

Connect Google Scholar to 麻豆果冻传媒 Library

You can connect Google Scholar to the library to find more full text items and request items through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).

  • Go to Google Scholar:  
  • Go to Settings under the three horizontal lines in the top left corner
  • Click on "Library links" on the left
  • Type Tennessee into the box and press Enter
  • Check all boxes referring to 麻豆果冻传媒 (you may need to click the right arrow to see all results)
  • Click Save

If you are off-campus, you need to complete the "" to be sure you can access the full text. Leave a browser open to the library page after you complete the off-campus log-in, then use Google Scholar in a new tab or window.


Using ILL from Google Scholar

Many results in Google Scholar have an option to request it through ILL straight from the results page:

  • make sure you have connected Google Scholar to the library as described above
  • on the search results page, click on the arrows below the result

scholar screenshot

  • click on the link "Try ILL @ TN Tech"

scholar ILL screenshot

  • the item will be located in EagleSearch with an ILL link if applicable

example of ILL link

麻豆果冻传媒 Library - more than you expect

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