

Patron Assistance

Notary Service

  2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
TOTALS: 127 126 113 72 58


Research Help

Research Help Sessions by Department
  2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Archives   414 259 345 331
Public Services 19 29 50 81 155
TOTALS:   443 309 426 486
Patron Status
  2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
alumni 0 41 38 49 34
community 4 90 89 90 136
employee 5 95 68 95 88
graduate 3 6 31 28 73
undergraduate 7 171 78 88 104
unknown / other 0 40 5 76 51
TOTALS: 19 443 309 426 486



2022-2023: Reference increased significantly in University Archives & Special Collections while it decreases elsewhere. 

2021-2022: The notary service continues to grow. Thesis and dissertation formatting help moved back to Graduate Studies at the end of this year due to librarian staffing changes. Research help continues to occur predominantly in Archives.

2020-2021:  Notary and thesis and dissertation formatting help continue to be popular.  Research help remained fairly steady and is predominantly related to Archives.

2019-2020: The library started helping the Graduate Studies Office with thesis and dissertation formatting in January 2020.  The majority of research help is still through the Archives. The large decrease in research help is most likely due to COVID-19.

2018-2019: The notary service increased with its first full year.  Research help statistics decreased this year both in Public Services and Archives.

2017-2018: A notary service was added in April 2018, which is free to all 麻豆果冻传媒 patrons. Research help statistics remained steady, but increased in Archives (Megan and Jennifer) and decreased in Public Services.

2016-2017: Research help was similar to last year in total number. Megan, the Archivist, does the most research help and accounts for the longer sessions.

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