Volpe Library - TLC Testing - Test-Takers

When You Arrive

  • You must arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled exam time
  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes after your exam time, you must either schedule a new time or deduct the amount of time you were late from your exam time (Example: You scheduled your exam for 2pm and it will last an hour; you showed up at 2:25pm. You can either schedule a new time or take your exam with only 35 minutes to take it)
  • Please watch before you arrive so you know what to expect
  • Check-in at the testing reception desk with your required IDs
  • Put your prohibited items in a locker
  • You will have to turn your pockets inside out and pull up your sleeves before entering the testing room (Meazure Learning test-takers must also pull up their pant legs to their knees)
  • Proctors answer procedure questions only, not questions about exam content
  • Once you enter the testing area, talking is prohibited
  • Examinees exhibiting disorderly or disruptive conduct that interferes with the normal operations of the TLC or infringes on the rights of others may be removed and/or prohibited from testing in the TLC
  • Exams must be completed in one sitting (excluding breaks if allowed)


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