Student Affairs - SMAC/Chapter 606 Guidelines for Receiving Funds

SMAC/Chapter 606 Guidelines for Receiving Funds

Guidelines for Receiving SMAC/Chapter 606 Funds


Any student organization registered with the Office of Student Activities and in good standing with the university can apply for Chapter 606 funds. Traditionally, Chapter 606 has funded projects that will benefit Tech students as well as promote the university as a whole. It is money from students, for students, by students.

Only one application per organization per semester will be accepted.

Chapter 606 will fund no more than five (5) percent of the total amount of money available in the Chapter 606 account (this varies from semester to semester); or no more than sixty-six (66) percent of the total funds needed for the project when the committee determines that the club requesting funds has done no fundraising.  The committee may also choose to award sixty-six (66) percent of the total funds requested by a club if the ability to fund multiple projects is a concern due to a low balance of funds in the account.  The committee may also choose not to fund projects that do not align to SMAC/Chapter 606 guidelines.

An application form must be completed in its entirety by the organization requesting funds. The application is available online and also in the Office of Student Affairs. The organization鈥檚 faculty advisor, president and project chairperson must sign the application.

The application should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs (RUC 221) before noon, at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting. The faculty advisor will receive notice when the organization is placed on the agenda.

A student representative of the organization requesting funds must be present at the meeting to answer any questions that committee members might have about the application. If a student representative is not present at the time the application is to be presented, the application will be tabled.

Expenditures utilizing Chapter 606 funds can be made in the following ways (listed in priority order):

  • Charge the cost of needed items to University departments (Printing Services, Bookstore, etc.)
  • Charge the cost of needed items to area businesses.
  • Pay cash for items or expenses and have the University reimburse the organization.
  • Should the expenditure for equipment or supply items exceed $2000, and cannot be purchased from university sources, the items must be competitively bid by the Purchasing Office. The bid process will normally require a minimum of two weeks before an order can be placed. This will be the responsibility of the organization.

The following expenditures will NOT be paid for by Chapter 606 funds:

  • Meals for all persons
  • Faculty Advisor expenditures

It is urged that supplies, materials, etc., be purchased from the various University departments when available or applicable.

Should Chapter 606 approval be given to bring in non-university employees (outside speakers, consultants, etc.) a university contract for the person or organization must be executed prior to their engagement.

If expense reimbursement is necessary, it is MANDATORY that All RECEIPTS are kept and returned to the Office of Student Affairs at one time with a typed summary. No reimbursement will be made without documentation. Should travel expenses be involved, reimbursement will be made in accordance with established University guidelines. Should airfare be approved as a method of travel, it will be procured by utilizing university established forms and procedures.

All expenditures must be submitted for payment or reimbursement the semester the event occurs. At the end of that semester, funds remaining will be returned to Chapter 606 and the application will be closed. The exception will be events held during summer semester. In this case, all expenditures must be submitted during the following fall semester. 

Requests from organizations who fail to spend their funds as allocated and in the semester allocated, may jeopardize the organization鈥檚 ability to receive funding the following semester.

It is the organization's responsibility to maintain records of amounts spent from allocations of Chapter 606 funds. A maximum limit will be set for each project. Expenses incurred beyond this limit, or in violation of State and/or University guidelines, will be the sole responsibility of the sponsoring organization.

It is strongly recommended that one person from the organization be responsible for coordinating the Chapter 606 allocation and all expenditures, such as the organization鈥檚 president or treasurer or the project chairperson.

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