Employment Verification Information
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Applying for a loan?
If you need proof of employment or income, please have your verifier complete the
process at www.experianverify.com. They will register and submit their request online.
Your verifier will need:
鉂 Your full Social Security Number
鉂 Your first & last name
鉂 Name of your Employer
鉂 A signed authorization form (if requesting income)
No company code or salary pin required. If there are questions, verifiers should contact our customer support center at 404-382-5400, option 2.
Do you have a Government/Social Service Request?
Please submit your request by fax at (404) 829-1336 or by email to verify@experian.com. You can also have your case worker send the request directly to this fax or email.
Please include the following on your form:
鉂 Your first & last name
鉂 The last 4 of your SSN
鉂 A return fax number or mailing address to the agency
Do you need a copy of your own report?
Please visit to register and login to the Employee Portal.
Enter the following information:
- Access Code 20BDEC28
- Full Social Security Number
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Work (preferred) or Personal Email Address
Learn more on or contact via (404) 382-5400 or email verify.support@experian.com.