Environmental Health & Safety - Building Coordinators

Building Coordinators

A Building Coordinator is a chief source of information for building occupants. The Building Coordinator relays information to building occupants regarding Facilities or Emergency Management/Preparedness activities such as water shutdowns, fire alarm testing, electrical outages, emergency evacuation and/or shelter in place procedures, drills, etc.

The Building Coordinator maintains a weather radio for the building. This aids in the preparation of a timely response to severe weather.

The Building Coordinator also maintains a copy of the 麻豆果冻传媒 Emergency Operations Plan.

The Building Coordinator should:

  • Know every department in the building, person to contact, and phone number.
  • Make sure every department knows of their role as Building Coordinator and their phone number.
  • Know the location of people with disabilities within the building to aid the fire department, should a fire occur, or in the event of any other emergency that requires evacuation.
  • Report building problems located in common areas, paying particular attention to items that may present a safety hazard or security problem. Ensure Evacuation Routes are clear.
  • Ensure that employees who work in the building know the location of the tornado shelters.
  • Review and be familiar with the content of the 麻豆果冻传媒 Emergency Operations Plan


               Building Building Coord. Office #  (372)              E-mail
Academic Wellness Mike Phillips 3469 mbphillips@tntech.edu
Hyder Burks Ag. Pavilion Rusty Chilcutt 6767 rchilcutt@tntech.edu
Appalachian Craft Center Matt Bennett 6887 mgbennett@tntech.edu
Athletic Performance Center Matt Hewett  6234 mhewett@tntech.edu
Bartoo Hall Jeremy Wendt 3181 jwendt@tntech.edu
Baseball Field House Matthew Dexter 3945 mmdexter@tntech.edu
Bell Hall- Health Services Leigh Ann Ray 3320 lray@tntech.edu
Bell Hall- Nursing Jason Hurley 6802 jhurley@tntech.edu
Brown Hall Chris Mills 3190 cmills@tntech.edu
Bruner Hall Paula Engelhardt 3629 engelhar@tntech.edu
Bryan Fine Arts Colin Hill 6406 cjhill@tntech.edu
Burnett Recreation Center Les Fralix 6211 lfralix@tntech.edu
Clement Hall Joseph Slater (Interim) 3172  jslater@tntech.edu
Derryberry Hall Greg Holt 6062 gholt@tntech.edu
Facilities Complex Shana Rich 3226 slrich@tntech.edu
Foundation Hall Rene Watson 3706 swatson@tntech.edu
Foundry Chris Mills 3190 cmills@tntech.edu
Henderson Hall Linda Fisk 3343 lfisk@tntech.edu
Hooper Eblen Center Matthew Dexter 3945 mmdexter@tntech.edu
Jere Whitson Jerri Winningham 6174 jwinningham@tntech.edu
Johnson Hall Susan Watson 3706 swatson@tntech.edu
Kittrell Hall Joseph Asante 3576 jasante@tntech.edu
Laboratory Science Commons Jeffery Boles 3421 jboles@tntech.edu
LSC (only if Jeff is unavailable) Tammie Hanchey 6168 thanchey@tntech.edu
Lewis Hall Chris Mills 3190 cmills@tntech.edu
Library Rob Wright 6113 rewright@tntech.edu
Matthews/Daniel Michael Hoane 3562 mhoane@tntech.edu
Memorial Gym Christy Killman 3539 ckillman@tntech.edu
Oakley Hall Lisa Rice 3149 lrice@tntech.edu
Pennebaker Hall Steve Hayslette 3146 shayslette@tntech.edu
Prescott Hall Robert Craven 3487 rcraven@tntech.edu
Ray Morris Hall (STEM) James Isbell 3786 jmisbell@tntech.edu
Residence Halls Josh Edmonds 3518 jedmonds@tntech.edu
Roaden University Center Jeffrey Hall 3925 jahall@tntech.edu
ROTC Karen Loftis 3283 kloftis@tntech.edu
Southwest Hall Dylcia Cowan 3366 dcowan@tntech.edu
Southwest Hall (CDL) Angie Smith 6262 angiesmith@tntech.edu
Stonecipher Lecture Hall Jeff Boles 3421 jboles@tntech.edu
SLH (If Jeff is unavailable) Tammie Hanchey 6168 thanchey@tntech.edu
T. J. Farr Building Lisa Zagumny 6558 lzagumny@tntech.edu
Tech Village Josh Edmonds 3518 jedmonds@tntech.edu
Tennis Center Matthew Dexter 3945 mmdexter@tntech.edu
Tucker Stadiums-East & West Matthew Dexter 3945 mmdexter@tntech.edu
University Services Justin Childers 3800 jchilders@tntech.edu
Varsity Alumni Building Elizabeth Williams 6101 ewilliams@tntech.edu