University Housing & Residential Life - Forms & Requests

Forms & Requests

Work Order Request Form

Do you need something in your residence hall room or apartment fixed?  If so, please submit a work order request. 

If you think this might be emergency maintenance, please contact your hall or apartment staff immediately.

Request for Release and/or Cancellation Form

This form is used to request an exemption (request to be released) from the requirement to live on campus.  This includes those who already currently in contract with University Housing and Residential Life.

It is also used to cancel an application for those who are eligible to cancel because your not enrolling, etc.

Housing Appeal Form

This form is used to appeal any housing charges such as damages, etc.

This form can also be used to appeal any request for release that has already been denied.  Before you do an appeal, you must first have completed a request for release and been denied if you are appealing the denied request for release.

RA Incident Report Form

This reporting form is intended for Resident Assistant (RA) submissions only. It is to be used by RA staff only. 


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