Volpe Library - Statistics - Online Usage

Online Usage


  2023-2024 2022-2023  2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Total Users 1,976 1,804   1,592 1,379 1,289
Total References Added 8,564 2,296   2,409 3,244 6,892

Archives & Special Collections

  2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021
  Users Sessions Page Views Users Sessions Page Views Users Sessions Page Views Users Sessions Page Views
Digital Collections / Universal Access 2,666 4,639  41,580  2,000 3,500  34,928  1,522 3,010 30,418 696 1,621 22,736
Digital Exhibits / Omeka 926 1,156  4,318  1,016 1,397  6,166  563 738 2,918 1,421 2,120 11,151

Library Website & EagleSearch

Number of Searches in EagleSearch
(basic + advanced)
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
348,636 331,245 144,466  134,943 203,744
Usage Trends in EagleSearch
Action in EagleSearch Usage Count
Usage Count
Usage Count
Usage Count
Usage Count
Advanced search 15,132 16,937  6,513 7,027 6,353
A-Z journal list 11,178 16,452   13,761 12,145 5,653
Basic search 333,504 314,308 137,953  127,916 197,391
Citation 50,424 46,924 16,735  17,388 22,432 
Facet filtering 134,080 96,167  58,765  51,954 54,601
Save to eShelf 13,723 14,861  10,524 10,178 10,621
 Top 10 EagleSearch Search Terms
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
nursing consent searches ttu edtpa databases
flavored tobacco nursing nursing ttu ttu
sugar and health gun control edtpa crc handbook edtpa
technology in education dvd crc handbook juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disorders street journal
social media proquest physical review street journal bad blood secrets and lies
othello social media nursing journal teamwork cinahl
"careers in..." series titanic therapeutic milieu journal of chemical education tutoring
climate change apollo 13 cuisine and empire undefined global warming
dvd climate change when the emperor was divine the role of art jognn / nursing (tie)
nursing journal abortion clown sightings on halloween wall street journal soviet union's scorched earth policy
Library Website Page Visits
(in order from most to fewest visits, most recent year)
  2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Library Home 19,760 46,229 56,102 67,910 117,700
Databases 17,669 30,870 40,458 26,408 24,755
Testing 13,375 13,319 15,446 8,567 6,635
Library Hours 9,761 10,512 8,870 7,585 10,489
麻豆果冻传媒 the Library / Contact 9,421 15,057 12,928 11,988 11,343
Research Tools 3,343 6,812 8,170 13,390 18,738
Library in the Classroom 2,667 6,936 8,849 1,697 2,147
Archives & Special Collections 2,394 5,253 4,915 7,212 5,838
Learning Center (Tutoring) 1,835 5,573 5,146  4,021 3,990
Textbook Affordability 1,097 2,406 4,632 1,208 -
Request an Item You Need 525 1,371 1,282 1,524 2,220
Collections 524 1,355 2,330 4,369 13,493
Statistics & Reports 441 1,255 1,583 1,339 1,540
Notary Service 313 475 471 405 522
Records Management 226 1,055 1,360 920 1,572
Publishing Help 207 303 791 - -
Scantron Services 118  287 298 432 -


2023-2024:  The number of RefWorks users was similar to last year, but their activity drastically increased with almost four times the references added. EagleSearch searches increased some this year, and facet filtering was used much more often. The website traffic decreased, and the home page visits were less than half compared to last year.

2022-2023:  The higher number of searches in EagleSearch is likely due to our new ILL system being embedded in EagleSearch.  Users spending more time in EagleSearch is likely the reason behind the dramatic jump in facet filtering and citation tool use.  The Learning Support division of the library was dissolved mid-year which accounts for the lack of traffic on the site.

2021-2022:  The library's Facebook page was unpublished by Facebook with no explanation or response to inquiry.  In light of the low impact of views and interactions, the decision was made to end the library's social media presence, so both Facebook and Twitter accounts were deactivated.  Pages found on the Library in the Classroom page were combined for one total, which accounts for its sharp jump in views.  

2020-2021:  In July 2020, the home page was restructured to remove the EagleSearch search box in favor of boxes for patrons to choose from - Databases, Journals, or EagleSearch.  This seemed to cut down on the number of searches geared toward library services like tutoring and databases, and is likely the reason for the higher A-Z journal list usage and the lowered Collections link visits.  Many instruction topics increased in views due to so much instruction moving online and not taught in-person by librarians.

2019-2020:  The COVID-19 pandemic response in March led to an extended Spring Break period and all courses moved to online delivery through June, 2020, which may have impacted the page views.

2018-2019:  In March 2019, the campus switched from the ModX CMS to Omni CMS.  Due to the change in base URLs for all pages, analytics were no longer available for our library pages.  We decided not to report page views since March 4, 2019 on the new site due to it being so close to the end of the reporting year.

2017-2018: During the 2017-2018 year, library web pages were converted to a standard Tennessee Tech template in order to prepare for the new content management system coming in 2018. Lapses in data reflect either the move from one library system to the other, the discontinuing of LibGuides, or the addition of new collections or categories for statistical data.

2016-2017: In August 2016, 麻豆果冻传媒 switched EagleSearch from ProQuest Summon to Ex Libris Primo. In March 2017 麻豆果冻传媒 discontinued its subscription to LibGuides. All relevant LibGuide content was moved to the library website in January/February 2017. ContentDM had a huge increase in content and usage this year.


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