Volpe Library - Statistics - Student Workers


 Student Workers

Total Student Worker Hours and Library Dollars
  regular Library $ spent
(regular only)
scholarship work study HPEO / volunteer total hours
2023-2024 5,035.96 $51,004.54 3,944.56  3,891.67   0 12,872.19 
2022-2023 8,382.43 $83,999.10 4,896.41 3,627.31 10.3 16,916.45
2021-2022 7,180.0 $53,590.55 6,580.5 2,968.2 40.0 16,768.7
2020-2021 5,312.0 $40,155.04 8,484.8 4,345.2 44.4 18,186.4
2019-2020 5,630.6 $46,513.42 7,532.5 896.8 63.2 14,123.1

Department Details

Departmental Student Worker Details 2023-2024
  regular Library $ spent
(regular only)
scholarship work study HPEO / volunteer Total Hours
Archives 128.26 $1,282.60       128.26
Front Desk 1,985.73 $19,841.84 1,453.53 1,292.86 0 4,732.12
Testing 1,086.17 $11,522.10 586.53 857.97 0 2,530.67
Tutoring 1,835.8 $18,358.00 1,904.5 1,740.84 0 5,481.14
TOTALS: 5,035.96 $51,004.54 3,944.56 3,891.67 0 12,872.19 
Departmental Student Worker Details 2022-2023
  regular Library $ spent
(regular only)
scholarship work study HPEO /  volunteer Total Hours
Archives 96.35 $963.50 110.45 0 0 206.8
Front Desk 2,476.36 $24,936.16 1,675 1,017.74 0 5,169.1
Technical Services 0 $0 0 0 10.3 10.3
Testing 1,934.87 $19,348.70 653.36 832.83 0 3,421.06
Tutoring 3,874.85 $38,750.74 2,457.6 1,776.74 0 8,109.19
TOTALS: 8,382.43 $83,999.10 4,896.41 3,627.31 10.3 16,916.45
Departmental Student Worker Details 2021-2022
  regular Library $ spent
(regular only)
scholarship work study HPEO / volunteer Total Hours
Archives 297.6 $2,157.98 185.0 0 0 482.6
Front Desk 2,843.2 $20,613.25 1,485.0 1,069.5 0 5,397.7
Technical Services 0 $0 0 0 40 40
Testing 1,989.1 $14,421.11 1,086.3 233.0 0 3,308.4
Tutoring 2,050.1 $16,398.21 3,824.2 1,665.7 0 7,540.0
TOTALS: 7,180.0 $53,590.55 6,580.5 2,968.2 40 16,768.7
Departmental Student Worker Details 2020-2021
  regular Library $ spent
(regular only)
scholarship work study HPEO / volunteer Total Hours
Archives 350.2 $2,539.98 447 64.3 0 861.5
Front Desk 1,930.9 $13,999.05 1,536.8 1,633.8 0 5,101.5
Testing 1,355.1 $9,823.53 755 843.3 0 2,953.4
Tutoring 1,675.8 $13,792.48 5,746 1,803.8 44.4 9,270
TOTALS: 5,312 $40,155.04 8,484.8 4,345.2 0 18,186.4
Departmental Student Worker Details 2019-2020
  regular Library $ spent
(regular only)
scholarship work study HPEO / volunteer Total Hours
Archives 1032.1 $6,724.70 451.6 253.1 0 1,736.8
Class+  498.1 $4,688.10 0 0 498.1
Front Desk 1,702.9 $12,037.24 987.6 643.7 0 3,334.2
Technical Services 0 0  75.0 0 0 75.0
Testing 371.9 $2,696.09  295.0 0 0 666.9
Tutoring 2,025.7 $20,367.29  5,723.4 0 63.2 7,812.3
TOTALS: 5,630.6 $46,513.42 7,532.5 896.8 63.2 14,123.1


2023-2024: The library decreased the cost of tutoring by focusing on lower-division courses that are not tutored elsewhere on campus. This helped the library save over $30,000 in regular student worker wages compared to 2022-23. This also reduced the overall student worker hours this year.

2022-2023:  The cost for tutoring in regular wages was over double the previous year. This is a continued effect of the decreasing number of students receiving work scholarship. The library also increased all student worker wages to $10 per hour to match federal work study. This increase also had a large impact on the budget.

2021-2022:  Scholarship and work study hours have been decreasing because of university changes to those programs. Therefore, the library is spending more money for regular student employees. 

2020-2021:  This year, there were more student worker hours, but less money was spent out of the library budget due to increased work-study students.  There were fewer tutoring hours because tutoring was online only.  Class+ has been discontinued, which saved the library money.  Student worker hours increased significantly in Archives and Testing.  

2019-2020: Classes moved to strictly online after spring break in Spring 2020 due to the pandemic.  In addition, the remaining work study and scholarship hours were waived by Financial Aid. Tutoring was the only area that continued to have student workers as tutoring moved to online only.

2018-2019 Public Services: Less money was spent on Class+ this year and more was spent on tutoring, especially since no TAF dollars are allocated to tutoring anymore.  The front desk also funneled more scholarship and work study students to tutoring, so cost of regular students increased.

2017-2018 Public Services: Class+ hours decreased as the program focused more on upper division courses while eliminating offerings with historically low attendance. The front desk hours were streamlined to save money by aiming for two student workers at a time instead of three. Tutoring hours were also decreased to save money, especially since TAF was eliminated as tutoring funding as of December 31, 2017.

2016-2017 Public Services: There were more student workers in Public Services because the Class+ and tutoring program continue to grow. The library hours expanded so it opens at 7:30am on certain days and closes at 2am, requiring more front desk student workers. Additionally, the front desk now manages all student technology checkout, which is so busy it requires more students per shift.

2015-2016 Public Services: Total hours of Public Services student workers increased, mostly in tutoring and Class+. Library money spent on student workers also increased because tutors and Class+ Leaders must have specific experience and qualification, which is not always obtainable with scholarship and/or work study students. The library also received TAF dollars to help pay for tutor salaries.

2014-2015 Public Services: Beginning in August, 2014, university tutoring came under the Library's Public Services. Beginning tutors make $8/hour then make $9/hour when they become CRLA certified Level 1, then make $10/hour when they become certified Level 2. Circulation student workers all make $7.25/hour.

2013-2014 Public Services: The total hours and money spent for Public Services decreased significantly this year. The two contributing factors to this decrease are the elimination of the Media Center as a separate service point with student workers and the fact that Government Publications was moved out of Public Services. Therefore, there were only two departments using student workers this year in Public Services: circulation and interlibrary loan.

2012-2013 Public Services: Circulation requires the most budget for student workers due to the library operating hours. Beginning in Spring 2013, the library began reducing the amount of student worker hours and the amount of regular students hired in order to reduce expenditures. This practice will continue for the 2013-2014 year so there should be less money spent on student workers.

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