Volpe Library - Scantron Services

Scantron Services

The Volpe Library can score and provide results for Scantron answer sheets. 

During spring and fall semesters, Scantrons are typically scored Monday through Thursday 7am to 8pm, Friday 7am to 4pm, and Sunday 3pm to 9pm. 

Scantron answer sheets ready for scoring must be submitted:

  • in-person at the library front desk
  • in an envelope
  • to a full-time staff member OR in the Scantron Drop-Off box at the end of the front desk (do not leave them with student workers)
  • with the answer key on top, all sheets face-up, and all sheets turned the same direction
  • with an answer key color that matches the answer sheet color
  • without stray marks in any area outside of the answer sections
  • without staples, clips, extra papers, or folds in the sheets

Library staff will have you fill out a brief contact slip to accompany your packet.  If you would like to fill out the contact slip ahead of time and bring it with your submission, you may download this file for printing. 

Exam Handling: 
Your exams will be handled only by full-time employees of the Volpe Library, and students will not have access to the sheets or the grading hardware/software.

Length of Time to Score:
Tests are scored quickly when staff are available, and results are emailed within 72 hours after drop-off.  Scoring results could be further delayed due to staff availability, closures, and equipment issues.

Scoring Results:
Once scored, results will be delivered via email. Emailed results will be sent only to Tech email accounts and will be sent as soon as the scoring is completed.  Emailed results will come from scoring@tntech.edu.  There will be no scoring marks printed on individual answer sheets.

Emailed reports include the following:

  • Summary Report: shows the number and percentage correct for each student
  • Frequency Distribution Report: shows the number of students in each grade range
  • Statistical Report: includes mean, standard deviation, and other statistical measures
  • Response Report: shows a plot of each answer by each student
  • Condensed Test Report:  provides a breakdown of responses to each question
  • Question-by-Question Analyses
  • Raw data file

The emailed reports are in PDF format with the exception of the raw data file, which is in XLS (Excel) format. 

Picking Up Exams: 
Please pick up exams within two weeks of receiving the scoring reports via email. Exams cannot be returned to an instructor or department via campus mail and must be retrieved in person. Exams not picked up will be destroyed according to Policy 113.

The scanning hardware requires specific Scantron exam sheets. To buy these sheets, fill out the "Scantrons Order Form" in .  This requires FOAPAL information and must be approved by the requesting department.  After the approval process is complete (usually 1-2 days), you will receive notification that the Scantron exam sheets are ready for pickup at the Library front desk.  Please pick them up between 8-4:30, Monday-Friday.

Pricing Per Pack:
A single pack contains 500 sheets; partial packs are not available.

  • Blue sheet pack:  $54.00 (we are selling the existing supply, then these will no longer be available)
  • Purple sheet pack:  $89.00


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