

Institutional Research

Student Profile and Enrollment Trends

The Student Profile and Enrollment Reports are produced every Fall and Spring semester and displays the University's summarized and disaggregated enrollment. This comprehensive report includes:

  • Enrollment and demographic summary data for the current semester
  • Five-year demographic and enrollment trend data at the institution and college level
  • Ten-year enrollment trend data for the institution
  • Ten-year enrollment trend data by level, program, and concentration for each college
  • Profiles for new first-time freshmen and transfer students
  • Profiles to support the Quality Assurance Funding Student Equity report
  • Five-year enrollment trend data for academic minors
  • Four years of comparison data on the student credit hours produced

Fall 2023

Student Profile and Enrollment Trends - Colleges (PDF) - published 10/05/2023

Student Profile and Enrollment Trends - Quality Assurance Funding (QAF): Students of Color (PDF) - published 10/05/2023

Enrollment by Minor (PDF) - Fall 2023 - published 10/6/2023

Student Credit Hours Comparison: Fall 2020 - Fall 2023 - published 01/12/2024

Spring 2024

Current Student Body (PDF) - published 3/7/2024

Student Profile and Enrollment Trends - University (PDF) - published 3/7/2024

Student Profile and Enrollment Trends - Colleges (PDF) - published 3/7/2024

Student Profile and Enrollment Trends - Quality Assurance Funding (QAF): Students of Color (PDF) - published 3/17/2023

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