True To Tech - Kathleen Lordo

True To Tech

True To Tech Stories

A portrait of Kathleen Lordo. There is a brick wall behind her.

Kathleen Lordo

`00 geology
2 years True To Tech



Why are you True To Tech? 

Now that I work in University Advancement at Tech, I understand the importance of gifts to scholarships, grants and departments. I think a lot of people assume that budget, tuition and fees should cover everything, but the truth is they don鈥檛. I can鈥檛 help out a whole lot, but I like to know that I contributed what I could to help students achieve their goals.

What area(s) on campus do you support?

I have given to the Food Pantry, Accessible Education Center, Eagle Assistance Grant and  Earth Sciences.

Why do you support these areas specifically?

The Food Pantry is an amazing resource to have on campus for people who need it. The Accessible Education Center is something that I feel is invaluable so that all of our students can have equitable access to their educations. The Eagle Assistance Grant is something that I know would have been helpful to students when I was in school, so I鈥檓 so happy to contribute to it now. I was a geology major, and I absolutely loved my time studying here at Tech. The unrestricted fund is something that the department can use for whatever need arises to ensure that the department and subject I love can continue to be taught and enjoyed by students. 

What inspired you to give?

I was one of those people who would get the solicitation in the mail and put it on the refrigerator until I had a little more money to give. I did that year after year, and then I thought that it had been so long since it was sent that it was too late. When I started working here and realized how important those gifts really are, I started contributing what I could when I could. I realized that giving even $5 or $20 each year has a positive impact for students, and I don鈥檛 have to wait until I have $100 extra dollars to give all at once.