College of Business Student Success Center - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Who is my advisor? 

    Our Student Success Center advising staff consists of four advisors ready to serve you. You may see any available advisor, or you may request to see a specific advisor if you prefer.

  • How do I make an appointment? When do I need to be advised?

    All non-first year business majors are advised in the Student Success Center located in Foundation Hall 129. You may call (931) 372-3371 or (800) 374-4479 to set up an appointment to see an advisor. We also take walk-ins on a first-come basis. We encourage students to see an advisor anytime they have a question or concern. All students must see an advisor prior to registering for classes each term.

  • How do I get my Alternate PIN each semester?

    You will receive that information after you have been advised for the next semester. Current students will receive an email as to when they should come in for advisement for the next semester.

  • I am on Academic Warning/Probation. What does that mean?

    Warning or probation means that your GPA (grade point average) for the semester has fallen below the minimum required standard. Warning does not prevent you from returning to school, but you should see an advisor for suggestions on improvement. Probation means you are in danger of suspension if grades do not improve. 

  • How do I drop or withdraw from a class?

    Business students should come to the COB Student Success Center and speak with an advisor about dropping a class.

  • How can I find out what my GPA is?

    Log onto your personal academic information on the Eagle Online website. You will find your GPA information by going to "Student Records" the "Academic Transcripts."

  • Will all my previous credits transfer over to TN Tech College of Business?

    Talk with an advisor in the Student Success Center for information on how your courses will transfer, and look at the transfer equivalencies tables. Also, check out the Admissions page for more information on transfer students.


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