College of Graduate Studies - Graduation and Commencement Information

Graduation & Commencement


02/01/2025 at 12:00 AM08:42 AM

Fall 2025 Graduation Application Now Open!

Apply for Fall 2025 Graduation by June 1, 2025. The deadline to apply for Summer 2025 graduation has passed, but you may complete a late application. Apply to graduate in Eagle Online.


Ready to graduate? Here’s what you need to do!

First of all, congratulations! If you're ready to graduate and have your degree or certificate officially awarded, you'll need to submit a graduation application. This application lets our office review your Degree Works program to make sure you have or are on track for meeting all the requirements for degree/certificate conferral.

Key Deadlines

Summer Graduation: Apply by February 1st
Fall Graduation: Apply by June 1st
Spring Graduation: Apply by September 1st

Important Terms: Graduation vs. Commencement

  • Graduation: This refers to the completion of your program requirements.  Degrees are conferred upon review of the completed requirements at the conclusion of the final term.
  • Commencement: The university ceremony to recognize your achievement.
  • Diploma: This refers to the document that is issued upon completion of a degree program (i.e. Master of Business Administration).
  • Certificate: The document that is issued for completion of a certificate program (i.e. Healthcare Informatics Certificate).   

Be ready for the day!


How to Apply to Graduate

  1. Login to Eagle Online
  2. Select "student"
  3. Select "student records"
  4. Select "apply to graduate"
  5. Select "term" — PLEASE NOTE: you are to select the CURRENT term, not the term you plan to graduate.  
  6. Click "Current program" — Select the radio button here. If your degree program, concentration, or certificate is incorrect, contact your advisor.
  7. Select "Graduation date" — PLEASE NOTE: ONLY terms that are "open" are visible.  So if your application is late, you may have missed the deadline OR that term isn't open for graduation yet.  
  8. Select "name" — If your name is not correct, contact the Records department for assistance on changing your name.
  9. Select "address" â€” Select the address you want your diploma mailed to (diplomas are mailed out 3-4 weeks after graduation).
  10. Review - Submit — Take a screenshot of your submission!
  11. All Done!

Important Note: If you're enrolled in multiple programs (like a degree and a certificate), you'll need to apply separately for each one. If you don't see the right program listed, contact Graduate Studies at


What if plans change?

If you apply to graduate but don’t meet the requirements or decide to graduate in a different term, you’ll need to submit a "" (for Graduate Studies students only). Make sure to submit it by the deadline for your new intended graduation term.


Graduation Checklist

Make sure you're on track! Use our Graduation Checklist to keep up with what you need to do before graduation.  There are many important topics listed so be sure to review this list thoroughly.

Graduation Checklist 


Enrollment Requirements and Deadlines

Fall 2024 graduates waiting for commencement to begin.To graduate, you must be enrolled in a course approved by your graduate advisor during the term your degree is awarded. 

All required forms, including thesis/dissertation submissions, must be received by Graduate Studies by the deadlines posted in the Graduate Student Calendar.


Commencement Details for Graduate Students

Certificate Earners
If you are earning a certificate only (not graduating with a degree), you do not participate in the University commencement ceremony. However, you can attend any end-of-term activities hosted by your College.

Summer Graduates
There isn’t a commencement ceremony in the summer.  Summer graduates are automatically eligible to walk in the following fall's commencement ceremonies.

Want to Walk in a Different Ceremony?
If you want to walk in a ceremony other than the one for your graduation term, you can submit an (for Graduate Studies students only). Note: Doctoral students are required to complete all degree requirements before participating in commencement.

Tickets & Guests
There are no tickets or limits on number of guests for attendance at commencement.

Clear Debts
All outstanding debts (including parking tickets) must be cleared with the Business Office in order for diplomas, certificates, and transcripts to be issued.  These will be held if debts are not cleared at the end of the final semester.  You would need to contact the Registrar’s office,, if you clear a debt after the end of the graduation semester in order to request your diploma or certificate to be released.

Caps, Gowns and Hoods
Caps, gowns, and hoods may be picked up during Senior Salute or at the University Bookstore at no cost. You may also order regalia from after Senior Salute. The deadline for online ordering is November 15 for Fall 2024 graduation. A shipping charge will be incurred. Please contact the bookstore for any questions regarding regalia or placing orders ( or 931-372-3435). 

Note: Doctoral graduates receive their hoods at commencement during the hooding ceremony. Traditional mortarboard caps are provided in the regalia packet. Doctoral graduates may choose to order a tam at their expense if preferred.

Commencement Rehearsal
There is no rehearsal for the ceremony.  

Commencement Day
Refer to the following PDFs for commencement and regalia information specific to graduate students:
» Commencement details for master's and specialist students
» Commencement details for doctoral students
Additional information, including the commencement schedule, will be emailed to graduation candidates.

Academic honors
Academic honors (e.g. summa cum laude) are not recognized for graduate-level students at commencement or on the diploma. The graduate hood represents academic achievement at this level.

Additional Information

The Office of Communications and Marketing organizes our commencement ceremonies and posts additional information about commencement:
» Commencement Overview – Commencement schedule and livestream, digital program, arrival information, directions, parking, disability guest assistance
» Details for Day of Ceremony – Program of events, dress code, accommodations, photographs



Your Degree Progression/Graduation (ProGrad) Team

Karen Warren

Karen Warren
Graduate Studies Coordinator
Derryberry Hall (DBRY) 306; Ph: 931-372-6744 

Karen is the ProGrad Coordinator for graduate majors from Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business, Engineering, & Nursing and Commencement Liaison


Lucinda Morabito

Lucinda Morabito
Graduate Studies Coordinator
Derryberry Hall (DBRY) 306; Ph: 931-372-3809

Lucinda is the ProGrad Coordinator for majors from College of Agriculture & Human Ecology, Education, & Interdisciplinary Studies and Thesis/Dissertation Review 


Stephanie Flores

Stephanie Flores
Academic Support Assistant 5
Derryberry Hall (DBRY) 306; Ph: 931-372-6743

Stephanie is the ProGrad Assistant over FastTrack, Graduate Assistantships, Various Forms Processing, and Notices