Clinical Supervisor Resources
- General Information
Tk20 recommends using the web browser Google Chrome if possible. Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge may not save information correctly.
Avoid using your browser's "Back" button while working in Tk20. Use Tk20's buttons (Save, Cancel, etc.), tabs, and side menu items.
Do not open Tk20 in more than one browser/browser tab at a time. The system may not save information correctly.
Please save your work often! Tk20 states their "session timed out" time frame is 6 hours, but some have been logged out earlier. Any unsaved information will not be saved if you are timed out.
Check the Tk20 Mentor Teacher Resources page for mentor guides and tips.
- Accounts & Logins
NOTE: If you have ever been listed as a course's instructor of record, Banner may have loaded you as a faculty member. Use your Tech email username (without the "") and password to log in. Faculty passwords must be changed through the . Once changed, it may take a couple of days for the connection to update Tk20 and allow you to log in. The following login information will not apply to your login information.
Tk20 accounts are created for all clinical supervisors. You do not need to create or purchase an account.
Use your full "" email address as the username and your T-number as the initial password. If you do not know your T-number, please contact the Learning Resources Center (LRC) or email
Clinical supervisors will be prompted to change their password the first time logging into Tk20.
. You can also contact the Learning Resources Center (LRC) or email for assistance.
After logging in, click on the Field Experience section. Here you will see the list of students you supervise. Click on a student鈥檚 name to view their submissions and score any assessments.
For technical issues and general questions, contact the Learning Resources Center (LRC) at 931-372-3856 or email The LRC鈥檚 hours are listed on their website and emails are answered within 48 hours.
Learning Resources Center (LRC)
Tk20 Help Desk
Bartoo Hall, Rm. 213
P: 931-372-3856