

Maker Member Registration

Maker Member Privileges

  • Extended access to the iMakerSpace via Eagle Card (during Volpe Library operating hours)
    • This includes after closing (weekdays after 4pm) and weekends
    • Training on equipment is not offered after closing or on weekends
  • Annual locker check-out for project/material storage

Maker Member registration must be renewed annually

How to Register

1. Complete the required safety training courses, then print your completion certificates: 

  • Electrical Safety
  • Emergency and Fire Preparedness
  • Hand and Power Tools
  • Personal Protective Equipment Fundamentals
  • University Laboratory Safety - Working Safely

2. Print and sign the following documents:

3. Deliver all the above documents to LIBR 349

4. Submit Badge Photo

  • Photo must be cropped to a square 
  • Photo must be from shoulder-line up
  • Photo must have a neutral colored background

 Submit Your Badge Photo

What to Expect After Registration

  • You will not receive an email confirming your registration
  • Card access will be granted within three days after registration submission
  • Badges are printed in batches periodically throughout the semester


Having Issues?

Feel free to email us here


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