Excellence in Creative Inquiry Award
Award for Excellence in Creative Inquiry Instruction
Spring 2021 & Fall 2021
- Dr. Betsy DeSimone, Department of Communication (College of Interdisciplinary Studies): JOUR 3740, Advertising Copy and Layout, Fall 2021.
- Dr. Mari Ramler, Department of English (College of Arts and Sciences), PC 2500, Communication in the Professions, Fall 2021.
Spring 2020 & Fall 2020
- Dr. Mari Ramler, Department of English (College of Arts and Sciences): PC 4990, Business/Grant Proposal Writing
- Dr. Julie Stepp, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): LSCI/READ 4570, Young Adult Literature
Spring 2019 & Fall 2019
- Dr. Helen Hunt, Department of English (College of Arts and Science): ENGL 4340, Topics in American Literature
- Dr. Lauren Michel, Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Science): GEOL 2500, Geologic Fundamentals
- Dr. Ted Pelton, Department of English (College of Arts and Science): ENGL 4610, The Novel
Spring 2018 & Fall 2018
- Dr. Queen Ogbomo, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): ELED 3140, Teaching of Social Studies
- Dr. Amber Spears, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): READ 3311, Literacy I
Spring 2017 & Fall 2017
- Dr. Amanda Carroll, Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Science): CHEM 2910, Introduction to Research Methods
- Dr. Helen Hunt, Department of English (College of Arts and Sciences): ENGL 4340, Topics in American Literature: Queer, Crossed, Quixotic: Early American Adventure Narratives & Gender Theory
- Dr. Jennifer Meadows, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): ELED 3152, Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
Award for Excellence in Creative Inquiry Mentoring
Summer 2022
- Dr. Steve Anton. Department of Mechanical Engineering (College of Engineering). Student: Miguel Fuentes Garcia. Project Title: Analyzing Mechanical Properties of the Achilles Tendon Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Mr. Richard Pirkle. Department of Biology (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Natalie Perkins. Project Title: Utilizing Leukocyte Profiles to Compare Stress Levels in Brooding Canada Geese (Branta canadensis)
Summer 2021
- Dr. Wilson Gichuhi. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Rebecca Firth. Project Title: Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Mono and Dicyanobenzene Anions
- Dr. Lauren Michel. Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Jaclyn Kreeger. Project Title: Paleoclimate Data on Rusinga Island
Summer 2020
- Dr. Duckbong Kim. Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (College of Engineering). Student: Yixing Wang, Project Title: Investigation of Defects Formation Mechanisms in Wire+Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
- Ms. Rena Wood. School of Art, Craft and Design (College of Fine Arts). Student: Katherine Shinn. Project Title: Appalachian Center for Craft Dye Garden
Summer 2019
- Dr. Tania Datta. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (College of Engineering). Student: Maci Arms. Project Title: Data collection towards understanding stormwater management and flooding issues in the town of Gainesboro, Jackson County, TN
- Dr. Nikki Panter. Department of Biology O (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Emily Eastham. Project Title: Canines for comprehension: training shelter dogs to improve children's literacy
Summer 2018
- Dr. O. Andreea Cojocaru. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Lillian Pipkin. Project Title: Dual functioning liquid salt of phenothiazine drugs
- Dr. Sean Alley. Department of Economics (College of Business). Student: Michael Stooksbury. Project Title: The Effects of Transfer Payments on Labor Productivity and Labor-Leisure Choices: A Behavioral Economics Approach
Summer 2017
- Dr. Holly Stretz. Department of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering). Student: Parker Lusk. Project Title: Detection of Lead Contaminants in Water using Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
- Dr. Jeanette Wolak. Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Amber Patterson. Project Title: Analysis of Terraced Fans on Mars using High-Resolution Digital Terrain Models
Excellence in Creative Inquiry Student Award
Summer 2022
- Luke Chapman. Mentor: Dr. Adam Holley
- Miguel Fuentes Garcia. Mentor: Dr. Steven Anton
- Nathan Owens. Mentor: Dr. Aubree Hill
- Natalie Perkins. Mentor: Dr. Richard Pirkler
- Gabriel Tardy. Mentor: Dr. Jane Liu
- Kie Workman. Mentor: Wilson Gichuhi
Summer 2021
- Austin Day. Mentor: Dr. Jane Liu. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Modeling Energy Dissipation in Viscoelastic Metamaterial Components
- Jaclyn Kreeger. Mentor: Dr. Lauren Michel. Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Paleoclimate Data on Rusinga Island
- Hayden Suddeath. Mentors: Dr. Twanelle Majors and Dr. Oana Cojocaru.
- Abby Ramaker. Mentors: Mr. Perry Johnson, Ms. Meredith Lewis, Dr. Shawn Krosnick, Ms. Delayne Miller. School of Art, Craft and Design (College of Fine Arts). Project Title: Campus Mural in Native Plant Garden
- Rebecca Firth. Mentor: Dr. Wilson Gichuhi. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Mono and Dicyanobenzene Anions
Summer 2020
- Eungkyun Kim. Mentor: Dr. Indranil Bhattacharya. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Improving the Quantum Efficiency of Multi-junction Perovskite Solar Cells
- Bethann Oberlander. Mentor: Dr. Tammy Boles. Department of Environmental Sciences (College of Interdisciplinary Studies). Project Title: Investigation of Raman Spectroscopy for Molecules Associated with Human Decomposition
- Katherine Shinn. Mentor: Ms. Rena Wood. School of Art, Craft and Design (College of Fine Arts). Project Title: Appalachian Center for Craft Dye Garden
- Jacob Thorn. Mentor: Dr. Andrea Cojocaru. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Transdermal Delivery of Hepatoprotective Drugs in Liquid State
- Yixing Wang. Mentor: Dr. Duckbong Kim. Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (College of Engineering). Project Title: Investigation of Defects Formation Mechanisms in Wire+Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
Summer 2019
- Courtney LaPointe. Mentor: Dr. Jeff Boles. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Qualifying Cannabis using thin layer Chromatography
- Rachel Paris. Mentor: Dr. Andreea Cojocaru and Dr. Twanelle Majors. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Controlled Release of Juglone Compounds in Acidic Medium from Hydrophilic Mesoporous Silica
- Logan Unser. Mentor: Dr. Ahmad Vasel. Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (College of Engineering). Project Title: Investigating the Effect of Wind Lens Technology on the Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
- Maci Arms. Mentor: Dr. Tania Datta. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Data Collection Towards Understanding Stormwater Management and Flooding Issues in the town of Gainesboro, Jackson County, TN
Summer 2018
- Lillian Pipkin. Mentor: Dr. O. Andreea Cojocaru. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Dual functioning liquid salt of phenothiazine drugs
- Michael Stooksbury. Mentor: Dr. Sean Alley. Department of Economics (College of Business). Project Title: The Effects of Transfer Payments on Labor Productivity and Labor-Leisure Choices: A Behavioral Economics Approach
- Tessa Eskander. Mentor: Dr. Holly Stretz. Department of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Lithium Extraction from Brine using Li/AI Layered Double Hydroxide Chloride in a Microfluidic Fiber Reactor
- Hannah Buckner. Mentor: Dr. Nikki Panter. Department of Biology (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: This is Nuts: Training Shelter Dogs to Detect Peanut Allergens
Summer 2017
- Mary Holden. Mentor: Dr. Brian Leckie. Department of Agriculture (College of Agriculture and Human Ecology). Project Title: Field Evaluation of Southern Appalachian Heirloom Bush Type Green Beans
- Parker Lusk. Mentor: Dr. Holly Stretz. Department of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Detection of Lead Contaminants in Water using Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
- Nathan Martindale. Mentor: Dr. Jerry Gannod. Department of Computer Science (College of Engineering). Project Title: Use of Machine Learning Algorithms to Help Understand Preferences of Residents in Long Term Care Facilities
- David York. Mentor: Dr. Sean Alley. Department of Economics, Finance and Marketing (College of Business). Project Title: Maximizing Government Revenue through Taxation