

Office of Sponsored Programs

Faculty Research Awards (Internal)

Open the menus below to view listings of Faculty Research Awards and their recipients, titles, departments, funding amounts and project reports. 

  • 2022-2023

    Awards for 2022-2023

    Track 1    
    PI Title PI College PI Dept.  Track Total
    Grant Clary Gramification Initiative: A Hedonic Way to Improve Knowledge Retentic Business DSM 1 $3,000.00
    Helen Hunt Special Case Research Trip A&S English 1 $3,000.00
    Motoya Machida An Investigation of Langevin diffusiond and Monte Carlo Methodology A&S Mathematics 1 $3,000.00
    Hyewon Park The Role of Social Identity-Associated Consumption in Giving, Trusting and Ostracism Business E,F&M 1 $3,000.00
    Yi Peng The Moderating Roles of Leader-Member Exchange and Coworker Ex Business E,F&M 1 $3,000.00
    Track 2    
    PI Title PI College PI Dept.  Track Total
    Lynette P. Harvey The Effects of a Canine Therapy Program On Test Anxiety: A Pilot Student Nursing WHSON 2 $5,000.00
    Preston Light Premiere Recording of New and Significant Works for Brass Quintet Music Music 2 $5,000.00
    Michael Nattrass Assessing Agricultural data collection and processing to train machine learning models Ag Ag 2 $4,000.00
    Mostafa Rahnama Adaptive Telomere Failure as A Mechanism for Fungal Genome Evolution and Adaptation A&S Biology 2 $5,000.00
    Allison Toth What makes someone socially skilled? A Study of Social Behaviors in a Virtual Context Business DSM 2 $5,000.00
    Track 3    
    PI Title PI College PI Dept.  Track Total
    David Beck Identification and Characterization of a Serum Protein that Alters Reversion Frequency of Staphylococcus Aureus A&S Biology 3 $18,250.00
    Wilson Gichuhi Joint Experimental and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Mixed Organic Valence States in Dinitrobenzene Radical Anions A&S Chemistry 3 $19,511.00
    Syed Rafay Hasan Security Analysis of Model Parallelism Based Horizontally Collaborated Convolutional Neural Networks for Edge Intelligence Engineering ECE 3 $15,000.00
    Queen Ogbomo Recruiting Underrepresented Education C&I 3 $14,496.00


  • 2021-2022

    Awards for 2022-2023 (awarded in FY 22)

    Track 1
    PI Title PI College PI Dept. 
    Donadio Documentation and the Deposition Whitson-Hester School of Nursing Nursing
    Greathouse Preparing Preservice Teachers to Teach Online:  A Mixed Methods Case Study Education Curriculum and Instruction
    Shibakov Floating Point Conversions and the Partial Logarithm Problem Arts and Sciences Mathematics
    Track 2
    PI Title PI College PI Dept. 
    Hall Integrating Multiple Environmental Stressors to Assess Developmental Tolerance Under Prediction Arts and Sciences Biology
    Nattrass Unmanned Aerial Systems for Optimizing TN Forage Production Management Strateiges Agriculture and Human Ecology Agriculture
    Rizvi A Stabilizing Reinforcement Learning Control Framework for Handling Real-World Constraints Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Younglove Night Set:  A Recording Project of Original Words for Saxophone and Piano Fine Arts School of Music
    Track 3
    PI Title PI College PI Dept. 
    Bhattacharya Low-Frequency Metamaterial for High-Efficiency and High Power Wireless Power Transfer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Hurt Genomic Insights into Adaptive Potential to Inform Conservation of At-Risk Species Arts and Sciences Biology
    Murdock Tracking How Stream Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Pollution Moves Across the Aquatic/Terrestrial Boundary to Accumulate in Terrestrial Consumers Arts and Sciences Biology
    Zeringue-Krosnick Bridging the Gap:  Building Genomic Infrastructure in the Passionflowers Arts and Sciences Biology

  • 2020-2021

    Awards for 2021-2022 (awarded in FY 21)

    Track 1
    PI Title PI College PI Dept.
    Olsen, Michael Teacher-Talk Database for L2 Spanish Arts & Sciences Foreign Languages
    Peng, Yi Consumer Animosity:  The Moderating Roles of Brand Familiarity and Country-Brand Image Congruence Business Economics, Finance & Marketing
    Shibakov, Alexander Quantum Push-Down Machines and Their Classical Applications Arts & Sciences Mathematics
    Track 2
    PI Title PI College PI Dept.
    Bhattacharya, Indranil           Investigating Effects of Smaller-Ionic Radius Vanadium Doping on Stability and Electrochemical Performance of Next Generation Sodium-Ion Batteries Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Carrick, Jesse Exploration of Resorcylic Acid Lactones as Sources of Potentially Novel Anticancer Chemotherapeutics Arts & Sciences Chemistry
    Datta, Tania Quantifying Microplastics from Tennessee's Wastewater Treatment Plants into Receiving Streams Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering
    Gichuhi, Wilson A Deeper Look at Non-Born Oppenheimer Effects in the Negative Ion Photoelectron Spectra of Selected Polyaromatic Anions Arts & Sciences Chemistry
    Henderson, Robert Development of an Engineering Research Center for Construction and Building Information Modeling (CCBIM) Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering
    Idem, Stephen Optimization of Biodiesel Production From Waste Vegetable Oil Engineering Mechanical Engineering
    Leckie, Brian Cover Crop Allelopathic Impacts on Subsequent Market Crops Agriculture  
    Rice, Cynthia Selectively Gas Permeable Anode Flow Field for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells Engineering Chemical Engineering
    Sargolzaei, Arman Secure Design of Connected Automated Vehicles under System Identification Attacks Engineering Mechanical Engineering
    Ulybyshev, Denis Mobile Navigation, Object Detection, Recommendation and Notification Software Assistant for Visually Impaired People in Campuses and Smart Cities Engineering Computer Science
    Vaselbehagh, Ahmad Understanding and Modeling of Thermal Transport Processes within Near-Ground Atmosphere in the Presence of Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Plants Engineering Mechanical Engineering
    Zhang, Liqun Interactions of Human Beta Defensin and SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD Natural Mutants Engineering Chemical Engineering

  • 2019-2020


    Track 1
    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt.
    Michael Adduci Quantifying Relationships Between Intraoral Pressure and Sound Pressure During Performance of Wind Instruments   Music $3,000
    Greg Danner Recording of Original Compositions for Concert Band   Music $3,000
    Stephanie Kazanas Cognition and Emotion:  When Our Emotional State Affects Word Processing and Memory   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Kathryn Kozak Principals' Perception of the School Counselor's Role   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Emily Lee Bridging the Rural Healthcare Gap with FNP Clinical Preparatory Training   Nursing $3,000

    Track 2
    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt. 
    Mohammad Albakri Elastic Meta-Structures with Localized Stress-Fields for Low-Frequency Bandgaps   Mechanical Engineering $10,000
    Pedro Arce, Co-PI: Andrea Arce-Trigatti Leveraging the Foundry to Develop the Facilitator of Learning for a Holistic-Style STEM Professional   Chemical Engineering $10,000
    Indranil Bhattacharya Investigating Optical Characteristics, Current Matching and Carrier Transport Mechanisms in High-Efficiency Perovskite Multijunction Solar Cells   Elec and Comp Engineering $10,000
    Pingen Chen Developing an Open-Access Control System for Advanced Centralized Control of an Integrated Diesel Engine and Aftertreatment System   Mechanical Engineering $10,000
    Maanak Gupta Secure Cloud Assisted Smart Farming Ecosystem   Computer Science $10,000
    Syed Rafay Hasan Optimizing Dynamic Distribution of Intelligence for Node Level Edge Devices Based Edge Intelligence (ND-EI)   Elec and Comp Engineering  $10,000
    Alfred Kalyanapu Development and Deployment of Rapid Deployable Flood (RDF) Gages for Rural Tennessee   Civil and Enviro Engineering $10,000
    Jennifer Mabry The Effect of Pre-Clinical Preparation on Graduate Nursing Students' Readiness for Practice in the Central Appalachian Region Using Simulation   Nursing $10,000
    Susmit Shannigrahi Integrating Cloud Resources into Genomics Workflows Using Next-Generation Networking   Computer Science $10,000

  • 2018-2019

    Track 1
    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt. 
    Edward Driggers Improving Geology and Engineering Through Historical Case Studies   History $1,433
    Joshua Hauser, Chris McCormick, and Greg Danner Christmas Brass:  New Arrangements of Holiday Music for Brass   Music $3,000
    Matthew Zagumny QUEST-20 Validation Among a Diverse Global Student Population   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
          Total $7,433
    Track 2
    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt. 
    Joseph Asante and Evan Hart Monitoring Water Quality in Karst Systems:  What Does Electrical Conductivity Measurement Mean?   Earth Sciences $10,000
    Indranil Bhattacharya Cobalt Free High-Energy Density and Longer Life Cycle Next Generation Sodium Ion Batteries   Electrical and Computer Engineering $10,000
    Pingen Chen Developing Advanced Non-Uniform Cylinder-to-Cylinder Combustion Strategies for Lean-Burn Gasoline Engine   Mechanical Engineering $10,000
    Janet Isbell and Amber Spears Jere Whitson Freedom School Research   Teacher Education and Curriculum and Instruction $10,000
    Duckbong Kim Multi-Scale and In-Situ Investigation of Microstructure Stability and Transformation of Bimetallic Additively Manufactured Structure   Manufacturing and Engineering Technology $10,000
    Christopher Murray, Carla Hurt, and Tammy Boles Demographic Manifestations of Chronic Endocrine Disruptor Exposure:  Do Environmental Estrogens and Androgens Yield Chryptic Bottleneck?   Biology, Biology and Environmental Studies $10,000
    Venkat Padmanabhan Viscoelastic Behavior of Polyelectrolyte-Grafted Nanoparticle Networks for Membrane Separation:  A Molecular Dynamics Study   Chemical Engineering $10,000
    Robby Sanders and Stephanie Jorgensen Stages Towards Development of a Skin-on-a-Chip Model for Improved Wound Healing   Chemical Engineering $10,000
    Steven Seiler Exploring Alcohol and Drug Addiction and Dependence on Tech Campus and Development of a Collegiate Recovery Program   Sociology and Political Science $8,457
    Indu Upadhyaya Improving Intestinal Health and Productivity in Poultry Using Natural, Plant-Derived Compounds   Agriculture $10,000
    Daniel Vandenberge, Jennifer Meadows, Leslie Suters, and Sally Pardue Collaborative Professional Learning:  Peer-to-Peer Engineering and Education Framework   Civil and Environmental Engineering $10,000
    Christopher (Kit) Wheeler Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function Links in Southern Appalachian Streams:  Quantifying Nutrient Inputs from and Ecosystem Responses to Migratory Suckers in Spawning Tributaries   Biology $10,000
    Jeanette Wolak The Alta Fjord-Head Delta:  A Scandinavian Analog for Martian Deltaic Deposits   Earth Sciences $9,761
    Liqun Zhang Investigating the Antibacterial Activity of Human Beta Defensins by a Comparative Study   Chemical Engineering $10,000
    Jiahong Zhu Nanostructured Bifunctional Composite Catalysts for Rechargeable Metal-Air Battery Application   Mechanical Engineering $10,000

  • 2017-2018

    Track 1
    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt.
    Holly Anthony High School Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Perceptions of Integrated Mathematics   Curriculum and Instruction $3,000
    Laura Chavez Introduction of Carbon Molecular Sieves into Polymeric Membranes for Enhanced Removal of Small Neutral Molecules from Drinking Water and Wastewater   Chemical Engineering $3,000
    Joshua Hauser Contributions:  Original Compositions and Arrangements for Trombone   Music  $2,995
    Ahmed Kamal Effect of Yoga Practicing on Autonomic Function Assessment of Alzheimer's Disease Patients Using Kernel Method and Entrainment Techniques   Manufacturing and Engineering Technology $3,000
    Stephanie Kazanas Creativity and Cognition:  Investigating the Role of Divergent Thinking in Adaptive Memory    Counseling and Psychology $3,000  
    Mark Loftis The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Alexithymia and Suicide Risk in College Students   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Chad Luke Ethical Considerations for Counselors Integrating Neuroscience into Clinical Practice and Training   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Tony Michael State vs. Trait:  The Relationship Between Early Childhood Parental Attachment and Suicide-Related Thoughts and Behaviors in College Students   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Alexander Shibakov Stochastic Learning and Artificial Intelligence   Mathematics $3,000
    Track 2
    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt. 
    Indranil Bhattacharya Improving Energy Density Through Synthesis, Characterization and Investigation of Diffusion Mechanisms in Layered Structure Sodium Ion Batteries   Electrical and Computer Engineering $10,000
    David Gallop and Jeremy Blair VRAE Virtual Reality Arts Education   Art $9,998
    Seth King Project VIBE:  Immersive Virtual Instruction in Behavioral Education   Curriculum and Instruction $10,000
    Mohamed Mahmoud Towards Secure and Private-Preserving Intelligent Traffic Management Systems   Electrical and Computer Engineering $10,000
    Keith Morris The Development of Soil Properties in In-Situ Conditions to Develop "Soil Management/Mapping Units" Using High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Data Sets   Agriculture $9,922
    Leslie Suters Developing Math and Science Computational Thinking Practices for Teaching at the Elementary, K-5 Level   Curriculum and Instruction $10,000
    Yunbo Zhang Investigation of Multi-directional Additive Manufacturing Process and Design Method   Mechanical Engineering $10,000

  • 2016-2017

    Track 1

    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt. 
    Allen Driggers Boundary Stones:  Communities of Medico-Chemistry and the Atlantic   History $2,971
    Mark Loftis Alexithymia and Suicide Risk in Nonclinical Populations   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Tony Michael The Adult Scale of Parental Attachment:  Item Selection, Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties   Counseling and Psychology $3,000
    Julie Stepp The Impact of Full-Time Libraries on Student Achievement in K-12 Schools in Tennessee   Curriculum and Instruction $3,000

     Track 2

    Author(s) Title   Dept.  Amt. 
    Indranil Bhattacharya Development and Modeling of High-Energy-Density Solid State Lithium Sulfur Battery   Electrical and Computer Engineering $10,000
    Syed Hasan Towards Run-Time Hardware Trojan Detection Using Circuit Behavior Profiling:  Leveraging Game Theory and Formal Verification   Electrical and Computer Engineering $10,000
    Xiaohua Jiang Studying the Mechanism of Thiosemicarbazone Inhibiting Topoisomerase II   Chemistry $10,000
    Ethan Languri/Wayne Johnson Innovative Diamond Nanofluid for Enhanced Electronics Thermal Management   Mechanical Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering $10,000
    Brian Lecke Characterization of Southern Appalachian Heirloom Green Bean   Agriculture $10,000
    Jennifer Pascal Optimizing Dielectrophoretic Separation of Circulating Tumor Cells from Blood   Chemical Engineering $10,000
    Donald Walker Spatial and Temporal Changes of Fish Communities, the Fish Microbiome and Fungal Pathogenicity Under Conditions of Increased Human Water Use    Biology $9,987
    Xuanzhi Zhan The Self-Activation Mechanisms of Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase I   Chemistry $10,000

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