@tntech.edu
phone: 931-372-6102




Invest in the Tech Experience

From a scholarship that helps a student in financial need, to the opportunity to meet an inspirational entrepreneur, to professional development opportunities that prepare a graduate to succeed in the workforce, donor support makes the Tech Experience possible.

Make Your Investment Today

Crawford Alumni Center Mailing Address:

Crawford Alumni Center
P.O. Box 5157
Cookeville, TN 38505

University Development Mailing Address:

University Development
P.O. Box 5047
Cookeville, TN 38505

University Advancement Mailing Address:

University Advancement
P.O. Box 5111
Cookeville, TN 38505

Please Send Gifts to:

麻豆果冻传媒 Foundation
P.O. Box 1915
Cookeville, TN 38505

Street Address:

705 N. Dixie Ave.
Cookeville, TN 38501

Office Hours:

8am to 4:30pm CST

