

Student Job Portal

Through Tech Express, a student can access the , where they will apply for open positions of interest, accept an offer and manage time sheets for their FWS position.  

If you are selected to receive Work-Study, you will need to officially accept your award offer in , before applying for employment opportunities in the Student Job Portal to begin receiving the funding.

After accepting your Work Study offer in , you can apply to any of the many job opportunities available on the . Students will go through a traditional application process to secure employment in order to earn the wages from their Federal Work-Study funds.

Get to Know Student Job Portal Image

Student Job Portal Help

Use the purple links below to access step-by-step instructions for each of the below Student Job Portal (SJP) functions: 

  • Login to (reminder: you must have a FWS award to obtain access to SJP)
  • My Dashboard
    • Employee Eligibility
      • Shows I-9 & status and how to complete those required documents
      • Provides your FWS status
      • Lists your current Class Schedule
    • Applications: Status, View, Print, & Withdraw
  • Find a Job
    • Advanced Job Search
    • Apply for a Job
    • Next Steps
  • Approved for Hire
    • Work Schedule
  • Entering Time Worked
    • How to Get Paid
    • Submitting Time Sheet for Approval
    • Mobile Device Time Sheet Instructions

Logging in to Student Job Portal

The Student Job Portal (SJP) is accessed through your Tech Express Quicklinks Dashboard. To enter SJP, click on the purple icon showing a briefcase and clock, labeled .

Image of Tech Express Quicklinks

For first time users: Once you select JobPortal and it loads, click on the Federal Work Study Students option (as seen below) to view the required forms and additional information needed to start your new position.

Image of Student Job Portal Home Page

The Federal Work-Study Students page (below) contains a wealth of information, including:

  • Access to your required forms, such as the I-9, W-4, and Direct Deposit forms
  • Links to the Federal Work Study Handbook and Career Readiness Certification Program
  • Your Dashboard, which provides access to your time sheet, and the Find a Job link to search for a new FWS position.
  • The Manage JobMail, which allows you to customize alerts concerning job availabilities, and the Enter Your Timesheet link, to begin entering your hours for each month.

Image of the Federal Work Study Students Main Page on Student Job Portal

Note: If you are unable to log in to the Student Job Portal...

  • Have you officially accepted your FWS Award in Eagle Online? If not, you must accept the award to gain access to the SJP.
  • Has it been less than 24 hours since you accepted the award? If so, it will take at least 24 hours for the system to update and provide log in access to the SJP.
  • Are you attempting to log in to the SJP during the month of June? If so, the SJP is closed after the conclusion of the spring semester until July. During this time, the SJP will give you an error message when you try to log in.

An image that says Take Note

If you have any other questions related to the Student Job Portal, email our offices at financialaid@tntech.edu!

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