Registrar's Office - Courses

Registrar's Office


Course Information

Below is information regarding the permissible course loads for students per student type and per academic standing. This information is helpful for registration purposes, so that you may determine for how many hours you are eligible depending on your student type and status. 

Additionally, below is helpful information regarding course codes. This information is especially helpful when searching for courses; either when registering for classes or interpreting a transcript.  

Course Loads


Minimum Course Load 

The minimum load for full-time attendance is 12 semester hours. In the summer 4 hours is considered the minimum full-time load per session. (See 鈥淔inancial Aid鈥 section below).

Normal, Maximum, and Probationary Course Loads 

Sixteen to seventeen hours is the normal student load. The maximum credit load for a student in good standing is 20 hours. The maximum load for students on academic probation is 16 hours for fall and spring semesters and 10 for summer. Any load exceeding the above requires approval by the Major Department Chair and Dean of the College or School in which the student is majoring.

Probation Course Load 

The maximum load for students on academic probation is 16 semester hours for fall and spring semesters, and 10 for summer, with the exception of seniors within two semesters of graduation, who may carry 18 if necessary. A student on probation may be advised to take a lower load and must observe the load requirement or violate the terms of his/her probation.

Late Registration Course Load 

Those who register late may be required to reduce their load.

Financial Aid

Federal law defines full time for financial aid purposes as being registered for at least 12 semester hours (excluding audit hours) for all semesters. Three-quarter time students include those who register for 9-11 semester hours, and half-time students include those who register for 6-8 semester hours. Students who drop below 6 credit hours during any semester (including summer) may have their financial aid deleted. Students who attend only one (1) summer session may have their financial aid reduced.

Please remember that you must attend class to be eligible for your financial aid. If YOU WITHDRAW from school, DROP HOURS, or just STOP going to class, you will probably have to REPAY some or all of the aid you received.


Minimum Course Load
Nine (9) credit hours per semester constitute a minimum full load for a graduate student. During the Summer Semester, six (6) hours is considered full-time for a graduate student. The maximum permissible load is 16 hours of credit during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters for students not on a graduate assistantship. These are inclusive totals of credits earned at all institutions. An overload of graduate credit is not permitted. Students who are serving as graduate assistants are limited to course loads appropriate to the extent of their service. A full-time assistant may not exceed 12 hours of credit per semester. In extenuating circumstances, a full-time assistant may take up to 14 hours per semester if approval is granted by the major advisor, the departmental chairperson, and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Permissible Loads of International Students
Each semester, except summer, an international graduate student must earn a minimum of nine (9) credit hours if a Master鈥檚 student and six (6) credit hours if a Ph.D. student. In the event that an international graduate student attending 麻豆果冻传媒 on an F-1 Visa has not attended another F-1 certified school continuously for one academic year (30 weeks) the student will be required to enroll in the summer term as a full-time student (3 hours non-online coursework). However, if the student鈥檚 department chair determines that appropriate courses are not available during the summer term, the student is not required to enroll as described above. Documentation stating the lack of appropriate course availability should be maintained in the student鈥檚 immigration file.

Permissible Loads of Graduate Assistants
In order to insure sufficient time for necessary reading and study, certain restrictions are placed on permissible credit loads that graduate assistants may carry each semester. Students who are appointed to full graduate assistantships are limited to a maximum of 12 credits each semester. Students holding half assistantships may carry 14 credits.

In the case of full assistantships, it shall be the prerogative of the department to further restrict the credit load of a graduate assistant when the nature of the student鈥檚 work or when class requirements are unusually demanding.

Since graduate assistants are expected to make normal progress toward a degree, a minimum credit load of six (6) graduate hours per semester is required. Any exception to this regulation must be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies. Loads may vary from a minimum of six (6) hours per semester to a maximum of 12 hours depending upon individual programs and residency. A full graduate assistant who is classified as out-of-state may gain in-state residency if a semester credit load of at least six (6) semester hours is maintained. A student holding a full assistantship and registered for at least six (6) graduate hours is considered to be full-time (three [3] graduate hours for Summer Semester).

A graduate assistant is classified as an in-state resident ONLY while he/she is an assistant. Residency will be reviewed when assistantship ends.

Course Codes

  • Agriculture and Human Ecology

    Agriculture (AGRI)
    AGBE - Agribusiness Management 
    AGCM - Agricultural Communications 
    AGED - Agricultural Education 
    AGES - Environmental Agriscience 
    AGET - Agri. Engineering Technology 
    AGRN - Agronomy and Soils 
    ANSC - Animal Science 
    ANS2 - Animal Sci. - Pre-Vet Science 
    HORT - Horticulture 
    NLMT - Nursery & Landscape Management TMGT - Turfgrass Management

    Human Ecology (HEC)
    CDFR - Child Development & Family Relations/Non-Licensure 
    HEME - Merchandising and Design 
    HEFO - Food, Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Service Administration 
    HEED - Family and Consumer Science Education HEHO - Architecture and Interior Design

  • Arts and Sciences

    Biology (BIOL) and Wildlife Fisheries Science
    BIEB - Environmental Biology 
    BIBI - Cellular & Molecular Biology 
    BIHS - Health Sciences 
    WFSC - Conservation Biology 
    WFSW - Wildlife Science 
    WFSF - Fisheries Science

    Chemistry (CHEM)
    CHEM - Chemistry 
    PDEN - Pre-Dentistry 
    PDHY - Pre-Dental Hygiene 
    PHIM - Pre-Health Information Management PMED - Pre-Medicine 
    PMT - Science Medical Technology 
    PPTH - Pre-Physical Therapy POTH - Pre-Occupational Therapy 
    POPT - Pre-Optometry 
    PPHA - Pre-Pharmacy 

    CHMA - ACS Approved 
    CHMB - Biochemistry 
    CHMN - Applied Chemistry

    Communications (COMM)
    JOUR - Journalism      
    SPCM - Speech

    NE - News Editorial 
    PR - Public Relations 

    Computer Science (CSC)
    CSSC - Software & Scientific Applications 
    CSIN - Information Systems Emphasis

    Earth Sciences
    GEOL - Geology 
    GEOS - Geosciences

    EGEO - Environmental Geology 
    GEO - Geology 
    GIS - Geographical Information Systems

    English (ENGL)
    PC - Professional Communications 
    LIT - Literature 
    STW - Scientific and Technical Writing 
    WRIT - Writing/Language/Genre

    Foreign Languages (FL)
    FLFR - French 
    FLGE - German 
    FLSP - Spanish

    History (HIST)
    HIBA - History (BA) 
    HIBS - History (BS)

    Mathematics (MATH)
    Physics (PHYS)
    PHAP - Applied Physics

    Counseling & Psychology (PSY)

    Sociology & Political Science
    SOC - Sociology 
    POLS - Political Science

    SOCJ - Criminal Justice 
    SOSW - Social Work 
    SPEM - Modified 
    SPEC - Comprehensive

  • Business Administration

    Accounting and Business Law (ACCT)
    Basic Business (BBUS)
    Decision Sciences and Management (BMGT)
    Economics, Finance and Marketing (ECON, FIN, MKT)
    BUMA - General Management 
    BUHR - Human Resources Management 
    BUPR - Production & Operation Management ORLE - Organizational Leadership

  • Education

    Curriculum and Instruction 

    CFS - Child & Family Studies 
    MDS - Multidisciplinary Studies 
    SEED - Secondary Education 
    SPE - Special Education

    ECSE - Early Childhood/Spec. Educ. Pre-School ESL - Teaching English as a Second Language 
    MDHL - Human Learning (Gr. K-8) 
    MDSG - Multidisciplinary Studies: General, Non-licensure 
    MDSM - MDSM Licensure for Gr. 5-8 
    MDSS - Several Subjects (Gr. 1-8) 
    MHLB - Human Learning - Non-licensure (1-8) 
    MSGC - MDSG Ext. Educ. - Cleveland 
    MSSA - Several Subjects - Licensure (1 - 8) MSSB - Several Subjects - Non-licensure (1 - 8) SCBI - Science/Biology 
    SCCH - Science/Chemistry 
    SCEA - Sciecen/Earth & Space Science 
    SCPH - Science/Physics 
    SEEN - English 
    SEFR - French 
    SEGN - German 
    SEMA - Mathematics 
    SESP - Spanish 
    SEST - Speech Comm. & Theatre SSEC - Social Science/Economics SSGE - Social Science/Geography SSHI - Social Science/History 
    SSPS - Social Science/Political Science

    Health & Physical Education (HPED) 

  • Music and Art

    ART - Fine Arts

    MUS - Music

    ARED - Art Education 
    BFAC - Clay 
    BFAF - Fibers 
    BFAG - Glass 
    BFAM - Metals 
    BFAW - Wood 
    PNTG - Painting 
    MUIN - Music Ed - Instrumental 
    MUPE - Performance 
    MUST - Music Therapy 
    MUVO - Music Ed - Vocal/General

  • Engineering

    Basic Engineering (BE)

    Chemical Engineering (CHE)

    Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)

    Computer Engineering (CMPE)

    Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)

    Industrial Manufacturing Engineering (IE)

    Manufacturing & Industrial Technology (MET)

    Mechanical Engineering (ME)

  • Nursing

    Nursing (NURS)
    Nursing Lower Division (NULO)
    NURN - Registered 
    NUUN - Unclassified 
    NUUP - Upper Division

  • Independent Educational Programs

    Cooperative Education (COOP)

    Military Science (MS)
